Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

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Every NOCD therapist is licensed, trained in ERP, and has experience in treating all themes of OCD. Explore the professional profiles of some of our therapists below.

All OCD Specialists

Taylor Newendorp

Taylor Newendorp

Network Clinical Training Director

I started as a therapist over 14 years ago, working in different mental health environments. Many people with OCD that weren't being treated for it crossed my path and weren't getting better. I decided that I wanted to help people with OCD, so I became an OCD therapist, and eventually, a clinical supervisor. I treated people using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and saw people get better day in and day out. I continue to use ERP because nothing is more effective in treating OCD.

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Darilyn McElfresh

Darilyn McElfresh

Licensed Therapist, MS

I describe my approach to OCD therapy as "Nanny McPhee." I'll be here when you don't want me, but you need me. I'll leave when you no longer need me, but you want me. I want to teach my members how to be independent of therapists: Healed to live their lives and thrive. Getting there is challenging and can be bumpy. Treatment is not linear. But you won't be alone. I'll be here to support you through the process. My other areas of focus include sexual health, LGBTQ+ issues, trauma, and attachment styles.

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Sandra Stubbs

Sandra Stubbs

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I take an integrative approach to treating OCD. I like to get to know people through conversation. I'm a doctor of psychology, so members will learn quite a bit of information regarding their mental well-being during our interactions. As a therapist, I understand the importance of self-care. When I'm not working, I like to take long walks, play the piano, sing, and converse with others.

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Elise Curry

Elise Curry

Licensed Therapist, Psychologist

I'm a straightforward and compassionate therapist. My approach is collaborative. I'll go at a pace that's comfortable but challenging for you. I enjoy doing ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) because I see the reduction of suffering within a relatively short time. People with OCD are often talented and engaging individuals who are a joy to work with. I like seeing my members get their lives back — OCD is no longer in the driver's seat, and they have more freedom. My other focus areas include eating disorders and coming-out issues.

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Saraa Doris Lee

Saraa Doris Lee

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I’ve been seeing clients for over 10 years, and I know how debilitating OCD can be for a person. I’m here to tell you that OCD is treatable, and you don’t have to suffer from it. I specialize in OCD and use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy because of its effectiveness in treating OCD. My favorite part of working with people that have OCD is seeing results from session to session. I can be your guide using ERP so that you can experience positive changes in your life.

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Gary Vandalfsen

Gary Vandalfsen

Licensed Therapist, Psychologist

​​I've been practicing as a licensed therapist for over 25 years, and my main area of focus is OCD. I use ERP therapy to treat any OCD theme, including those that are aggressive or taboo. I realize I'm asking you to do something scary and hard. I will give you the experience of having somebody alongside you every step of the way. I hope you find me to be a combination of compassionate, direct, and challenging—with encouragement all along the way. You can stand up to this.

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Laura Lamir

Laura Lamir

Licensed Therapist, MS

Having spent over a decade treating people with various disorders, I find that my experience working with families helps me a great deal when treating OCD. Family relationships can play a crucial role in exacerbating OCD, but that’s just one aspect I look at during treatment. I also have experience working with at-risk youths and at a local community health center. There’s nothing I haven’t seen before, and by using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, I’ve helped a lot of people put their OCD troubles behind them.

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Liza Fernandez

Liza Fernandez

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I’ve been practicing as a licensed therapist since 1996, and specialize in treating OCD. I've received specialized training in Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to treat whatever subtype or subtypes you're experiencing. I'll use almost 25 years of experience to guide you so that you can learn how to manage OCD on your own.

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Stephen Mohr

Stephen Mohr

Licensed Therapist, LPCC-S

During my time as a clinical counselor, I often treated people that described OCD symptoms. Now, I specialize in treating OCD. I’m driven to help people in significant pain, so to treat those with OCD, I’ve become more proficient and confident in the treatment that I provide. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy allows me to do that because it gets the results I’m looking for. Those results lead someone with OCD, someone like yourself, to find a more fulfilling life.

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Mary Davis-Harfst

Mary Davis-Harfst

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

My passion is helping those with OCD maximize their quality of life. OCD is debilitating, but I know that receiving the appropriate treatment can bring back your life. I’ve been a licensed therapist for over 30 years. I graduated from the University of Maryland, and have specialized training in Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy.

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Thelma Rivera

Thelma Rivera

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I’ve been practicing as a licensed therapist since 2005. My main area of focus is OCD with specialized training in Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. I use ERP to treat people with all types of OCD themes, including aggressive, taboo, and a range of other unique types.

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Kelly Sansone

Kelly Sansone

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I’ve been practicing as a licensed therapist since 2008. My main area of focus is OCD with specialized training in Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. I use ERP to treat people with all types of OCD themes, including aggressive, taboo, and a range of other unique types.

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Madina Alam

Madina Alam

Director of Therapist Engagement

When I started treating OCD, I quickly realized how much this type of work means to me because I had to learn how to be okay with discomfort and uncertainty myself. I’ve been practicing as a licensed therapist since 2016. My graduate work is in mental health counseling, and I use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy because it’s the gold standard of OCD treatment.

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Rani Dronamraju

Rani Dronamraju

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I love treating OCD because I know I will see progress throughout our sessions. My style as a therapist is about understanding where you're coming from, being empathetic to your needs, seeing which therapy tools fit into your life, and figuring out how you can adapt them to go in the direction you want. I've worked in the field of mental health for 30 years, treating depression, intellectual disabilities like autism, relationship issues, and problems with communication or self-esteem.

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Judy Lair

Judy Lair

Licensed Therapist, LPCC

When you have OCD, you go through life on the defensive. You can't live a life that's fulfilling. We have to change direction and go on the offense. I'll start by finding out what your strengths are and how you approach life. We'll take that and empower you. My own anxiety is always relevant when I'm in the trenches with my members. I have extensive experience treating anxiety and depression, and I'm also a faith-based counselor. I see every person as individual and special in their own right.

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Ursula Wright

Ursula Wright

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I've had OCD since age 20. ERP therapy changed the way I process and deal with intrusive thoughts and fears. I'm proof you can live a productive life with minimal anxiety. Just schedule your first session. Just one. Your healing is our goal. This is your own story to create at your own pace. I'm here to guide and support you daily, provide encouragement, and watch you thrive. I also have experience helping people with depression and anxiety disorders, ADHD, grief, and relationship issues.

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Teri  Bullis

Teri Bullis

Licensed Therapist, BCBA

I’ve seen people with OCD improve within a fairly short amount of time using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, but it does take work. With my help, you’ll see that the hard work pays off and will completely change your life. I've been a licensed psychologist since 1999. I have a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, am a board-certified behavior analyst, and have training in ERP therapy.

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Paulina Stephens

Paulina Stephens

Licensed Therapist, LCPC

I'm a warm, understanding, and easygoing therapist. I truly enjoy getting to know the people I work with and devising treatment plans based on their individual needs. I love helping people achieve the skills to manage OCD and live fulfilling lives based on their values, not their fears. My goal as a therapist is to help you learn to separate yourself from your thoughts; together we can work on acknowledging all the things you are. I am additionally trained in body-focused repetitive behaviors, hoarding, tic disorders, and depression.

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Sandra Magliacani-Shern

Sandra Magliacani-Shern

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

I grew up in a household with OCD. I know how much distress OCD and anxiety can bring, and I'm passionate about helping people with OCD gain access to care in an understanding environment. You don't have to walk in feeling strong or brave; you just have to be open and willing to try. All feelings are allowed to exist, and you can learn to be present with your feelings. In addition to OCD, I treat general anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, body dysmorphia, phobias (with a special interest in emetophobia), and health anxiety.

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Bethany Burton

Bethany Burton

Licensed Therapist, MA

I've had my fair share of intrusive thoughts. I recall having thoughts of harm about my newborn and how upsetting it can be to experience them. But I also know how to deal with them now. I'm here to teach you how to treat intrusive thoughts like everyday thoughts, to learn how to just let them pass by. We’ll build a strong relationship founded on trust and safety so you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with me. I can also be a little silly and use humor to release tensions during sessions.

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Benjamin Harris

Benjamin Harris

Licensed Therapist, MA

I would describe myself as a kind-hearted drill sergeant. I bring compassion, understanding, and support to the therapy room, but I am also firm and direct. You can expect loads of sarcasm and humor. If we can laugh at OCD, it loses much of its power. After years of training and experience, I realized I had experienced obsessive compulsive tendencies since I was a child. These experiences help me understand where members are coming from, and work with them to develop a creative treatment plan that gets the results they want.

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Lynn Young

Lynn Young

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I’ve been treating people for over a decade now, and now specialize in treating OCD. Working with families at a local church and students on a college campus, I’ve experienced very different OCD cases and have treated many different OCD subtypes. I use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy and enjoy how ERP allows me to apply structured, personalized treatment. ERP offers people a way to face their fears, and with me as a guide, I’ve seen great results. I hope to bring those same results to you.

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Theresa Barton

Theresa Barton

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

Having OCD makes a person think that their intrusive thoughts are important and mean something about their character. These thoughts feel real and even scare people into thinking they can act on them. But intrusive thoughts are not a reflection of who you are, and because of that, there’s no genuine intention of wanting to make your thoughts real. But it’s not that easy to allow intrusive thoughts to simply pass by. I’ll show you how to face them and not rely on compulsions to relieve the anxiety that they cause. I happen to be a board-certified coach. Motivating people is second nature to me. The key to our sessions is that I will look to tap into what’s already inside you, that willingness to work and overcome challenges. I will walk beside you as you embark on your journey to feeling better in all aspects of your life.

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Bonnie Grossman

Bonnie Grossman

Licensed Therapist, LPC

You need to know that the intrusive thoughts you're experiencing are not who you are and don't dictate your values and beliefs. I understand that you may be nervous about sharing your OCD thoughts or feel ashamed to even have them. I'll create an environment that makes you feel safe to open up. You need an ERP therapist that will listen to you without judgment. I want to be that therapist for you. It's essential that we have open communication during our time, and that includes me being clear to you on what's going on during sessions. Members describe me as warm, compassionate, and understanding. I'm here to support you, so together, we can break you away from the hold that OCD has on you so that you can get your life back on track.

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Noelle Rodgers

Noelle Rodgers

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I’ve struggled with OCD myself and learned how to manage it, so I understand what it’s like. I know how OCD makes life difficult, and more importantly, how to successfully treat it. That’s what motivates me to help others with OCD. I’ve been practicing as a licensed therapist since 2014, and gained specialized training in Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to ensure I help people with OCD in the best possible way.

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Erin Crowley

Erin Crowley

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I want you to have a life with the ability to make the choices you want, but that can be hard to do when you have OCD. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy allows you to do that.I’ve been practicing as a licensed therapist since 2014, and I know that learning how to manage OCD takes time, but not as much as you might think. After only a few sessions and a commitment to doing ERP, you may notice feeling significantly better.

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Tania Patrizio

Tania Patrizio

Licensed Therapist, LICSW

I’ve treated OCD, as well as other forms of mental health challenges, for almost 20 years. I’ve used Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy elements in general cases for trauma and PTSD, but now I provide specialized care for those dealing with OCD. I have experience treating all ages and know how ERP can benefit anyone dealing with all OCD subtypes. I’ll be honest. I love ERP because of how well it works. Let’s start treatment and get you better.

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Stephaney Cooper

Stephaney Cooper

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

As an OCD therapist, I work to create an atmosphere that's safe and non-judgmental. I'm very compassionate about the challenges you're facing. I can offer you hope—ERP is a proven strategy to reduce OCD symptoms. In therapy, I'm always thinking long-term. When our sessions are over, I want you to be able to recognize and challenge obsessions and compulsions as they come, even if they may change. I'm a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified clinical trauma professional. I've also treated depression and anxiety.

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Shanna Lindstrom

Shanna Lindstrom

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

Do you have obsessive thoughts that don’t align with who you are? Is your anxiety getting in the way of relationships, and putting a limit on your happiness? Do you long to live a more fully present & balanced life? I believe in developing trust with you in a non-judgmental space. I can help you learn to confront your fears and anxiety using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, The keys to making you better are compassion, motivation, and persistence. We’ll work together to help you cross that bridge you haven’t been able to cross on your own, so you can live the life you want to live.

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April Kilduff

April Kilduff

Licensed Therapist, MA

I'm passionate about helping people obtain a proper diagnosis and evidence-based therapy. I've seen it change so many lives. Right now, OCD is offering you short-term relief in exchange for long-term discomfort. In OCD therapy, we want to flip that. If you're going to be uncomfortable, let's make it productive. ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) may produce short-term discomfort, but it can give you the long-term relief you're seeking. My other areas of professional focus include anxiety disorders and the autism spectrum.

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Tracie Howell

Tracie Howell

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

One of my loved ones suffered from OCD and was successfully treated. I know how difficult the condition can be. OCD has been controlling you to trust intrusive thoughts and certain compulsions. In treatment, I'll ask you to trust me and our work with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). Ensuring you feel safe is key to me. I'll meet you where you are and help you see your strength as you take control of OCD. You don't have to live in pain. You are not alone. You too can live the life you desire.

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Shahzad Chaudhry

Shahzad Chaudhry

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I've been treating people with OCD since 2011, using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to help people get their life back from OCD. ERP treats all types of intrusive thoughts, including violent and taboo, so that you can overcome OCD. My background helps me as an OCD therapist because in treatment, you'll have to share your intrusive thoughts, and I've heard & seen it all.

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Kara Lash

Kara Lash

Licensed Therapist, LPCC

During my time in private practice as a licensed therapist, a family member and a friend described their OCD struggles to me. Once I discovered how often OCD was being mistreated, and the more I learned from people facing this challenge, the more I wanted to help those in need. Now that I specialize in OCD, I use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to treat anyone with this challenging disorder.

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Christopher Straface

Christopher Straface

Licensed Therapist, MA

Human nature is to avoid the things that make us uncomfortable. OCD therapy is going to feel uncomfortable — you're no longer avoiding the things you used to avoid. It's like physical therapy: You have to do some work, but it can be life-changing. As a therapist, I'm relaxed, warm, and welcoming. I will educate you on the process and goal of ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention), an effective model that will help you. My other areas of professional focus include anxiety, depression, trauma, trichotillomania and BFRBs (body-focused repetitive behaviors), and adjustment disorder.

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Julie Vierling

Julie Vierling

Licensed Therapist, LISW

I deal with anxiety myself and know the physical symptoms that go along with it. But I also know my anxiety is nothing compared to your OCD. I've been treating people with OCD for over 25 years as a licensed therapist, and I can tell you that out of all the available treatments out there, Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy is your best option. It's the only therapy I use to treat OCD.

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Nicole McCutchan

Nicole McCutchan

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I can understand your distress. I was diagnosed with OCD 15 years ago, and I've seen great results with ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). It teaches you a different way to react to thoughts. As a therapist, I'm a teacher and a guide. I participate in the skills I'm teaching, in and out of session. If you're willing to participate, you will see results. I love seeing people work hard on ERP and achieve major changes in their lives. I also have experience treating depression, anxiety, trauma, and addiction.

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Kelsey Callahan

Kelsey Callahan

Licensed Therapist, Professional Counselor

I began my career working with people suffering from eating disorders, and I learned how many of them also had OCD. Since then, I've wanted to help people with OCD get back to doing the things they want to do with the people they care about. I've been a therapist since 2015, graduating from Marquette University. I use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy because it's proven to work as a treatment for every OCD subtype.

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Mia Nunez

Mia Nunez

Clinical Director- West Region

After giving birth to my two children, I experienced the type of OCD-like symptoms that many women experience, including having intrusive thoughts of harming who I love. I became motivated to go deeper into learning how to treat OCD. During sessions, you’ll be asked to share your OCD experiences in confidence, but I know how hard it is to explain to someone what your OCD is like. I’ll create a non-judgemental space so you can disclose everything that’s affecting you, Members describe me as warm, direct, and honest. I call myself “solution-focused,” but when there’s an opportunity to have a little fun during a session, I’ll take it. I like to stay in touch with current research and only use treatment proven to work. Together, we’ll bring you to a place of better control and a lot more freedom.

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Heather Brasseur

Heather Brasseur

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

I’ve been a licensed therapist for 21 years, treating OCD as well as a wide range of mental illnesses and disorders. Scientifically proven treatment for OCD is now accessible for those in need with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. Using ERP, I will help you reach your goal of overcoming OCD and finding more joy in your life.

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Tracy Mowles

Tracy Mowles

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I'm an empathetic therapist who understands that each individual is unique. OCD is often misunderstood, and I want to help fix that. Although OCD is chronic, your suffering doesn't have to be. You are not alone in seeking therapy. ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) can be effective in a short time, if you're consistent with practicing your skills. It's not my job to judge you; it's to listen. My other areas of focus include BFRBs (body-focused repetitive behaviors), hoarding, depression, generalized anxiety, phobias, and panic.

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Teda Kokoneshi

Teda Kokoneshi

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

As a therapist that specializes in OCD, I can help you reach your goal of putting your OCD troubles behind you. Before joining NOCD, I spent my career treating severe anxiety and trauma cases, working within community health and hospital environments. I know how debilitating OCD can be, so I'm happy to make Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy available to you in my sessions. ERP is proven to work for all subtypes and is considered the gold standard of OCD treatment.

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Lynda Flatt

Lynda Flatt

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I have personal experience with mental health issues. I understand what it's like to go through a hard time and need people to walk alongside you and help you through it. For nearly 10 years in the psychiatric field, I've helped adults, adolescents, and children get their lives back. OCD therapy is a team sport. We'll focus on exactly where you need to go and take small steps together. I won't ask you to do something I wouldn't do. Beyond OCD, I've mostly worked with depression, anxiety and PTSD.

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Andrew Moeller

Andrew Moeller

Licensed Therapy, LMHC

I've been a licensed counselor since 2013, having run my private practice with a steady influx of OCD cases for several years. Out of all the approaches to OCD treatment that I've used, I find Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to be the most effective. ERP goes beyond other methods and tackles the problem head-on. By using ERP in our sessions, you can look forward to better days ahead.

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Cori Brittain

Cori Brittain

Licensed Therapy, LPCC

I've seen people close to me struggle with mental health, and I've dealt with anxiety myself. If I can help people live with OCD — or anything else they're struggling with — that's really rewarding to me. As a therapist, I am non-judgmental and collaborative. We'll start where you are and go from there, depending on your needs. I’ve also worked with people affected by generalized anxiety disorder, traumatic backgrounds, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Brian Rohloff

Brian Rohloff

Licensed Therapist, LCPC

As a therapist that specializes in OCD, I learned the value of structured therapy with concrete goals to reach during treatment. Before joining NOCD, my work in a community mental health clinic put me in front of diverse people and mental health issues. I treated anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia and even became a team leader at the clinic. I enjoy using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to treat people with OCD because ERP allows me to set those goals customized for your life, based on what you need.

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Kellie Kintz

Kellie Kintz

Director of Therapist Culture and Qualified Supervisor for Registered Clinical Social Work Interns (RCSWI)- Florida

I am a LCSW with over 30 years of clinical experience in the South Florida area working with clients diagnosed with OCD, Anxiety and other Mood Disorders, Personality Disorders, Trauma, Crisis, Dual Diagnosis, and Grief & Loss. I have worked in large teaching hospitals, inpatient and residential psychiatric units, IOPs, PHPs, OPs, private practices and hospices. At NOCD, our mission is to restore hope for people with OCD through better awareness and treatment. Our focus as a speciality-provider is on the NOCD 5 Diagnoses: OCD, Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors and Tics, Hoarding, Co-morbid to OCD Anxiety & Related Disorders. I am proficient in Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, considered the gold standard treatment for OCD. ERP requires you to face your fears. As your therapist, I know how to guide you so that you can walk through that fear and reach the reward that awaits you.

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Ruthie Brooks

Ruthie Brooks

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I've seen a loved one struggle with OCD. He found treatment with a therapist who specializes in ERP, and it really changed his life. As an OCD therapist, I take a holistic approach: You are not your OCD. Your OCD is one part of your mental health. I’ll help you incorporate self-compassion and let go of any shame, judgment, and guilt. This is a nonjudgmental space; you can be transparent with me. In addition to OCD, I focus on treating anxiety, trauma, grief, depression, and stress management.

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Daniel Kasper-MacMillan

Daniel Kasper-MacMillan

Licensed Therapist, LCPC

Empathy and rapport come first, always. I may be an expert on OCD and ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention), but you're the expert on your lived experience. My intention is to help you effectively become your own therapist. Like any skill, ERP takes practice, but my goal is to help you achieve a lasting state of recovery. Think of it as going to the gym or practicing an instrument. My experience includes treating body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs), hoarding, depression, bipolar, body dysmorphia, anxiety, phobias, trauma, queer-related issues, and substance use.

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MaryBeth Overstreet

MaryBeth Overstreet

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I will center therapy on what you need, making sure it follows evidence-based practice. I have personally struggled with generalized anxiety disorder. I now do a lot of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) myself; it's part of my lifestyle. You can take anxiety with you and tolerate feeling uncomfortable. Some days, it's not easy. But with this treatment, you can live the life you want — not the life OCD wants. In addition to my specialization in OCD, I also have experience treating major depressive disorder, borderline personality disorder, and bipolar disorder.

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Adriana Delgado

Adriana Delgado

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

I did ERP (Exposure and Response Therapy) personally to treat a phobia, and I was blown away by how successful it was. As a therapist, I'm excited to share ERP with you for OCD. I know others may not understand your OCD fears, but you can be honest with me. This is a judgment-free zone, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. I have experience with intensive in-home therapy for behavioral issues, depression, and anxiety, and I can treat adults and adolescents with OCD.

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Kenneth Hosier

Kenneth Hosier

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

I'm an empathetic therapist. You’ll always have my support to get through to the other side, and we’ll keep working, no matter what. I have more than 20 years of experience as a professional counselor, and I believe my entire career has led me to specialize in OCD. I love working with NOCD members because I get to see real change in everyone I work with. When NOCD members do good exposure exercises, I've seen change quickly. I work with adults and adolescents; my additional specializations include hoarding and tic disorders.

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Helene Titelbaum

Helene Titelbaum

Licensed Therapist, LICSW

OCD therapy may feel daunting, but you are more capable than you realize. You can do hard things. Therapy is a journey we're on together. This is a place to work toward feeling safe. I'm not here to judge; I'm here to understand. I'll help you define your goals and work toward them in every session. When we let ourselves approach things that feel uncertain, the benefits can be greater than we can think. I also specialize in treating anxiety, depression, trauma, and family systems issues.

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Shauna Pichette

Shauna Pichette

Licensed Therapist, LPC

My career as a licensed counselor and therapist has allowed me to help people of all ages. I began helping people as an in-home clinician in Mississippi before moving to Wisconsin. I worked at a residential facility for kids with OCD and now provide specialized OCD treatment with NOCD. During our sessions, we'll be using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. I've seen how ERP can transform a person and help get their life back. I can treat any OCD subtype using ERP, so whatever you're struggling with, I can help.

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Mary Kay Rose

Mary Kay Rose

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I have over 15 years of practice in treating mental health, and now I specialize in OCD. I've worked in a community agency and mental health facilities where I've treated children as young as 3 and adults up to 90 years old. Most of my cases focused on trauma and substance abuse, in addition to OCD, and have taught me how to treat even the most troubling of mental health challenges. During our sessions, I'll use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to treat you. ERP is proven to be effective against all OCD subtypes, so whatever challenge you're facing, I can help.

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Monique Williamson

Monique Williamson

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I've been a licensed therapist for over 8 years. During my career, I have treated many people for alcohol addiction and other challenges such as OCD. In alcohol addiction, people struggle with intrusive thoughts brought on by past events and worries. OCD has its similarities to the addiction world, which has prepared me to become a therapist specializing in OCD. During sessions, I use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy because it’s proven to work for any OCD subtype.

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Jonathon Du Ross

Jonathon Du Ross

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

From working through my own mental health challenges, I know what it's like to feel stuck, and what it's like to learn to overcome fear. As an OCD therapist, I provide a warm and informal environment. I like to use humor to promote flexibility in how we see life's absurd moments. Learning to laugh about them can help you accept that you're going through a difficult time but will move beyond it. I also have experience treating anxiety disorders, depression, trauma, and helping folks who struggle with executive functioning.

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Jennifer Dalimonte

Jennifer Dalimonte

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I’ve been a therapist for over a decade, and now I specialize in treating OCD. I’ve worked in outpatient clinics, treatment centers, and community-based programs. I’ve handled mood disorders, complex trauma, and OCD cases, even working with children and their families to overcome mental health challenges. I appreciate the Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy we’ll use during sessions because the treatment is evidence and research-based. I’ve seen people respond well to ERP, and I hope I’ll be able to help you using ERP.

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Nicholas Farrell

Nicholas Farrell

Clinical Director - East Region

For over 15 years, I’ve been offering evidence-based care to people struggling with OCD. I have received specialized OCD training through various clinical training institutions. My experience extends beyond the treatment of OCD, having helped those with obsessive-compulsive spectrum conditions and other anxiety-related problems find a better place in life. Together, we’ll use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy during sessions to help you get your life back.

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Robyn Pavlick

Robyn Pavlick

Licensed Therapist, LPC

Being a therapist isn't just a career choice for me; it's a calling rooted in compassion, empathy, and a belief every individual can make positive changes. In sessions, I use a person-centered approach which helps me go at each member's pace. I won't push you — I'll listen to you and approach our progress as a collaboration. This is a safe place where you can feel secure. In addition to OCD, I have experience working with people who have struggled with addiction, sexual assault, and severe and persistent mental illness such as schizophrenia.

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Camille Rodriguez

Camille Rodriguez

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I became a therapist because I enjoy helping others, empowering those I work with by providing them with practical tools to help people reach their goals. Once you become confident in using ERP tools during treatment, you'll be able to use them whenever OCD strikes. But ERP treatment requires you to share your intrusive thoughts and face your fears. I'll provide you with a safe space to explore and work with my support and guidance by your side. Self-discovery is a big part of treatment. That means you'll have to step outside of your comfort zone from time to time, but I can help you build that inner confidence needed to succeed. Members find me to be warm and patient and appreciate that I challenged them at the proper time. I want you to know that you are stronger than you may think, and I can't wait to help you get your life back.

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Tracie Zinman-Ibrahim

Tracie Zinman-Ibrahim

Licensed Therapy, LMFT

OCD is very present in my family. Three of my loved ones and I have it. I was the first to seek therapy with ERP, and that changed my life forever. I've stayed well for 20 years using ERP as part of my lifestyle. I want everyone to find the same hope and recovery I did after treatment. I teach principles and skills to prepare my members to begin to face their fears, taking a holistic approach to treatment. There are no quick fixes, but ERP can change the rest of your life for the better.

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Erica Callicoatte Villanueva

Erica Callicoatte Villanueva

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

As a therapist, I'm warm and empathetic. I can join you where you're at. At NOCD, you're in good hands. This is a safe, comfortable space where you can share. Know you're not alone. You will have help in beating the OCD bully. I have seen that ERP is very effective, if you consistently put in the work and practice doing exposures on your own. In addition to OCD, I have treated anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, and substance use disorders.

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Barbara Zelop

Barbara Zelop

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I have over 10 years of experience working with courageous people, treating the severely mentally ill within hospitals and inpatient care. I've treated adults and teens for OCD, as well as trauma, PTSD, and bipolar disorders. I use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy because it's proven to work. Having used exposure techniques before arriving at NOCD, I can attest to its incredible effectiveness in helping people with OCD get better.

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Dr. Sara Conley

Dr. Sara Conley

Licensed Therapist, Ph.D.

I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in the treatment of OCD. I have over 11 years of experience working with OCD both in research and clinical settings, with my clinical experiences spanning from residential facilities to outpatient clinics. As your therapist I’ll guide you through the therapy process and empower you through Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). If you’re willing to jump into ERP therapy with both feet, trust the process and yourself, you can achieve success in overcoming OCD.

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Lisa Perry

Lisa Perry

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I’ve been in the mental health space for over 20 years, and now I specialize in treating OCD. I have a wide range of experience, including my private practice, and have treated people for anxiety, depression, ADHD, trauma, and much more. I put my trust in well-researched methods, which is why I enjoy Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. Not only is ERP backed by research, but it’s been proven as an incredibly effective treatment for people dealing with OCD.

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Kimberly Monkman

Kimberly Monkman

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I know what it's like to have anxiety. I love helping others face their fears and build trust in themselves. It's so rewarding to help people get their confidence back by using ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). My approach to treating OCD is collaborative. I believe you're the expert on your life experience. I'll be your cheerleader throughout this process. If you stick with the work and practice your homework, you will achieve amazing results. I also specialize in treating general anxiety, social anxiety, depression, BFRBs (Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors), and PTSD.

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Lauren Lake

Lauren Lake

Licensed Therapist, LCPC

I’ve been practicing as a licensed therapist and counselor for over 8 years and now specialize in treating OCD. I also specialize in trauma care and have helped many people with their trauma-related disorders. For people with OCD, I use an evidence-based treatment called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. ERP allows me to address your particular OCD challenges, giving you truly personalized treatment.

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Deanne Johnson

Deanne Johnson

Licensed Therapist, LPC

As a therapist, my priority is to develop a rapport and a feeling of safety with my members. I want to understand your interests and concerns. I really am interested in who you are and in helping you regain confidence in yourself. Your commitment to therapy determines the outcome of treatment. As long as you're fully present for sessions, and your homework is consistent, you will see improvement. In addition to OCD, I have experience treating trauma and anxiety, particularly with inner-city youth.

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Celeste Soto

Celeste Soto

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

My path to becoming a therapist that specializes in OCD has developed over the past several years treating a wide variety of mental health challenges. I’ve helped people with OCD as well as depression, anxiety, trauma, and eating disorders find a better life with effective treatment. To get your life back from OCD, I’ll use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. ERP is proven to be the most effective treatment for OCD, and for many, results can arrive quickly.

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Anika Carrasco Trujillo

Anika Carrasco Trujillo

Licensed Therapist, LISW

I started treating people for OCD, as well as other mental health challenges such as depression, in 2004. Now, I specialize in OCD and use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to treat any OCD subtype. As much as I’ve learned as a licensed therapist, seeing family and friends deal with OCD has made my work more personal. ERP allows me to treat any subtype while tailoring treatment to your specific needs.

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Jennifer Shafi

Jennifer Shafi

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I've personally struggled with anxiety and depression, which runs in my family. I know that with effort, you can overcome these challenges. I've helped many people make changes to improve their lives. My approach to treating OCD is warm but direct. Treatment takes effort, and with effort, you will see results. My goal is to help you become your own therapist. Beyond OCD, I've trained as a marriage and family therapist and an art therapist, and I've also focused on anxiety and mood disorders.

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Smita Kapoor

Smita Kapoor

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

Growing up in India, I witnessed firsthand how mental health issues were often stigmatized and misunderstood. One of my family members struggles with OCD; observing their challenges deeply impacted me. My diverse areas of expertise empower me to support individuals with OCD facing a wide range of challenges, including depression, anxiety, trauma, and substance abuse. I am a certified EMDR therapist and am pursuing certification as a sex therapist. My goal is to foster a more informed and accepting attitude toward mental health, both within my community and beyond.

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Katie Belmore

Katie Belmore

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

I’ve been in the mental health field for several years and now specialize in OCD. My road to becoming an OCD specialist has been paved by treating people in a community mental health care facility, working with children and families, and helping kids aged out of foster care. To treat your OCD in the most effective way possible, I use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy during sessions. ERP can be tough to go through, but I think you’ll find it incredibly useful in overcoming your OCD.

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Sonya Reed

Sonya Reed

Licensed therapist, LCSW

I’ve been working in the mental health space for almost 10 years, and now I specialize in treating OCD. In addition to treating OCD at hospitals and within local communities, I’ve also worked on cases dealing with anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and other disorders. When you meet with me, I’ll be using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to get you prepared for post-treatment life by showing you how to manage your OCD.

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Terra Yott

Terra Yott

Master of Social Work (MSW), Registered Social Worker (RSW)

I’ve been working in the mental health field for about 10 years, more recently as a clinical social worker, and now I'm trained to treat OCD out of Ontario and Nova Scotia, Canada. I also have extensive experience treating people with ADHD, bipolar disorder, addiction, trauma, and anxieties and relationship struggles. To treat your OCD, I’ll use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy during our sessions. Over the years, I have used exposure techniques to help overcome their mental health challenges. I can attest to how well ERP works and how it shows people how to manage their OCD.

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Robert Williamson

Robert Williamson

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I’ve experienced the pain of OCD myself, and I’ve experienced the relief that comes with treatment. ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) is highly effective. It doesn't just work well for some people—it works very well for a great many people. As a therapist, I have a warm personality and put people at ease. I will teach you how OCD perpetuates itself. The more you know about it, the easier it is to motivate yourself to break that cycle. I also have extensive experience helping people with anger, grief, and mood regulation.

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Paige Geraghty

Paige Geraghty

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I’m going on 10 years as a licensed therapist and clinical social worker, and now I specialize in treating OCD. I’ve gained my experience working in an outpatient mental health clinic while also managing outpatient family therapy. The tools that I’ll use come from Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. ERP is a structured and effective treatment that allows you to see your progress clearly and quickly. It’ll take some work on your end to make gains but with my guidance, I know you can do it.

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Aswini Mathew

Aswini Mathew

Master of Social Work, MSW

I have 7 total years treating people for anxiety, depression, and trauma. Now with specialized training from NOCD, I can treat your OCD using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. I have 2 years under my belt as a licensed social worker in Canada as a social worker, with additional 5 years of experience in India. I use a client-centered approach that treats you and not your OCD symptoms, using effective tools through ERP therapy.

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Hanna Zavrazhyna

Hanna Zavrazhyna

Master of Social Work (MSW), Registered Social Worker (RSW)

As your OCD therapist, I'm here to support you. I believe people are resilient, and I'd like to help you believe in yourself. I know things can be a day-to-day struggle right now. When you build muscles to fight OCD, you can see benefits in every part of your life. My style is open and direct; I will demystify the process and explain why we're doing what we're doing at every point. I also specialize in trauma and crisis situations, depression, anxiety, and social anxiety.

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Hayley Clausing

Hayley Clausing

Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC)

I am trained in OCD treatment and now provide Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to help treat any OCD subtype. For the past 7 years, I’ve mainly been working with children, teens, and families treating anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, and more. In addition to my private practice, I’ve done non-profit clinical counseling and have counseled vulnerable populations. I love what I do, and with ERP, I know we can work together to bring joy back into your life.

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Shawna Ecklind

Shawna Ecklind

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

In OCD therapy, changes can happen quickly. Within months, people can have a whole new outlook on life. That is beautiful. In sessions, I'm collaborative, and I like to use a lot of humor. Whatever you bring, I'll start where you are, and we'll go from there. Therapy will stress you out and make you do things you don't want to do, but we can also have some fun. I also have experience treating complex PTSD, depression, anxiety, gender dysphoria, and trauma.

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Judith Steverson

Judith Steverson

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I’ve been a therapist for the past 5 years, and after being trained by top OCD clinicians at NOCD, I now specialize in treating OCD. I have additional experience treating people for trauma, anxiety, and depression. gaining my experience by working for the department of social services, the SAVED Foundation, and providing online teletherapy. When we work together in sessions, I’ll show you how Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy can help you overcome your obsessions.

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Lourdes De Las Heras Kuhn

Lourdes De Las Heras Kuhn

Master of Social Work (MSW), Registered Social Worker (RSW)

I’ve been a licensed therapist working in inpatient and outpatient settings in the United States for over 10 years. I have experience treating various mental health issues including any theme of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, we will work together to get you to manage your OCD with confidence.

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Lindsay Prizer

Lindsay Prizer

Licensed Therapist, Ph.D.

I’ve been working as a licensed therapist for over 10 years, and with training from top clinicians at NOCD, I now specialize in treating OCD. I’ve been working mostly in academic and medical settings in addition to holding a private practice, helping young and older adults overcome their anxiety and mood disorders. During our sessions, I’ll use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to teach you how to manage your OCD on your own with confidence.

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Gwen Blake

Gwen Blake

Licensed Therapist, Ed.S.

I am a relational counselor. To me, rapport is the most important thing. I seek out connection and a good therapeutic relationship: this ERP is yours. It is not mine. Let's come up with ideas together, discuss and collaborate. Outside of work, I'm the mom of a teenager, and I love to do art journaling, needle felting, and outdoor activities like kayaking.

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Elizabeth Keating

Elizabeth Keating

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

My personal experience with anxiety, combined with my professional experience, makes me an authentic and direct therapist. Members trust me and feel comfortable in our sessions. I love working with OCD and other conditions that are often misunderstood. I don't want you to feel misunderstood anymore. I'm here to help you see that your thoughts aren’t you — they are OCD. I also have experience treating trauma, sexual abuse, eating disorders, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and anger.

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Amanda Contento

Amanda Contento

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I’ve been practicing as a therapist for over 5 years. With NOCD, I specialize in treating OCD after receiving training for top OCD clinicians. I have worked in a substance abuse inpatient program, and have run my private practice where I’ve helped people in my community over mental health challenges. During sessions, I’ll guide you through Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy as you’re exposed to your fears and anxiety so you can feel better.

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Mayra Nieto

Mayra Nieto

Licensed Therapist, LPC

My own indirect and direct relationship with OCD and anxiety has helped me understand people and their families who are also suffering from OCD and co-occurring disorders. I'm a creative and hopeful therapist who takes an individualized approach. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) has some concrete focuses, but it is important to be unique with each exposure and each member; none of us are exactly the same. My other areas of focus include major depressive disorder, faith-based counseling, and generalized anxiety disorder.

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Vic Chaperon

Vic Chaperon

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I have over 20 years of experience practicing psychotherapy, running my private practice for over 15 years specializing in OCD. I’ve also gained experience working in hospitals and clinics where I treated anxiety, depression, relationship & family dynamics, and more. The most effective approach to treat OCD is known as Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. ERP is backed by research and is incredibly effective in showing you how to manage your OCD with confidence.

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Jamie Fall

Jamie Fall

Licensed Therapist, LPCC

I want to know about your personality, and I want you to get to know me. I am non-judgmental, and I understand that you may be really suffering. I will never forget that.

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Melanie Dideriksen

Melanie Dideriksen

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I’ve been a licensed therapist for almost 9 years, treating people for OCD as well as other mental health challenges. Having spent time with top clinicians at NOCD, I provide Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to those battling any subtype of OCD. ERP is the gold standard of OCD treatment and is not only backed by evidence but gives you a realistic chance to see progress within a short period of time. I’ve dealt with OCD myself, so I know what it’s like to break away and recover from OCD obsessions and compulsions.

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Michelle Meadows

Michelle Meadows

Licensed Therapist, LPC

Treating OCD and anxiety is personal to me. I've struggled with anxiety throughout my life, and I have loved ones with OCD and anxiety disorders. I am a direct but empathetic therapist. My own experience has helped me understand the need for self-compassion. This is a no-judgment zone. We are collaborating on this journey together. I want to be here to help you take each step in your treatment. OCD therapy is as effective as the effort you put into it. But you can see progress in just a few sessions.

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Raelee Eicke

Raelee Eicke

Licensed Therapist, Psy. D

Therapy gives me the chance to help someone regain control of their life. I have ADHD, and I know how learning the right skills can give you the freedom to make the choices you want. That’s why I like ERP, which is focused on individualized sessions; someone can have treatment tailored just for them. ERP gives you the tools to manage your OCD for the rest of your life, but first, you’ll have to face your fears with my guidance so you can learn how to not rely on compulsions. I come from a place of non-judgement and empathy, because with empathy, you can help a person in a more meaningful manner. Members tell me that I’m a great listener that makes them feel seen and safe. You can meet your goal of recovery. Let me be the one to guide you.

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Yvonne Arias

Yvonne Arias

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

My approach to OCD therapy is kind but firm. My sessions are a safe, non-judgmental space where you'll learn to confront your fears and have the support to trust in your ability to withstand distress. It's important to understand that your thoughts aren't facts — they don't have to be in charge of your life. Sharing your thoughts can take away their power. ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) is extremely effective, especially when practiced consistently and repeatedly. I also specialize in anxiety, depression, ADD, crisis counseling, and adjustment disorders.

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Tiffany Merritt

Tiffany Merritt

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

For over 10 years, I’ve worked as a licensed therapist helping people overcome severe cases of OCD and substance abuse. My experience has been gained working within an inpatient psych facility and chemical dependency centers along with my own private practice. Being an OCD specialist means that I use Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy during sessions, considered the gold standard of OCD treatment. ERP can be challenging, but by balancing compassion and a little push, ERP can do tremendous things for you.

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Jessica Meyers

Jessica Meyers

Licensed Therapist, MS

I’ve been working as a licensed therapist for over 7 years, with about 10 total years providing service to those with mental health challenges. I’ve trained in specialized OCD treatment with NOCD, and now provide Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy to those dealing with OCD obsessions and compulsions. ERP goes to the heart of the problem, attacking it head on. The exercises can be challenging, but I’m here as your guide through those challenges so you can live life to the fullest.

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Patricia Sinclair

Patricia Sinclair

Licensed Therapist, LISW-S

I am an empathetic, non-judgmental therapist. There is nothing to judge about obsessions or compulsions. Having a cold doesn't define who you are as a person. OCD doesn't either. They are just conditions to be treated. I take a holistic approach to therapy. To see progress, you really have to commit to homework daily and come into sessions having done that homework. I have experience treating many other conditions, including anxiety, depression, bipolar, codependency, and personality disorders. I have frequently worked with the Amish and the LGBTQ community.

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Rosa Pacheco Uscanga

Rosa Pacheco Uscanga

Licensed Therapist, LPC

For the past 3 years, I’ve been working at a partial hospitalization facility where I treated OCD as well as trauma, anxiety, depression, and more. I also have a background in Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, considered the gold standard of OCD treatment. I put my trust in ERP therapy because it’s evidence-based with lots of data and research behind it, but I’ve also seen ERP work for many people during sessions. I think you’ll find the results that you're looking for.

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Emma Beneke

Emma Beneke

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I like getting to know people and I value support and connection. I have a lot of experience working with people with anxiety and can relate to those feelings. Outside of work, I love spending time outdoors with my family. I like the quote, 'Nothing in nature is rushed, and yet everything occurs when it should.'

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Paria Maghsoudi

Paria Maghsoudi

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

As a licensed therapist for over 3 years, I now specialize in helping people overcome OCD. My experience has been mostly gained working within intensive outpatient facilities and partial hospitalization programs designed for people battling mental health issues. My go-to therapy for treating OCD is called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). ERP is a solution-based approach focused on showing you how to accept your intrusive thoughts rather than rely on compulsion to address your anxiety.

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Heidi Vanderhei

Heidi Vanderhei

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

Suffering from anxiety and depression can be very isolating — I've experienced it firsthand. I specialize in OCD and other anxiety disorders because they've affected me and my family. In therapy, we'll focus on your presenting problem and the symptoms that are negatively interfering with your quality of life. This is a safe space. You will find our work to be nonjudgmental and empowering. I've worked in the OCD community for 20 years; my other areas of focus include BFRBs (body-focused repetitive behaviors, tics, and hoarding.

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Tamara Fagan

Tamara Fagan

Licensed Therapist, LISW-CP

As a therapist, I accept people with no judgment. I have anxiety, so I know what that feels like. I've learned skills to cope with it, and now I can talk about it. We all have our issues, and we're all together in this. ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) is a skill you can learn. It's not just talking; it's a tool you can carry with you when you leave. (I know you don’t want to stay in therapy forever.) Beyond OCD, my professional experience includes helping people with substance abuse and co-occurring trauma and depression.

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Andre Carrington

Andre Carrington

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I’ve been a licensed therapist for 6 years, and with training from top clinicians at NOCD, I now treat OCD using Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. I’ve gained my experience as a therapist working at facilities specializing in substance use disorders where I also treated anxiety, depression, trauma, ADHD, and family dysfunction. ERP is incredibly effective at treating OCD, and results can be seen within a few sessions.

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Michelle Soares

Michelle Soares

Licensed Therapist, LPCC

ERP is a really cool therapy. Once you get it, it works, and you can run with it. I am a direct therapist who will push you, with your consent. I'll be the coach encouraging you to go beyond what you think is possible. I want to empower you to take charge, get into the driver's seat of life, and kick OCD to the back seat. My professional experience includes helping people with major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and substance abuse.

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Courtney Holbrook

Courtney Holbrook

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I understand what you’re going through, because I have struggled with OCD myself. Outside of work, I enjoy true-crime books and podcasts, and I love being in nature. I once hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up in one day. That's about 10 hours. I didn't think I'd make it, but I did. It was a great experience—but next time I'll spend the night before hiking back up.

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Francisco Quinonez

Francisco Quinonez

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

As a therapist, I take a humanistic approach to treating OCD. This is an alliance, and we're in this together. I like to include humor and creativity in sessions when possible. But this is your space and time. There will be easier sessions and tougher sessions. It's important to trust the process and trust yourself. I have experience working with couples, families, and chronically ill people. I understand how OCD can affect people’s relationships and support networks.

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Justin Trout

Justin Trout

Licensed Therapist, LPC

Starting when I was young, through some personal experiences, I have felt called to help people. I love seeing people overcome hills and valleys and by the end of therapy be able to say, "I feel better."

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Ariel Melotik

Ariel Melotik

Licensed Therapist, LPC

You're taking the biggest step right here. Getting yourself into OCD therapy is awesome. It can also be scary. But putting in the time and effort will pay off. My treatment style is collaborative and eclectic. I want to work with you to create your treatment plan and break down your challenges. I got my professional start in a residential center that specifically worked with people who have OCD. I’ve also worked with social anxieties and phobias, and depressive disorders such as D-ADHD.

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Alfredo Ramos

Alfredo Ramos

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

Being a therapist is a calling for me – a way to help others the same way I have been helped through therapy. I will treat you with empathy, encouragement, and accountability.

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Agnes Carbrey

Agnes Carbrey

Licensed Therapist, MA

I have seen that mental health has been the most important issue in all of my personal relationships, and I have a passion for alleviating other people's suffering. When I discovered the tools of therapy myself, I wanted to share them.

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Raechel Taylor

Raechel Taylor

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I like to create a safe and open environment for my members. I want this to be a collaboration, so we're working together and I'm not just telling you what I believe are the answers. This is a team effort. In my spare time, I like reading, getting outside, and doing Pilates.

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Christi Hogan

Christi Hogan

Licensed Therapist, MA

As a therapist, I'm very direct, but also open, empathetic and patient. I look forward to working together with you to ease your struggles and make your life a lot better. In my spare time, I enjoy watching movies and spending time with my son, who's eight. I love to get outdoors and go for hikes. I think exercise is really important for reducing stress and supporting mental health.

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Marcio Guzman

Marcio Guzman

Licensed Therapist, Psy.D.

As a therapist, I aim to be authentic and present with the people I work with. I'll listen to your story with empathy, understanding, validation, and consistency, working to create a safe space. I personally have struggled with subclinical OCD symptoms. The treatment for OCD is effective. It can feel uncomfortable before it gets better. But it has the potential to make symptoms manageable and really improve the quality of your life. My other areas of focus include anxiety disorders, substance use, trauma, and anxiety disorders.

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Hilary Stein

Hilary Stein

Licensed Therapist, MSW

Something I hear a lot is, "I want to be who I used to be before OCD." You can be even better. Treatment can change your life. As a therapist, I provide a casual, comfortable environment. I talk with members in the same way I talk with my friends and family. I will build a connection with you, and we will work together as teammates. In addition to my focus on OCD, I have a lot of experience helping people with anxiety disorders and eating disorders.

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Blima Hoffman

Blima Hoffman

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

In therapy, first and foremost, I like to develop a relationship with the person I'm working with. I try to create a safe, open environment where you can feel comfortable telling me whenever you need to tell me. Outside of work, I love nature and dogs. I've never had one, but that's one of my dreams: to one day get a dog.

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Arielle Speer

Arielle Speer

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I have family members who've experienced OCD, so I have deep empathy for those struggling with mental health. As a therapist, I'm humanistic. I believe your treatment should be guided by you. I encourage you to have self-compassion as you learn to recognize that you are not your thoughts. The goal is progress, not perfection. As a team, we'll get there. I’ve also worked in crisis mental health services, treating substance use disorders and survivors of sexual and domestic violence.

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Margaret Pricejones

Margaret Pricejones

Licensed Therapist, LICSW

As a therapist, first and foremost, I provide support and empathy. Then I'll teach you techniques to manage your OCD. Outside of work, I'm a big biker. I bike everywhere for transportation.

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Rebecca Gonzalez

Rebecca Gonzalez

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

As a therapist, I bring a lot of empathy, compassion and understanding. I'm not just a stoic face. Outside of work, I have two dogs—a French bulldog and German shepherd mix—and I love spending time with them and my husband, running, hiking, and being outdoors.

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Marilyn Pennington

Marilyn Pennington

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

As a therapist, I am focused on you. I will let you tell me your story first. I'll meet you where you are, with all your feelings. OCD therapy might be uncomfortable at times, but it's an evidence-based practice and will be effective in the long run. We will go at your speed, and the work we do together will be worth it. Outside of my specialized training in OCD, I have worked mainly with anxiety and depression, and I have additional experience treating schizophrenia.

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Liz Rowell

Liz Rowell

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I know how debilitating OCD and anxiety can be, and how much you want to return to a normal life. I have lived experience with depression, anxiety, therapy, and ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). I've been able to improve my life and mental health, and I'd like to share what I've learned with you. I bring myself as a person — not just a therapist — to each session, along with a solid sense of humor. My other areas of professional focus include depression, anxiety disorders, self-harm, and borderline personality disorder.

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Carolyn Meiman

Carolyn Meiman

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

OCD therapy can be scary and hard work at times. But you're not alone. I'm here to help you in whatever capacity you need. As a therapist, I am person-centered. I will empower you to take the lead and tell me what role I need to play in each session. No matter what, you're going to come out of therapy with skills that will make a difference, big or small. My primary experience is in community-based practice, focusing on kids, depression, anxiety, parenting skills, family communication, and mindfulness.

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Arlene Donnelly

Arlene Donnelly

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I became a therapist because of my own mental health journey. I know what it's like to address what's going on inside your head and successfully come out on the other side. In OCD therapy, we'll look at your thoughts to build coping skills and manage anxiety. I understand this can be scary. But we'll go into this together and take things at a comfortable pace. You can ultimately be more in control of your life. My areas of focus include severe and persistent mental illness, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and trauma.

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Scott Serpa

Scott Serpa

Licensed Therapist, LICSW

As a therapist, I use a non-judgmental, strengths-oriented, evidence-based approach. I'll meet you where you're at and get to know you, and we'll work together to identify goals and help you reach them. Individuals in my family have struggled with mental health, and I've seen therapy help people overcome tremendous obstacles in their lives. I've also treated depression, anxiety, social phobias, grief, trauma, substance abuse, and persistent mental illness. I know it may be difficult to take the first step and seek help. But I'll be with you, every step of the way.

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Alexandra Hollander

Alexandra Hollander

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

As a therapist, I'm very person-centered. I'll be with you all the way, going through the emotions, working on exactly what your needs are. Some fun facts about me: I have traveled the world extensively and have lived in several different countries. I love different cultures. I was born and raised in Germany; I speak French, but my predominant language is German. And I'm crazy about dogs.

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Caroline Reis

Caroline Reis

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

With OCD, it can take a long time to get that correct treatment—you may have gone from therapist to therapist not really getting exactly what you need. I like to educate people I'm working with on that diagnosis and what that means for treatment. There is hope. There is an effective treatment for OCD, and there are a lot of things we can work on. Outside of work, I have three kids, and like to run. It's how I keep myself physically and mentally healthy.

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Carol Dunning

Carol Dunning

Licensed Therapist, MSW

As a therapist, I’ll make sure you feel safe. You can trust me. I know it's really hard to talk about some of the stuff that goes on inside your mind. I also like to make therapy fun—and it can be a lot of fun when you're learning how to master your thoughts. When I'm not doing therapy, I have a couple of German shepherds that I like to go hiking with, and I love swimming.

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Jason Gibbs

Jason Gibbs

Licensed Therapist, Ph.D.

I've had several subtypes of OCD since I was very young. I've done ERP myself, so I know how effective it is. I also know it takes a lot of courage just to get here. As a therapist, I create a welcoming, warm environment. I'll ask what you want to get out of therapy and craft a treatment plan based on that, realizing other concerns can arise on a week-to-week basis. Beyond OCD, I have extensive experience treating anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, and other conditions closely related to OCD.

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Jessica Palmer

Jessica Palmer

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

My approach to OCD therapy is to be as collaborative as possible. I will provide plenty of education about OCD and ERP (Exposure and Response Therapy), and I'll work with you to apply these strategies to your daily life. We will start small and work our way up. It will most likely feel uncomfortable at times, but I'm here to support you and encourage you. Therapy will be rewarding as long as you're willing to try little things over time. You can learn how to enjoy your life again.

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Aaron Hensley

Aaron Hensley

Licensed Therapist, MSW

OCD is often misdiagnosed or overlooked, and I love being part of the solution. You are an individual, with individual experiences and needs. I view you as an expert on your OCD. As someone who has struggled with repetitive behaviors, I know your thoughts don’t define you. Together, we can reach success. I love getting to the end of treatment and celebrating the great strides the people I work with have made. I also specialize in treating general anxiety, body-focused repetitive behaviors, and depression.

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Devon Garza

Devon Garza

Licensed Therapist, MC

As a therapist, I'm really direct and comfortable pushing you to do what you need to do. I don't shy away from topics that you might think are weird or uncomfortable. I'm here to help you deal with those. Accountability is also important to me—we're going to talk about what's going well, and what's not going well. A fun fact about me: When I'm not in session, I love to nerd out playing board games and D&D, and try to keep my plants and mushroom gardens alive.

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Kayla Higginbotham

Kayla Higginbotham

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I don't believe therapy has to feel intense, sad, or scary. I try to bring fun and humor into my sessions to make them lively and comfortable. I work hard to create a judgment-free space. I hope you'll feel comfortable sharing with me, and that you'll feel seen, heard, and not judged. You're stepping into a journey that is going to be hard, but it's helped many people get their lives back. I also have experience treating depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and mood disorders.

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Jen Locke

Jen Locke

Licensed Therapist, LICSW

I'm a non-judgmental listener. I hope sitting with me is like sitting with a friend or a coach who can help you by listening. I'll give feedback, but this is your therapy: You'll decide what you'll do in your life. OCD can be a lifelong illness, but it's definitely manageable if you get the right help. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) has been shown to work by decades of research. I've also treated trauma, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, agoraphobia, ADHD, and behavioral issues in children, including oppositional and conduct behaviors.

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Vanessa Nunez

Vanessa Nunez

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

As a therapist, I want to create an environment where you'll be comfortable enough to be open and honest with me. I will reciprocate that openness and honesty, and I'll gently push you to break out of your comfort zone. When I'm not doing therapy, I love to do CrossFit. I took a break to have a baby, but now I'm back at it.

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Licensed Therapist, LCSW

First and foremost, I want you to feel like you're heard and not judged. You're not alone in this; there is help. I will help you build confidence and a new skill set—you can develop the skills to live a really healthy life. A fun fact about me: My new self-care activity is transforming a Ford Transit so my husband and I can spend time in nature and settle back into the universe. It's a beautiful thing.

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Ryan Ventillo

Ryan Ventillo

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

As a therapist, I am authentic, compassionate, and caring. Empathy and open communication are important, and I take the time to listen and understand. I like to set specific goals and use measurable instruments so we can understand where we started and where we're going. Some fun facts about me: I've traveled to more than half of the United States. I'm a big outdoorsy type of person and love going on hikes and to national parks.

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Tim Flaharty

Tim Flaharty

Licensed Therapist, LPCC

As a therapist, the first big piece I work on is developing a connection with the person I'm working with, so we can establish trust. I take time to learn about you—the story of who you are, how you've gotten to where you are now, and what you want for the future. From there, we start looking into more of the techniques that will sever the connection between the things you're doing that aren't helping you and your anxiety. A fun fact about me: I have an undergraduate degree in theater, which is something I've always been interested in.

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Jennifer McCormick

Jennifer McCormick

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

As a therapist, I tend to take a somewhat gentle approach, although that depends on our treatment goals—I can be direct and forward, or more gentle. When I'm not doing therapy, I love the outdoors—kayaking, hiking, biking, and really anything you can think of to do outside.

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Faran Asen

Faran Asen

Licensed Therapist, LICSW

As a therapist, I'm very collaborative and direct. I like to meet people where they're at. I enjoy coming up with really unique exposures and making sure that we're doing what feels right for you. I try to make sessions light-hearted, when possible, because there's a lot of anxiety and fear involved in OCD. As long as you're still willing to keep going with therapy, you're succeeding. I have experience treating anxiety and panic disorders, in addition to borderline personality disorder and emotional dysregulation.

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Jennifer Beardslee

Jennifer Beardslee

Licensed Therapist, Ed.S

You are not alone. Effective therapy for OCD is available. You're on the first step toward getting help and support. As an OCD therapist, I create an empathetic, nonjudgmental space where you can feel comfortable opening up. I like to let you lead. I will meet you where you are and help you find the wisdom within yourself. I’ve also treated anxiety, depression, ADHD, hyperactivity, conduct disorders, autism, and social communication deficits.

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Alberto Jaime

Alberto Jaime

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

As a therapist, I will treat you with unconditional positive regard and meet you wherever you are, regardless of your situation. ERP therapy may not be as difficult as your worries are telling you right now. Yes, you'll have to do some uncomfortable things. You have to trust me, and I have to trust you. Stepping into this can be anxiety-inducing, and it's a big step, but you can do it. I also have experience treating anxiety, depression, substance abuse, PTSD, schizophrenia, and schizoaffective disorder.

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Iris Cohen

Iris Cohen

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to treating OCD is direct and compassionate. I'll help you identify your values and develop exposures involving the things that are important to you. If you commit to therapy, you can learn how to manage the distress that comes from your intrusive thoughts. You can improve your relationships and work toward your goals. In addition to OCD, I've treated anxiety and depression. I've experienced how exhausting and lonely it can be to be chained by feelings of hopelessness. I want to help people regain enjoyment in life.

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Aki Takeda

Aki Takeda

Licensed Therapist, MS

As a therapist, I am centered on you. In session, I will be with you, without judgment. I like to listen to your concerns first, before offering my own suggestions. When I'm not doing therapy, I play tennis. I love outdoor activities, like walking or hiking. Looking at the beautiful evening sky is very therapeutic for me. And it's also very affordable!

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Lila Wallace

Lila Wallace

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

As a therapist, I take a very compassionate approach and am extremely supportive. As you do therapy, you will have someone alongside you the whole way; you are not in this alone. Some fun facts about me: I was born in Switzerland, and I love to travel.

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Christina Garges

Christina Garges

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I am inspired by the OCD community — I witness so much openness, bravery, and insight at work. As a therapist, I take a very collaborative approach. I encourage members to participate fully in their own treatment. I'm gentle but will push you when I know you can handle it. With consistent practice, Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the most effective intervention I've witnessed. I have a history of working with families and teens in the child welfare system, addressing issues related to trauma, attachment, relationship instability, self-esteem, and depression.

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Meghan McKenzie

Meghan McKenzie

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Ph.D

I have family and friends with mental health issues, and I have been in therapy myself. I love doing OCD therapy and seeing positive changes—and the relief that comes along with such change. As a therapist, I utilize compassion and understanding while implementing evidence-based treatments that effectively target problems. In addition to OCD, I’ve also treated children, adolescents, and young adults who have developmental disabilities and autism.

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Anna Chung

Anna Chung

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

With OCD, it can be scary to share your thoughts. I try to create a safe space where you can be yourself and share freely without fear of judgment. A few fun facts about me: I try to walk 10,000 steps every day. I love hiking and usually arrange an annual trip with my friends to different national parks each year.

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Jordan Driskell

Jordan Driskell

Licensed Therapist, MS

I'm diagnosed with OCD myself. I've received treatment, and it's had lasting results. OCD is often misunderstood and stigmatized, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment. I'm passionate about making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals with OCD. Effective treatment can dramatically improve your quality of life. In therapy, I aim to create a safe space where you'll feel understood, validated, and empowered to manage your symptoms and live a fulfilling life. I also specialize in LGBTQ+ issues, substance use disorders, and co-occurring mood disorders.

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Anna Newton

Anna Newton

Licensed Therapist, LPC

As a therapist, I want you to be comfortable and feel cared for, to feel like you can talk to me like you're talking to a friend. I'm here for you. You're going to be okay, and you're in good hands. We're in this together. Some fun facts about me: I love animals and have two cats and two dogs. I was in the Air Force and once got a chance to go to Antarctica on a scientific mission.

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Hannah Rodriguez

Hannah Rodriguez

Licensed Therapist, MA

I'm a very person-centered therapist. I provide a space that is safe and non-judgmental. You can show up with whatever you have going on, and you'll be met with kindness, compassion, and empathy in every session, no matter what. In addition to helping provide tools and skills, one of my biggest strengths is providing a safe space where people feel cared for. I am on your team. Much of my work has involved anxiety and depression, trauma, and bipolar disorder. I also teach yoga for addiction, substance abuse, and mental health relief.

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Roohinee Santram

Roohinee Santram

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I take a humanistic approach to therapy. In our sessions, I will hold space for you as a whole person. There's more to you than your diagnosis—that's just a small part of who you are. When I'm not doing therapy, I love to garden. Where I grew up, we were very connected to the food we ate; we knew where everything came from. It's fun to pick things out of the garden and cook them. I particularly like to grow all kinds of hot peppers.

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Makayla Gerhardt

Makayla Gerhardt

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

You are welcome here, and you are accepted. No obstacle is too big to overcome. I know the thoughts you're having might be distressing. You can tell me anything. I won't judge you, and I will meet you where you're at, as an individual. There's always more to learn, and that's something we can do together. I've worked with anxiety and depression, and I have a lot of experience working with trauma. I have an EMDR specialty and have often treated grief as well.

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Samuel Munoz

Samuel Munoz

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I will work with you from a place of understanding. I'd really like to get to know you and what your individual challenges are. I will meet you where you're at. Then, we can work hand-in-hand to learn skills that will help manage your OCD. This will be a very individualized process. When I'm not doing therapy, my wife and I like to take long walks with our dog Luca. She really grounds us. She's nine years old now and still has the energy of a puppy.

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Kimberlee Glassner

Kimberlee Glassner

Licensed Therapist, MS

OCD therapy might seem scary. But trust me as we begin this journey. You're going to see rewards. You'll be able to live without OCD being in the driver's seat of your life. I will orient you to the nature of OCD, and why ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) works and other therapies don't. You'll learn about the fear structure and how to break the OCD cycle. My areas of focus include anxiety disorders, depression, general adjustment disorder, and body-focused repetitive behaviors. I also have a background in dialectical behavioral therapy for personality disorders.

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Licensed Therapist, LCSW

Acceptance is at the core of the work that I do. With OCD, you may feel a lot of fear, worry, and anxiety about the particular struggle you happen to be having. I will help you learn how to sit in that space. As a therapist, I am genuine and trustworthy—we can do this together. A fun fact about me: I have lived in two different ancient lands: Jerusalem and Egypt.

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Andrea Kilroy

Andrea Kilroy

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I am a truly person-centered therapist. I try to look at things from your perspective and understand your story—what happened in your life that brought you to where you are right now? Therapy is going to be a little uncomfortable at times. But we'll move through that discomfort to a point where you can manage it much, much better. I have experience treating people in a variety of populations and settings; my other areas of focus include depression, family therapy, and crisis situations.

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Joshua Hamrick

Joshua Hamrick

Licensed Therapist, MA

You're just a normal person having some issues with thoughts or behaviors. That doesn't mean there’s something wrong with you. That just means we have a chance to work on something together. I love being able to walk with somebody through OCD treatment and help them make their life a little better. I'll work hard to help us feel connected. We'll get a little uncomfortable together, because that's where most of the good work happens. I also have extensive experience working with depression, anxiety, PTSD, trauma, bipolar disorder, and relationship issues.

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Betty Blanc

Betty Blanc

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I'm a very collaborative therapist. The foundation of my practice is being a good listener. I listen to what you're bringing to a session, and we'll work together on how you'd like to move forward. I will match your pace, and challenge you when you're ready. Outside of work, I love spending time with my family. We go to the beach a lot. A fun fact: We have a tortoise, and her name is Jessica.

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Matthew McKinley

Matthew McKinley

Licensed Therapist, MA

I prioritize human connection. We're here as two humans, trying to improve those negative symptoms that you want to change. I will help you feel understood, and I hope you will understand me. In session, we will look at what OCD does in your daily life; I won't throw buzzwords at you. A fun fact about me: I have been studying with a Tibetan lama for 15 years. That study, and that Buddhist community I've found, has changed my life.

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Brenda Ibarra

Brenda Ibarra

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

OCD can create overwhelming cycles. As a therapist, I strive to show the connections between how you think, how you act, and how you feel, and how we can break those cycles. Getting back to being you takes practice. I’d like to invite you to invest in yourself as you begin treatment. I will join and challenge you to reach within yourself to find the life you're looking for. I also focus on anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. I can provide treatment in English or Spanish.

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Leah Kawleski

Leah Kawleski

Licensed Therapist, MA

I want therapy with me to feel warm, inviting, and conversational. But I'll also be firm enough to support you with the hard tasks they're doing. Outside of work, I have a one-and-a-half-year-old and a four-month-old, and I love listening to true crime podcasts when I have the time.

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Jessica Young

Jessica Young

Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

I will take the time to get to know you, your interests, and what excites you. I like to incorporate mindfulness into sessions. Yoga is a big part of my life and has really helped me with my own anxiety. Outside of work, I like being active outdoors, whether it's doing yoga in my backyard, going for a walk, or spending time at the beach with a good book. That's how I practice self-care.

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Stephen Gigliotti

Stephen Gigliotti

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I'm a very collaborative therapist. I am big on psychoeducation—I will help you learn about OCD and why we're doing what we do in therapy. I will never ask you to do an exposure I wouldn't do myself. Some fun facts about me: I enjoy hiking whenever I can, and I'm a big video gamer. Sometimes I use video games as a metaphor in therapy: we're not going to be jumping into the level 30s when we're only at level 1. We're going to work on the lower levels to build up our tolerance and abilities.

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Kelsey Hernandez

Kelsey Hernandez

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I'm really big on the idea that you get out of therapy what you put into it. I'm your GPS, and you're in the driver's seat. I'm here to support and guide you to your destination. But you're still the one who’s in charge. A few fun facts about me: I just got a puppy who has been consuming most of my free time. I've also done three international trips solo—to Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Thailand.

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Jonathan Sickinger

Jonathan Sickinger

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I really believe in person-centered therapy. You are the expert in your life and what's going on right now. I'm just here to be a team member who helps facilitate you getting better, with education and exercises. Some fun facts about me: I have lived on three different continents, and when I'm not working, I really enjoy cooking and reading.

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Stephanie Parker

Stephanie Parker

Licensed Therapist, MA

Through personal experience, I understand the importance of creating a safe and supportive therapy environment. I approach all of my members with empathy and kindness, ensuring that the care that I provide is trauma-informed, gender-affirming, culturally sensitive, and evidence-based. I value meeting each person where they are and helping them reach their goals with encouragement, self-love, compassion, forgiveness, and healing. Some fun facts about me: Outside of work, my number one favorite thing to do is attend concerts. I have one booked pretty much all the time. I live less than a mile from the beach, so I love walking or riding my bike there. And I have a pet chameleon, who is kind of my baby.

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Alessandra Rizzotti

Alessandra Rizzotti

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I'm a solution-focused and goal-oriented therapist. I can also be pretty irreverent and like to use my sense of humor. I focus both on acceptance of the self, as well as change, when creating an action-oriented plan for the people I work with. A few fun facts about me: I'm a beekeeper, and I really like doing art interventions. I used to be a writer and editor, so I like to harness my creativity.

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Lilyvette Perez

Lilyvette Perez

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

There are tools to help you manage OCD symptoms. Learning more about OCD and managing those symptoms can improve your quality of life. ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) is an evidence-based treatment, and members dedicated to their progress can see changes within a few sessions. As a therapist, my approach is a balance between direct and supportive. I will challenge you, but I understand that progress is a process. I allow space for growth to happen at your individual pace. My other therapeutic focus is trauma.

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Tal Medovoy

Tal Medovoy

Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker

You can get back to doing the things you want to do. I'll be with you every step of the way. I will meet you where you're at, but I'll push you to work as hard as you possibly can, so you can achieve your goals as quickly as possible. (And I'll maintain a sense of compassion and understanding for how difficult that can be.) My goal is for you to work me out of a job. I want you to become your own ERP therapist. I've also treated trauma, family issues, anxiety, and depression.

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Jessica Spaman

Jessica Spaman

Licensed Therapist, LICSW

Personally and professionally, I understand how mental health issues can challenge an individual, their family, and their loved ones. I enjoy seeing the quick progress people with OCD can make when they find the courage to face their fears and learn to tolerate temporary discomfort. So much growth and healing happen when we step outside our comfort zones. Change is hard, but so is living with OCD and anxiety. You can do hard things! I also enjoy helping people with depression, anxiety, PTSD, maternal mental health, parenting, emotion regulation, and adjustment.

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Kari Wolsky

Kari Wolsky

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I have lived with OCD since the age of 10. From my own experience, I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Healing is possible! OCD responds very well to treatment, and you've done the hardest part by looking at this page and taking the first step toward wellness. As an OCD therapist, I strive to be warm, authentic, encouraging, and empowering. I can teach you tools and skills to free you from your OCD, so you can live fully and manage any situation going forward. I also have experience providing trauma-informed care.

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Vanessa Duran

Vanessa Duran

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

The most important aspect of treatment is to have somebody you can talk to, who you feel comfortable with. Somebody who's going to listen to you and you feel you can trust. Making sure that that therapeutic alliance is established is my number one priority. Outside of work, I really enjoy crafting. I love to make homemade gifts for friends and family.

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Monique Overstreet

Monique Overstreet


I am a compassionate and honest therapist. I'm going to help you do the work, but you have to really do the work. I like to focus on action: How can we utilize skills in different parts of our lives to bring relief? Outside of work, I'm a new mom, and I enjoy reading in my leisure time.

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Sydney Johnston

Sydney Johnston

Licensed Therapist, MS

I'm a strengths-based counselor and very client-centered. This is a safe place where you can feel comfortable and really open up. I'll help you find your strengths. I'm looking forward to sharing research-based approaches that actually work. Outside of work, I love K-Pop. My daughter and I go to concerts and do a lot of fun stuff around that.

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Jendaya Clark

Jendaya Clark

Licensed Therapist, LCPC

I am a patient, warm, and understanding therapist. I challenge members to be able to do the work of therapy in a supportive, comfortable environment. When I'm not doing therapy, I am trying to learn French and Creole. So far I have two plants, and I'm hoping to become more of a plant mom.

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Sarah Uberti

Sarah Uberti

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I know how pervasive anxiety is and the toll it can take on your life. I'm passionate about offering people with OCD the support they need. As a therapist, I always come from a place of non-judgment and empathy. I try to fully understand the person I'm working with. Education is important. When you understand what you're experiencing, you can tackle it better. You won't need therapy forever — ultimately, you'll be able to manage OCD on your own. My other areas of focus include anxiety, depression, trauma, and other obsessive compulsive disorders.

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Alyssa Lentz

Alyssa Lentz

Licensed Therapist, MS

I have personal lived experience with OCD. I can tell you that OCD therapy works. You can have freedom from OCD. You don't have to live life by the rules OCD imposes on you. I'm very open with my members about what we're doing and my experience with OCD. I like to make sure members guide the session as much as they can, and I incorporate humor as much as possible. I also have experience treating trauma, addiction, and anxiety disorders.

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Leana DeVoe

Leana DeVoe

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

As someone who has experienced anxiety and depression, I'm all about helping people learn to help themselves during difficult times. I'd like to get a good understanding of what your OCD looks like on a day-to-day basis. We'll then use ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) to confront and cope with those thoughts constructively, setting realistic goals. I'll also encourage you to create and foster support systems to reduce feelings of isolation. My additional areas of focus include anxiety, depression, trauma, substance use, and life stressors.

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Marie Albertson

Marie Albertson

Licensed Therapist, LPC

OCD and anxiety are related but different. My ability to empathize and be solution-focused work in both treatment cases. Outside of work, I love writing, art, and swimming.

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Alyssa Cruz

Alyssa Cruz


I'm a supportive and understanding therapist who will meet you where you're at. I love using my learned experience and life experience to support people in challenging situations. This may be a new process for you, and there may be some uncomfortable and difficult things we have to work through, but there is hope. You can manage your symptoms so they aren't so impactful in your life. Let's identify the goals you'd like to reach. I have experience treating trauma, anxiety, depression, ADHD, and behavioral concerns.

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Catherine Nakonetschny

Catherine Nakonetschny

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

Therapy is a journey. It's my privilege to walk with people and help them get to where they want to go. This is a partnership. You lead our sessions, and I work as a guide. You are your own best expert on your life. I know how debilitating OCD and anxiety can be. Being able to help people improve their quality of life is really important to me. The goal is progress, not perfection. Beyond OCD, I specialize in depression, anxiety, grief and bereavement, and caregiving issues.

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Sarah Blechman

Sarah Blechman

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I work to create an environment where you'll feel safe and comfortable enough to allow yourself to be understood by another person. We'll work from there and apply real, tangible solutions so you can experience meaningful and significant change. Outside of work, I enjoy practicing yoga, gardening, and swimming in the ocean.

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Amalia Sirica

Amalia Sirica

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

My approach to OCD therapy is gentle but firm. I'll encourage you to challenge yourself to leave your comfort zone and do hard things. I'll also leave space for moments of overwhelm and self-compassion. It won't always be easy, but it will be worth it. There is no such thing as a linear recovery — some days it feels like we're taking two steps forward and one step back, but that's still a net gain of one! My other focus areas include anxiety, depression, crisis care, and trauma, particularly generational trauma.

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Shaniece Hopkins

Shaniece Hopkins

Licensed Therapist, LCHMC

I’m very laid back and I try to encourage my members to steer the wheel. However, I’m very big on psychoeducation—education around your diagnosis will help you truly grasp the concepts at hand and make significant progress. We all have experienced mental health, and it impacts everyone differently. Your journey will never look the same as someone else’s. I love to educate myself and my members. So anytime I find something new that will be helpful, you can be sure that I will share with you. Knowledge is power!

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Latasha Gary

Latasha Gary

Licensed Therapist, LCMHC

I have several family members with OCD; I've seen how they've struggled to cope. I want to give you a voice and sit with you as you work to overcome intrusive thoughts. In therapy, I function as a teacher-coach-cheerleader. First, I want you to understand the process and how it can help you. Then, I'm the coach who pushes you to keep going. Then, I'm your enthusiastic cheerleader as we achieve success. (No success is small on this journey.) I also have experience treating borderline personality disorder, trauma, sexual abuse, and suicidal behaviors.

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Dani Gold

Dani Gold

Licensed Therapist, M.A.

I aim to make our sessions individualized and work collaboratively. Together, we will determine the goals you want to work toward that will help you develop more control over your symptoms and your life. After, you'll be able to take the tools we learn and use them in the outside world, even when therapy ends. A fun fact about me: When I'm not doing therapy, I love taking my dog for walks on the beach; I live just five minutes away from the water.

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Carrie Wells

Carrie Wells

Licensed Therapist, MS

As someone who's been in therapy myself, I've made it my mission to become the kind of therapist I wished I had as a teenager. Building relationships with my members and collaborating with them to create and meet goals is so rewarding. At the core, I approach our work in therapy as a partner and collaborator. I don't profess to know you better than you know yourself. We are always a team. Although the process of OCD therapy can be uncomfortable and challenging, the payoff is gargantuan.

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Joanna Flemister

Joanna Flemister

Licensed Therapist, MA

I have personal experience with OCD and want to share what I know works, according to the knowledge I've gained through personal and professional experience. No one's path is the same. Some people progress through OCD therapy quicker than others. This is your journey — be patient with yourself. ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) works. Have faith. Beyond OCD, I have experience treating anxiety, depression, tics, BFRBs (body-focused repetitive behaviors), and ADHD.

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Aura Restrepo

Aura Restrepo

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I consider myself to be a supporter and advocate for your journey. In our work together, you can expect a collaborative, warm, non-judgmental environment that supports growth. On a more personal note, I enjoy being in nature, spending time with family and friends, trying new foods, learning new cultures, and dancing. I'm bilingual and speak both English and Spanish.

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Imani White

Imani White

Licensed Therapist, LPCC

I believe that everyone has a unique story and journey. I am collaborative by nature, and that's how I approach therapy. I love spending time with people, learning their life stories and dreams, and helping them to move toward the life they desire. When I'm not doing therapy, I love learning about other cultures, musical theater, anime, watching sermons, and traveling.

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Ashly Huffstatler

Ashly Huffstatler

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

As someone who struggled with anxiety, I greatly value helping people live their best and happiest lives. Seeing my members overcome fears and regain a sense of control over their thoughts is one of my greatest joys. My style is direct and compassionate. You are the expert on your OCD. We will work as partners in treatment. I will help guide you, but you are in charge. My other areas of focus include depression, anxiety, trauma, and children struggling with mental health and behavior concerns.

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Samka Aslan

Samka Aslan

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I create a safe environment where you feel heard, understood, valued, and respected. My approach is non-judgmental, and my interest is in helping you to overcome or better cope with whatever's causing difficulty in your life. You are the expert on your own life. I am here to educate, guide and support you toward your goals. When I'm not doing therapy, I'm trying to learn to ice skate and am interested in gymnastics. I like to travel, listen to music, and spend time with my dogs. A fun fact about me: I've lived in Europe and got to spend a few months in Australia.

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Misti Slaughter

Misti Slaughter

Licensed Therapist, LCPC

As a therapist, my goal is to support people who are misunderstood and mistreated. Unfortunately, people with OCD are part of that population. The good news: OCD is very treatable. I can offer you hope, backed by research. I will bring my all to every session, providing empathy and support throughout your journey. Our time together will always be a safe space where you can share anything without judgment or penalty. You can do hard things! My professional experience includes substance abuse treatment, community behavioral health, hospital settings, and primary care practices.

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Brittany Davis

Brittany Davis

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

OCD therapy is hard — but you can do hard things! You are already doing the harder thing by living with the shackles of OCD. Let’s reclaim your life. Armed with the tools provided by ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention), I work with members to reach goals we set collaboratively in a step-by-step process. My professional experience includes treating anxiety, depression, personality and psychotic disorders, phobias, and other mood disorders.

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Virginia Purnell

Virginia Purnell

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

My approach in treating OCD is to collaborate with the member to create a treatment plan that decreases OCD symptoms and increases skills to combat OCD. Outside of my therapeutic work, I enjoy spending time outside, I appreciate the arts, I like watching movies/ TV shows, and I enjoy reading and spending time with family.

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Torrie Weindorf

Torrie Weindorf

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

I'm an empathetic therapist who loves to help people regain control of their lives. I value the effort needed to challenge yourself to overcome obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. NOCD provides a safe space for members. You'll be supported and encouraged throughout this process, and you'll be assigned a member advocate who has successfully completed treatment, so you'll never feel alone. I have experience treating bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, and adjustment disorders. I've also worked with families on interpersonal conflicts.

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Alicia Kaja

Alicia Kaja

Licensed Therapist, LMSW

As a therapist, my approach is to meet you where you are today. Then, through the evidence-based practice of ERP, I will provide the support and tools to empower you to overcome your thoughts and urges and pursue the life you truly want for yourself. Outside of work, I’m equal parts book nerd and nature lover. I enjoy being by the water, going to the beach, rock hunting, hiking, fishing, and getting out in nature. I also love board games, books, painting, coloring, drawing, writing poetry, and watching TV (horror movies, true crime shows, and ridiculous stand-up comedy are my favorites).

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Lisa Marie Porter

Lisa Marie Porter

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

As a therapist, I'm conversational and laid-back, but when it comes to addressing OCD, I'm equally direct and ready to challenge things. I aim to help my members feel comfortable, and I'm always asking questions to better understand their experience. OCD therapy will encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone while helping you celebrate every step taken. In addition to OCD, I focus on trauma, PTSD, depression, and anxiety. I find that most people have a history with at least one of those areas.

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Sarah Peterman

Sarah Peterman

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I like to collaborate with my members to develop a plan specific to the individual's needs as I implement evidence-based ERP strategies to achieve results. I am warm and compassionate, and I use humor throughout the treatment process. I find that this helps members feel comfortable and supported while I actively encourage them to lean into their discomfort and challenge OCD. I also frequently talk about the importance of self-compassion, acceptance, and living out your values. Outside of work, I love spending time with my dog, cat, and human family. I also volunteer weekly at a therapeutic horseback riding program for individuals with disabilities, and love reading and listening to music in my downtime.

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Samantha Smith

Samantha Smith

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

I treat OCD with empathy and sensitivity, mixed with directness. Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my family at the beach or at a BBQ.

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Seth Sultan

Seth Sultan

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I use a collaborative and compassionate approach to treat OCD. I enjoy using creativity and humor to help people challenge themselves to move beyond old patterns and into the life they want to live. Outside of work, I enjoy being outdoors in nature and spending time with family and friends.

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Christopher Leonard

Christopher Leonard

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

OCD therapy is a safe, nonjudgmental space to share anything you've been experiencing and want to overcome. Facing your fears can seem like a daunting task, especially at first. We will work together to create a treatment plan, tailored to you, that will help you change your fear into empowerment. I understand that your thoughts, triggers, or compulsions are unique to you, and I want to understand your experience as well as I possibly can. Beyond OCD, I have worked extensively with people dealing with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.

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Carrie Hobaugh

Carrie Hobaugh

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

My approach to OCD therapy is nonjudgmental and supportive. I enjoy seeing people get better and figuring out how to help themselves. A fun fact about me: When I'm not doing therapy, I love to play cards.

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Velvet Tabb

Velvet Tabb

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I approach OCD treatment as a journey that we're on together. I believe everyone deserves a safe space where they can discuss their issues without judgment. I always provide my members with that safety. Outside of work, I love putting together jigsaw puzzles. I also have two cats, one of who will pop into a session if you want to meet her. I'm looking forward to working with you.

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Diandrea Seipel

Diandrea Seipel

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

I take a collaborative and non-judgmental approach to treating OCD. I'm willing to do everything I ask my members to do, and I work to challenge specific core fears so we work at the roots of OCD, not just the branches. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my partner, two children, dog, and cat. I enjoy going on walks and hikes when it isn't too hot, reading, and spending time with friends and family. I also enjoy being around horses whenever possible.

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Nikki Dahl

Nikki Dahl

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I have a pretty flexible approach to therapy. (There will be a steady flow of smiley faces in your messaging inbox that you are not obligated to respond to.) My focus allows a completely unique experience for every member. I tend to get along well with members who are very particular about details, because I care about the mapping of your OCD being accurate to your experience. The only thing more important is that you feel like you have agency throughout the entire therapy process. Outside of work, I enjoy nail art, live music, learning new things, and a totally normal and appropriate amount of video gaming.

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Sara Kucker

Sara Kucker

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I take a very kind and gentle approach to treating OCD. I am very supportive and nonjudgmental in session; I want to make people feel as comfortable as possible expressing their thoughts. I also like to use humor in my work when appropriate. Outside of work, you can find me with all of my pets. I have two beagles and a kitten. My husband is a veterinarian and is quick to bring home animals who need homes. Every once in a while, you might even see a pet make an appearance in a session!

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Jenna Scanga

Jenna Scanga

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

As an OCD therapist, I use person-centered approaches, empathy, acceptance, and kindness to build rapport with the people I support. I love supporting others in making huge changes in their lives and being one of their biggest cheerleaders in success. Outside of work, I'm a pretty big foodie. I love to try new things, even if I know there's a probability I won't like it. My current favorite food is ramen. I recently adopted a dog named Dakota, who loves all people—and loves to get all the treats he can.

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Melissa Arena

Melissa Arena

Licensed Therapist MS, LPC

My approach to treating OCD is to put the member first. I like to create a collaborative treatment environment, so each member feels involved in their therapy journey. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family, going on hikes, spending as much time outdoors as I can, and exercising.

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Anne Meyers

Anne Meyers

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is individualized to each person and is highly collaborative in nature. While I’m there to guide and support you in treating your OCD, you know yourself best! Outside of work, I enjoy hiking, cooking, traveling, and going to concerts, from folk to punk: I love it all!

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Kaitlin Blum Hatfield

Kaitlin Blum Hatfield

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I approach treating OCD by being educational and validating. OCD is often misunderstood, and people can feel alone in their thoughts and experiences. I aim to provide members with the proper education and support so they can be as prepared as possible for OCD treatment. Outside of work I enjoy playing tennis, reading, baking, watching Bravo TV shows, and spending time with friends and family.

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Gail Amalfitano

Gail Amalfitano

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

My approach to treating OCD begins with my approach to counseling. I like to build trust and rapport by creating a non-judgmental zone that is comfortable and easy-going. I'm a naturally accepting and open-minded individual. Outside of work, I like to watch music videos and good movies. I love snorkeling, and I scuba when possible. I like to grow some veggie plants from seeds for fun. I love animals, and there always seems to be a stray cat or dog that finds me.

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Mena Soliman

Mena Soliman

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

I'm a direct and collaborative therapist. I will not force you to do anything you are uncomfortable with, but I will push you when necessary. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family, watching mindless shows together. I also enjoy dancing, singing and reading. When the weather permits, I like to go hiking and biking.

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Angela Knoeller

Angela Knoeller

Licensed Therapist, LCSW-R

As an OCD therapist, I encourage my members to incorporate self-compassion throughout treatment. You can challenge OCD and still be kind to yourself. I will ask you to do uncomfortable things, but nothing more than you can handle. This will ultimately help you grow and recover. Even though ERP (Exposure and Response Therapy) will be hard at times, continuing to engage in compulsions will always make life more difficult. Give yourself a lot of credit for wanting to make necessary changes. I also have experience treating anxiety and depression.

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Andrew Barber

Andrew Barber

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is very non-judgmental and gentle. I am here as a guide to help you figure out what works best for you. Your treatment is a collaborative effort for both of us. Outside of work, I enjoy playing and creating music as well as hiking, hunting, and reading. I love the mountains and would pick them over the beach any day!

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Paula Fistein

Paula Fistein

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

My approach to treating OCD involves learning how OCD presents in a person's life, then building a treatment plan together—one that feels comfortable but is also challenging and can produce successful outcomes. During therapy, I'm non-judgmental and open to questions. I know this can be a scary process. I want members to feel safe and comfortable enough to share and express themselves. When I'm not doing therapy, I read everything from psychology to romance novels. On the weekends, I enjoy riding my motorcycle with my husband and friends, and I love to go hiking and take pictures of nature along the way.

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Cody Fournier

Cody Fournier

Licensed Therapist, LICSW

As someone who has firsthand experience with OCD, I know how scary intrusive thoughts can be. I've received ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) therapy myself and know how effective this treatment is. My approach to treating OCD is collaborative, honest, and motivational. I will be your biggest cheerleader. My goal is to help you achieve a sense of freedom from OCD, a life where you and the condition are in coexistence. I have also treated dual diagnoses, children and adolescents with a history of trauma, and individuals in a primary care setting.

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Megan Belich

Megan Belich

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I approach OCD with the understanding that it has the power to distort everything you love. That understanding motivates me to help members reclaim what they love most. Some fun facts about me: I worked for Starbucks for 11 years before becoming a therapist; my undergraduate degree is in aviation science; I once drove cross country by myself; I played roller derby for seven years; and I love Star Wars.

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Keith Casey

Keith Casey

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I'm an experienced therapist who focuses on OCD because of the positive results people achieve through ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention), the gold standard for OCD therapy. My approach to therapy is empathetic and encouraging. We're here to support you and guide you on this journey. It's hard at first, but with time it will become easier. The most gratifying part of my job is seeing members embrace the idea that change is possible. I also specialize in treating substance abuse, anxiety, and depression.

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Caron Trataris

Caron Trataris

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I have loved ones who've struggled with OCD. I know how limiting and disruptive it can be in your life. I also know it's possible to get better. In therapy, I'll pay close attention to your concerns. Together, we'll create a treatment plan to meet your goals. Your journey toward living life to the fullest is just beginning. You've taken the first, most difficult step on this courageous journey. I also have experience treating depression, anxiety, mood disorders, relationship/family system issues, and aging and life-transition concerns.

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Amy Seager

Amy Seager

Licensed Therapist, LISW-S

I look at a person with OCD as separate from their symptoms. OCD is not who you are. In fact, OCD is preventing you from being your true self. My approach is acceptance of the person first, then tackling the OCD with a nonjudgmental, caring stance. When I'm not doing therapy, I love birdwatching, gardening, knitting, crocheting, and reading anything I can get my hands on. Fun fact: You may see me wearing fingerless gloves during sessions—not as a fashion statement, but because I have Raynaud's Syndrome, which causes my digits to overreact to even slight chills and become painful. Although I usually try to match my gloves to my outfit, sometimes I have to grab whichever pair is available, so you may see some strange color combinations!

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Melissa Deters

Melissa Deters

Licensed Therapist, MA

My number-one goal as a therapist is to offer a safe environment where you can share openly, be understood, and not be judged. I've done therapy myself, and I know you can get better faster if you're open and honest. Everything we do will be collaborative, but I also provide tough love. In the end, I'm that older sibling who taught you life isn't rainbows and butterflies all the time, providing you with a sense of humor and ways to confront anxiety without compulsions. OCD therapy may seem scary, but in the end, it is so worth it.

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Juan Peregrina

Juan Peregrina

Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

I believe in being kind to a person while being tough on a disorder. I want to help people with OCD overcome their struggles with a correct diagnosis and effective, evidence-based treatment. As a therapist, I see myself as a GPS unit. I am here to guide you in the right direction, but you're in the driver’s seat. Together, we will arrive at the destination you seek. You are not alone in your diagnosis or on the road to reducing symptoms. We are here to help and support you.

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Sarah Harbin

Sarah Harbin

Licensed Therapist, MA

I've faced obsessions and compulsions, and I understand how intrusive thoughts can impact a person's life. I am non-judgmental and compassionate. First, I'll help loosen the grip OCD has on your sense of self so we can get to work using ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). OCD therapy is wonderfully effective when done with attention to careful collaboration and creative discussion. I also work with LGBTQ+ individuals and those with anxiety and panic disorders, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorder.

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Toni Bryan

Toni Bryan

Licensed Therapist, LPC

You're here because you're tired of the challenges that have made life more difficult. I'll help you on this journey. I seek to provide an open space for those who may not have one. When we work together, your vulnerability is genuinely seen as a strength. I work to create an environment where your autonomy is intact, and you are cared for and respected. OCD therapy will be challenging, but it is doable and worthwhile! My professional experience includes working with amazing teens and adults who have lived with PTSD after trauma.

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Michele Anuszkiewicz

Michele Anuszkiewicz

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

Although anyone diagnosed with OCD has met certain defined criteria, no two members are the same. Taking the time to really listen to what's causing each person's distress is essential to creating a treatment plan customized to the individual. My goal is for you to make the decisions that control your life, not your OCD. A fun fact about me: My travel goal is to visit all the islands in the Beach Boys song 'Kokomo'.

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Chase Kerrey

Chase Kerrey

Licensed Therapist, MA

Personally and professionally, I "get" anxiety, and OCD is a diagnosis I can relate to and enjoy treating. My approach to OCD therapy has been described as warm, collaborative, relational, witty, encouraging, and kind. Your journey at NOCD will at times require purposeful discomfort, but it pales in comparison to what you've experienced at the hands of OCD. My other areas of professional focus include anxiety, depression, mood disorders, self-harming behaviors, eating disorders, sexual compulsivity, self-esteem issues, and trauma.

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Nicole Connolly

Nicole Connolly

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

During therapy with me, you are in the driver's seat. You decide what activities we do and the pace of our work. I facilitate the overall experience: the structure of treatment, how sessions are organized, and assign the daily homework. Outside of work, I enjoy nature, reading, and making tea.

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Debby Nickens

Debby Nickens

Licensed Therapist, MS

In therapy, I first establish that this is a judgment-free zone. I'm a safe person to speak with. Second, I want to make sure you know exactly what OCD is and the best ways to treat it. Third, I'll walk with you as you do exposure response prevention (ERP) exercises to slowly defeat the OCD monster. OCD therapy won't be easy, but you will not be alone. I also focus on treating anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, and trauma.

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Brian Lann

Brian Lann

Licensed Therapist, MA

I approach treating OCD with compassion and thoughtful application of ERP. For me, seeing people improve the overall quality of their lives is the most gratifying part of being a therapist. Outside of work, I am an avid chess player, love classical jazz and enjoy spending time with my family.

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Roshunda Hartison

Roshunda Hartison

Licensed Therapist, M.Ed.

As an OCD therapist, I strive to create a safe, nonjudgmental, and intentional space. Outside of work, I enjoy all things music and fine arts (including singing), reading, traveling, making others smile or laugh, cooking, and watching cooking shows. Most recently I’m focused on working with a trainer to achieve health goals.

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Erin Pearlman

Erin Pearlman

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I am here for you. My decades of experience help me meet every member where they're at. I will honor and respect your pace and your emotions throughout our Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) sessions. We'll start therapy where you are, and no place is too small to start. During therapy, you will feel challenged and uncomfortable — that means you're growing. Each step of progress creates momentum to climb to the next step. You can do this. You have the ability to conquer OCD!

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Ke-Anna Myers

Ke-Anna Myers

Licensed Therapist, LPC

As an OCD therapist, I am present, nonjudgmental, and willing to help members live a less stressful life. I love to give others a sense of hope and support. A fun fact about me: I was terrified of dogs into early adulthood. In my mid-twenties, I decided to get a dog to deal with my fear. We have been inseparable ever since.

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Monica Natarajan

Monica Natarajan

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach to treating OCD is collaborative and empathetic. I pride myself in empowering the people I work with. When I'm not doing therapy, I enjoy traveling all over the world and learning about different cultures. I especially enjoy going on cruises with my family.

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Toni Sands

Toni Sands

Licensed Therapist, M.Ed.

My approach to OCD therapy is person-centered. I work to build a therapeutic alliance and create a safe environment where you can share, without judgment, what brings you to NOCD. When I'm not working, I enjoy being active, whether it’s outside in nature or at the gym. I also love spending time with my significant other and our three pets, eating great food, and being cozy at home with some movies or shows.

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Jennifer Schlegel

Jennifer Schlegel

Licensed Therapist, MA

As your therapist, I will provide a safe space to share your thoughts and feelings. I believe in using a collaborative approach and empowering you to change your life. You are in the driver’s seat, but I will support and guide you with ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). You can succeed and be the best you can be. We will teach you the tools to meet your goals. I have worked with children and adolescents diagnosed with depression, oppositional defiance, autism, generalized anxiety disorders, and PTSD. I have also worked with adults diagnosed with depression, trauma, and substance use disorders.

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Raven Alston

Raven Alston

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

As an OCD therapist, I see myself as your sidekick of change, helping kick OCD’s butt one session at a time. The most gratifying part of my job is seeing the first sign of relief, when the person I’m helping can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. When I'm not doing therapy, I love to travel and watch all the Housewives shows.

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Andrew Latoszewski

Andrew Latoszewski

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to treating OCD is by utilizing the evidence-based practice of exposure and response prevention. We start slowly by introducing you to small situations or thoughts that trigger compulsions and actions, then carefully build up to more difficult exposures as we progress. While challenging, this will lead to greater control over your OCD, and greater control of your life in general. Aside from being a clinician, I very much enjoy music. One of my favorite hobbies involves converting popular songs into acoustic guitar performances. I am also a big movie and television buff. Dramas and thrillers are my favorite genres.

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Jennifer Woodruff

Jennifer Woodruff

Licensed Therapist, MSSW

I recognize that not every person is the same; we all have unique situations and struggles that brought us to where we are today. I aim to empower people with the tools they need to move beyond the place where they're stuck. Outside of work, I love to read, garden, travel, and spend time with family. I love cats; I've been told I’m fast on my way to becoming 'that cat lady.'

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Anushka Fonseka

Anushka Fonseka

Licensed Therapist, MS

I find the DIAMOND screening tool that we have in place to be a great tool determining if the individual has OCD. If so, building a fear response list and an exposure hierarchy is the standard method I follow to treat OCD. I like to work with individuals and listen to their needs when building this hierarchy. When I'm not doing therapy, I like to enjoy the warmer months outdoors doing activities like kayaking, cycling or hiking. Recently I have gotten into birdwatching. During the colder months I try to cross-country ski.

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Bill McKeon

Bill McKeon

Licensed Therapist, MSW

Helping others get their life back is wonderful to witness. We have more power over our minds than we give ourselves credit for. As a therapist, I truly listen to a person's experience and ensure I understand what they want to achieve. From the beginning to the end of treatment, I discuss what we're doing and why we're doing it. I want the people I'm serving to feel informed and be a partner in our work together. My experience includes treating post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and attention deficit disorders.

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Alana Kearney

Alana Kearney

Licensed Therapist, MA

I'm pleased to provide evidence-based therapy that is clinically proven to alleviate symptoms of OCD. You will receive the gold standard of treatment, which will guide you toward lessening OCD's control of your life. Thoughts are just thoughts. Let's work on them together. I love it when members are motivated, engaged, and reach their goals. My other areas of focus include depressive disorders, mood disorders, and ADHD.

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David Lewis

David Lewis

Licensed Therapist, MA

I take a person-centered approach to counseling. I believe in a collaborative approach to therapy and encourage member interaction during all stages of treatment. When I'm not doing therapy, I love getting outdoors and traveling. My hobbies include woodworking and music.

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Cara Michalak

Cara Michalak

Licensed Therapist, M.Ed.

In therapy, you can expect me to be non-judgmental, understanding, patient, and empathetic. Outside of work, I love spending time in nature and with animals, listening to live music, and traveling all over the United States and other countries.

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Leah Zeitz

Leah Zeitz

Licensed Therapist, MS

I approach OCD treatment with compassion and understanding. You are unique. I'm a supportive and encouraging therapist; I like to use humor and real-life teachable moments, and there may be moments of "tough love" to help you take the next step in the process. I want to help people grow into the person they want to be while learning to accept themselves. I also focus on treating anxiety, depression, trauma, ADHD, grief, and life adjustment. I have a master’s degree in counseling psychology, specializing in child and adolescent development.

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Ava Martinez

Ava Martinez

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I view people as the multifaceted individuals they truly are, always considering unique identities and life experiences before beginning the real work of therapy. I ensure my members know we're on the same team. I'm there every step of the way, providing warmth, encouragement, humor, and a nonjudgmental attitude. I encourage you to challenge yourself here. Compulsions keep you stuck, not safe. I also specialize in complex trauma/PTSD, eating disorders, substance use, and self-harm. Many of my members identify as part of the BIPOC and/or LGBT+ communities.

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Rachel Steen

Rachel Steen

Licensed Therapist, LPC

My approach to treating OCD is flexible, accepting, and holistic. My primary goal is for my members to have a full and valuable life, with as little interference from OCD as possible. It's important to have broader goals for therapy, in addition to reducing OCD symptoms. I want to know how your life would be better if your OCD were under control. What would it free you up to do or be? Change really is possible! I also specialize in treating trauma, anxiety, addiction, and depression.

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Kelli Ezell

Kelli Ezell

Licensed Therapist,

My approach to treating OCD is rooted in compassion and an unwavering concern for others. I strive to instill courage, empowering individuals to navigate beyond their comfort zones, tackle obstacles, and stand up for their beliefs and values. Outside of work, I enjoy traveling with my husband, often to places with nature and waterfalls. I find great joy in connecting with new or old friends, reading my Bible, and taking walks in my neighborhood.

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Michaela McCloud

Michaela McCloud

Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker

Like many people, I was diagnosed with OCD many years after my symptoms appeared. That's why I'm passionate about supporting members through their personal journeys. As a therapist, I'm direct and compassionate, adding a touch of humor when appropriate. I approach ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) with curiosity, and I'll empower you to tell your story authentically. ERP can be challenging, but we will work on it together. You are brave and worthy of happiness! My other areas of focus include anxiety, depressive disorders, and the LGBTQ+ community at large.

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Jessica McGraw

Jessica McGraw

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach in treating OCD is collaborative. I want to work alongside the member setting realistic, yet challenging goals that will empower them to confront their OCD while decreasing the anxiety experienced in distressing situations. I will never force the member to do anything they're uncomfortable doing. Outside of work, I enjoy going on walks with my family, watching the sunrise over the ocean, and a more recent hobby is gardening.

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Jessie Gonzalez

Jessie Gonzalez

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I believe in being a collaborator to help my members achieve their goals. I am here for you! This is a space where you can say anything. I'm an experienced family systems and relationships therapist who is trained in many evidence-based practices, including ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). I am happy to provide services in my native language of Spanish.

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Carletta Nance

Carletta Nance

Licensed Therapist, MA

In treating OCD, I am committed, patient, and encouraging throughout the process. I tell everyone who comes to therapy that this can be hard, but it's worth it. Nothing comes easy. Therapy is about committing to work on yourself so you can have a better quality of life. Some facts about me: I am a cancer survivor, the oldest of six siblings, a big fan of yoga and meditation, and I love adrenaline and adventure. You name it, and I probably have done it or will do it!

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Mitchell Mcdonald

Mitchell Mcdonald

Licensed Therapist, MSSW

I believe in approaching any mental health condition holistically, looking at all aspects of your life that contribute to your current functioning. I utilize a strengths-based approach to empower you to make changes while addressing challenges. In addition to OCD, I have treated substance abuse issues and worked in corrections and in foster care. I have always enjoyed assisting people with high levels of need. I cherish being able to sit with people going through the hardest times of their lives; it's an honor to be trusted in that way.

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Karla Charles

Karla Charles

Licensed Therapist, MS

OCD isn't just limited to intrusive thoughts or behaviors. It can also affect various aspects of your daily life. I take a holistic approach to OCD therapy, considering your relationships, work, and overall well-being. We'll work together to identify goals and develop strategies to manage your symptoms. I'm here to listen and support you; I believe in creating an environment where you'll feel heard and respected. I also specialize in relationship issues, depression, and anxiety. I've always been drawn to helping people overcome their personal struggles and find inner peace.

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Kim Simmons

Kim Simmons

Licensed Therapist, LCMHC

My approach to OCD therapy is compassionate, yet direct. I see you as the expert on you, and I’m here to help guide you to recovery. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family and two energetic dogs and relaxing by the ocean. I began my career in art and still enjoy it as a creative outlet in my free time.

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Suchika Siotia

Suchika Siotia

Licensed Therapist, MS

In my practice as a therapist specializing in OCD, I have utilized Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) as an effective treatment approach. ERP is a well-established and evidence-based therapeutic technique supported by research for its effectiveness in treating OCD. Utilizing this evidence-based therapy empowers my clients to confront their fears and break free from the cycle of obsessions and compulsions, fostering significant and lasting improvements in their mental health and well-being. When I'm not doing therapy, I enjoy watching TV and doing arts and crafts.

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Christine Lustig Ortiz

Christine Lustig Ortiz

Licensed Therapist, MA

People are dynamic and complex. I have a deep awareness and respect for what I don’t know, what I need to learn, and the many ways I can collaborate with a person in their OCD treatment. Outside of work, I love spending time with my husband of almost 21 years, our three rescue dogs, and our family. I love to be outdoors and in nature, hiking in the mountains or reading by the ocean. I am reteaching myself to play the piano. I enjoy doing yoga and making handmade gifts.

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Maribel Fuentes-Sandoval

Maribel Fuentes-Sandoval

Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker

I'm happy you're here today. The first step is the hardest, and you've done the challenging part. My approach to treating OCD is collaborative and supportive. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy is known to be the most effective OCD treatment. I create a member-centered environment where I treat you as the expert. I'm here to guide and support you. We'll work together to address barriers, experiences, and goals for improving your quality of life. I have many years of experience working with children, adolescents, and young adults on behavioral, social, emotional, and environmental concerns.

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Nate Kretlow

Nate Kretlow

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I believe it's important to meet everyone where they're at and treat the whole person. Pushing back against OCD can be scary, but therapy can be rewarding and effective. My approach is collaborative. I want to empower you to make decisions in your treatment. We'll create a plan together — ensuring your goals are reflected in our work — and break things down into manageable challenges. My professional experience includes treating depression, ADHD, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and specific phobias.

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Noelle Lepore

Noelle Lepore

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

As someone who has lived experience with intrusive thoughts, I know how difficult they can be. I also know ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) works. Utilizing my personal and professional experience, I will help you find your strength. I believe people who have OCD are superheroes. Living with OCD is hard, and ERP is hard work. Everyone who chooses to battle their OCD is amazing. It is an honor to be the Alfred to your Batman. I have also helped people struggling with anxiety, depression, postpartum anxiety/depression, suicidal ideation, and relationship issues.

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Jordann Perez

Jordann Perez

Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern

My own experience with OCD fueled my passion to help people like me who needed help understanding the diagnosis and adjusting thoughts and behavior. I'll help you channel your own power over your intrusive thoughts. I'll collaborate on a treatment plan and maintain open communication in a trusting environment. ERP therapy can seem intimidating at first. But as we work together, you'll be surprised by what you're capable of. I also specialize in the treatment of addiction and substance use disorder and have worked with families and couples on improving their relationships.

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Monica Davis

Monica Davis

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I pride myself on being flexible and meeting members where they're at. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment. Every member comes to us with unique needs. When I'm not doing therapy, I use dance as a form of relaxation and self-expression. I started ballet and figure skating at a very early age. I am on a Melbourne Shuffle dance team that has brought me many new friends and wonderful experiences.

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Wendy Durant

Wendy Durant

Licensed Therapist, MED

My therapeutic approach involves using ERP, an evidenced-based treatment approach to create a supportive, nonjudgmental, collaborative, didactic, therapeutic space to treat OCD. In addition to being a therapist supporting clients with OCD, I’m a wife, boy mom, and dog mom (I have three dogs: two toy poodles and a cocker spaniel). I love to travel and experience new cultures and places, spend time with my family and friends, and read. I am actively involved with my sorority and volunteer as a crisis counselor with LBGT+ youth.

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John Getchell

John Getchell

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to treating OCD is simple yet effective. First, I want to get to know you and be able to connect with you. I consider it an honor and a privilege to hear your story. Second, I will provide high-quality ERP that will serve as a long-term solution to the difficulties you're facing. When I’m not working, I enjoy going to the beach. Living in Florida gives me many opportunities to snorkel, swim, and relax by the water. On most weekends, you will find me there.

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Tony Wilkins

Tony Wilkins

Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

As an OCD therapist, I am direct yet calm when going for the root of the anxiety/fear. I provide a warm space to feel the 'distress' without judgment. I was born and raised in San Diego. I enjoy going to the beach, meditating, doing yoga, staying physically active, playing video games on my PS5, creating graphics on Canva, and reading science fiction/fantasy books. I have two dogs.

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Veronica Finnegan

Veronica Finnegan

Licensed Therapist, MS

As your OCD therapist, my goal is to be a consistent presence who will instill hope and guide you through the step-by-step and exciting process of walking head-on into your fears, realizing you can do it, and getting to the other side. Outside of work, I love spending time with my 11-year-old son and playing sports, singing, dancing, and playing with our pet bunny. I have just published my first book, Giving Birth Doesn’t Make You a Mother: A Guide to Conscious, Healing, and Transformative Parenting.

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Dori Ertler

Dori Ertler

Licensed Therapist, MA

The fact that I have experienced some of the effects of OCD makes me sympathetic to those who are suffering from it. We all have so many different experiences, but at the heart is a longing to belong, to fit in, and to enjoy our lives with those we love. Remembering that is key for me in treating people with and without OCD. When I'm not doing therapy, I love to read—anywhere, anyplace. I also enjoy traveling; I'm putting together a bucket list for my husband and me to work through once we semi-retire.

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Marissa Friedberg

Marissa Friedberg

Licensed Therapist, MS

As a therapist, my aim is to provide a safe, nurturing space to help you reach your goals. Treating OCD is collaborative. We will take this journey together. It's a process, and it's important to trust that process. There will be good and bad days, but I'll be here for you every step of the way. My other professional areas of focus include anxiety and depression. Anxiety has impacted me and a number of my family members.

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Jean Meyer

Jean Meyer

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is collaborative, respectful, and light-hearted, while understanding how painful, and often devastating and disabling the symptoms are for the sufferer. Outside of work, I like to spend time with friends and family, enjoying food and music, and taking walks in nature with my two border collies, identifying plants, birds, and animals.

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Klara Prachar

Klara Prachar

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

I am committed to the efficacy of exposure response prevention, because it works! I will highlight your strengths and encourage you to use them through the ERP process. There is no easy way around it—you have to do the work, but we are here to support you through those challenges. Some fun facts about me: I'm a hopeless animal enthusiast and have two rescue dogs, Juno and Ike. I like to pretend that I know how to cook, run in the park, hike the mountains, and I recently started a garden. My favorite part so far is pulling weeds—it is surprisingly satisfying.

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Jennifer Kowalski

Jennifer Kowalski

Licensed Therapist, LPC

Recovering from OCD is not easy. You're being asked to let go of a system of beliefs and behaviors you've developed to keep you safe. But this system is no longer serving you, and it's time to change. Together, we'll challenge it at your pace. This painful condition can be overcome with the right treatment and support. My experience in treating OCD, anxiety, and depression, can help us get a better understanding of where things become disordered and how you can best cope moving forward without compulsive behaviors.

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Rain Wald

Rain Wald

Licensed Therapist, MC

I treat people who have OCD with compassion and understanding—and the knowledge that it never looks the same in any two people. My philosophy is that we have to be in partnership to treat and overcome OCD. I will join you in utilizing the most effective strategies to facilitate the greatest degree of growth. We are meant to pursue life with the tools we acquire, not to be trapped by unreasonable fears. My other areas of clinical focus include anxiety and depression, autism spectrum disorders, substance use, K-12 academic disorders, and couples counseling.

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Jocelyn Acoff

Jocelyn Acoff

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD entails gathering as much information as possible, establishing a plan, and checking in regularly. I recognize the importance of a great therapeutic relationship, listening to people, and meeting them where they are. Maintaining open dialogue is important. OCD therapy is not an easy process, but it's definitely worth it! My other areas of focus include depression, anxiety, life changes/adjustments, PTSD, and psychotic disorders.

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Brooke Tominey

Brooke Tominey

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is a combination of ERP (exposure and response prevention), CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), and ongoing symptom assessment. It's important to me to make sure you feel safe to gradually expose yourself to those triggering situations/environments to achieve the best results and learn to cope accordingly. Outside of work, I enjoy going to the beach, reading, watching YouTube and football, being around my friends and family, and watching the sunset all as a means of self-care so I am able to recharge!

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Michelle Guillen

Michelle Guillen

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

My approach to OCD therapy is person-centered. I understand that each person is unique and taps into their strengths as we utilize ERP to elicit real change. Outside of work, I'm a 200-hour trained yoga teacher, Reiki master, and Theta healer. I love to read and spend time exploring and healing my inner child with my toddler son.

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Khris Durham

Khris Durham

Licensed Therapist, MS

I believe people generally want to be happy, effective, and successful in their lives. Working from a client-centered approach, I aim to display unconditional empathy and genuine support to strengthen the therapeutic relationship and help you on your journey to a more holistic, congruent view of yourself. Outside of work, I'm currently learning to crochet with my mom, sister and law, and nieces. It's a fun hobby, family time, and I get to keep cute new knit things.

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Megan Ocando

Megan Ocando

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

My approach to treating OCD is to be your advocate. I want you to feel comfortable with me in our sessions, so you can feel comfortable doing ERP. I will never see you in a negative light, nor will I judge you, even with the stories you share that may cause you to feel alone and bad about yourself. When I'm not doing therapy, I enjoy going to the gym and reading mysteries and psychological thrillers. I also enjoy hanging out with my husband, our kids, and our youngest daughter's service dog.

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Joe Ramsey

Joe Ramsey

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

My approach to treating OCD is one of collaboration and aligning with the member to create a solid therapeutic relationship. Some fun facts about me: I'm a huge fan of Star Trek (all of it). I'm also a huge fan of Star Wars (the original trilogy; the new stuff, not so much). I'm also a huge tech guy—I love video games, historical documentaries, and puppies!

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Angela Dickerson

Angela Dickerson

Licensed Therapist, MED

My approach to treating OCD is collaborative. You are the specialist when it comes to your experience with OCD; I am the trained specialist in treating OCD. Together we will work from our areas of specialty to overcome your OCD. When I’m not working, I enjoy having movie nights with my dog Cody and playing online video games. A fun fact about me: I make some of the best homemade ice cream.

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Anna Dufford

Anna Dufford

Licensed Therapist, MS

Resolving OCD is about learning to be present with the discomfort that is a natural part of life. This isn’t just an OCD skill — it’s a quality-of-life skill. I'm here to support you in regaining your life. I will ask you to do hard things like challenging your obsessions and compulsions, in the service of empowering you to overcome OCD. This process will be hard, but living with OCD is harder. My background is in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), which has the aim of helping people build a life worth living.

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Nicole Mitsuuchi

Nicole Mitsuuchi

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

My approach to OCD therapy is gentle, nurturing, guiding, and redirecting. This is a safe space where you'll be challenged to face your fears. We'll collaborate to determine your treatment plan, but the overall goal is to be able to tolerate uncertainty. Try to remember that ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) is essentially short-term distress that results in lifelong change. In addition to OCD, I also specialize in treating anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, parent-child interaction therapy, attachment disorders, and trauma.

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Matthew Culbreath

Matthew Culbreath

Licensed Therapist, M.Ed

As an OCD therapist, my approach is like that of a person-centered personal trainer. First and foremost, you'll be unconditionally accepted, appreciated, and respected. I’m guessing that OCD has told you that you’re no good, unworthy of acceptance, and should be deeply ashamed. These are lies, and I aim to help you see through them. We will meet, collaborate to decide on a target, and develop exercises to build “strength” or resilience to anxiety-evoking thoughts. You will feel in charge of your recovery; we “add more weight to the bar” only when you’re ready. Outside of work, I look forward to growing vegetables in the warm weather seasons. I have pet Shih-Tzu that strongly resembles an Ewok (from Return of the Jedi). She is full of various hijinks but really likes to steal red bell peppers from my garden.

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Deirdre James

Deirdre James

Licensed Therapist, MS

I became a therapist to help people pursue values-based lives they enjoy. My goal is to support individuals through their struggles, and I find that Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) offers an exceptionally effective method of assistance. I also incorporate techniques from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to help you identify your values, accept challenges, and live a values-based life. My focus on anxiety and depression enables me to effectively treat individuals holistically. I’m here to support you throughout this journey, and this is a judgment-free zone.

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Tia-Channell Hernandez

Tia-Channell Hernandez

Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker

I've experienced my own successful journey with therapy, and I'm passionate about extending that help to others. My approach to OCD treatment is collaborative, member-led, and guided by gentle nudges. You'll have the agency to give consent for the exercises we undertake, and your willingness and eagerness will propel us toward a healthier, more manageable place. Your active participation in this journey is paramount. In addition to OCD, I have experience treating severe and chronic mental illness, including anxiety, depression, trauma, psychosis, and bipolar.

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Nicole Haunroth

Nicole Haunroth

Licensed Therapist, MS

As a therapist, I work to be relaxed, welcoming, and interactive. I want you to feel comfortable. We will work together to help you to overcome your challenges. In my free time, I love spending time with my family and friends, as well as being outdoors.

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Shayla Humbles Irby

Shayla Humbles Irby

Licensed Therapist, MA

I meet my members where they are. I support my members' emotional, physical and social well-being. Outside of work, I spend free time with my family, creating memories. I became a mother later in life, and that was the most important promotion I’ve ever received; I’m honored to have the opportunity to raise a tiny human into someone remarkable and absolutely love it.

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Brandy Reid

Brandy Reid

Licensed Therapist, PsyD

I treat OCD from a place of curiosity, compassion, and genuine desire to help people get to a better place with their struggles. When I'm not doing therapy, I love to travel, spend time with my family, and do things that inspire my creativity.

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Donna Fletcher

Donna Fletcher

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to OCD is collaborative and person-centered. I strongly believe in creating a safe space for members. You are not alone. You will have a lot of support on this journey. My background includes many years of experience with eating disorders, anxiety, and trauma. It has been so rewarding to help people overcome their fears and see them recover. Some of my family members have struggled with eating disorders and OCD.

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Denise Drew

Denise Drew

Licensed Therapist, MS

Maya Angelou once said, “The best part of life is not just surviving, but thriving with passion and compassion and humor and style and generosity and kindness.” I enjoy helping people enhance the areas in their lives that matter most. My approach to treating OCD is evidence-based and effective: Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) has yielded life-changing results. You can receive clarity and understanding and respond to challenging situations in a more effective way. You deserve to live your best life.

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Charlie Bishop

Charlie Bishop

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

My approach to treating OCD is straightforward and direct. I will be utilizing ERP methods, techniques, and interventions throughout your treatment. Once our plan is set for treatment, I do my best to keep us on track. Life happens, and sometimes we may need to take time to focus on unexpected events. Outside of work, I enjoy going to the library, cooking, and playing games. I'm also an international speaker on topics related to eating disorders, body image, couple and intimate relationships, and Black mental health and well-being.

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Acacia Douglas

Acacia Douglas

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

As an OCD therapist, I take a collaborative and supportive approach to help you develop and strengthen your skills. We will devise your treatment plan together and break it down into clear and manageable steps. I'm here to help hold you accountable and make the lasting change you've been looking for. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family, attending soccer games, nurturing my plants, reading, catching up on movies and television shows—I’m always open to new suggestions—and trying to spend more time in nature.

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Meaghan  Campbell

Meaghan Campbell

Licensed Therapist, MA

I meet people where they are, teaching them the skills to overcome their personal challenges, gradually pushing them outside their comfort zones so they can live their best lives without the burden of their OCD symptoms. Outside of work, I love concerts, professional sporting events (hockey, baseball, and football, all within a quick drive), museums, trivia games, card and board games, beaches, parks, dog-friendly everything (my pooch is my bestie), yoga, reading, and all kinds of festivals and fairs.

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Lee Solomon

Lee Solomon

Licensed Therapist, MS

Members of my family have been diagnosed with OCD. This motivates me to treat the diagnosis with compassion, understanding, and action. The great thing about NOCD Therapy is that it’s a collaborative approach. We're a team and work together. Therapy can be uncomfortable, but the more comfortable we are with the uncomfortable, the more confidence we develop. All forms of pain are temporary, and you can learn how to overcome them through professional guidance. I also specialize in treating anxiety, depression, and trauma.

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Cindy Garcia-Noonis

Cindy Garcia-Noonis

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

In ERP, one of the most effective forms of treatment for OCD, we'll work together to identify your specific triggers, obsessive thoughts and behaviors, then I'll guide you through techniques to face your fears gradually. I'll work with you to develop skills to tolerate distress and uncertainty without attempting to get rid of anxiety through compulsions. When I'm not working, my favorite hobby is traveling. I love experiencing new cultures, learning about people, eating new foods and taking photos.

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Kristine Guerra

Kristine Guerra

Licensed Therapist, MS

OCD has a way of wiping out your self-esteem and self-worth. Something I can do as a therapist is to help empower you to find your strengths to approach things in a different way so you can take that next step toward wholeness. Outside of work, I enjoy engaging in new and fun activities like working on puzzles, going to amusement parks, doing escape rooms, and traveling.

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Lauren Jermstad

Lauren Jermstad

Licensed Therapist, MSW

Everyone deserves to feel joy and peace in their life. I'm here to meet you where you're at and make hard conversations feel natural. My approach to OCD therapy is encouraging, supportive, and direct. I bring a calm and genuine presence to each session. I will acknowledge your needs and fears, empowering you to work toward change. I am trauma-informed, and the tools I've learned to treat anxiety and depression translate well to treating OCD.

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Margaux Marquez

Margaux Marquez

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to treating OCD is rooted in a compassionate, evidence-based, and individualized framework. I see each individual as unique. I utilize exposure and response prevention (ERP) to help you confront and manage obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. Through gradual exposure to triggers and preventing compulsive responses, we work together to reduce the impact of OCD on your life. Understanding OCD is crucial. I provide information about the condition, its underlying mechanisms, and how treatment works. I believe in a collaborative therapeutic relationship. You are an active participant in your treatment, and together we make decisions about the direction of therapy and the best approaches to achieve your goals. Outside of work, I enjoy working in my garden, going to the beach, and spending time with my family.

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James Agyei

James Agyei

Licensed Therapist, Ph.D.

My approach to treating OCD is to work together with the client to develop and implement a treatment plan that is tailored to their individual needs and goals. I believe that the client is the expert on their own experiences and that my role is to support and guide them on their journey of recovery. Outside of work, I enjoy playing and coaching soccer. I also like traveling and trying different foods.

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Madilynne West

Madilynne West

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I am so happy you're here. You are not alone and will be supported throughout this process. My approach to treating OCD is collaborative; our therapy sessions will involve you and I working together as a team. I want you to feel comfortable offering feedback and joining me in brainstorming exercises to decrease the impact OCD is having on your life. My experience in working with anxiety, depression, and PTSD allows me to have great empathy and understanding for those living with OCD.

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Maggie Denison

Maggie Denison

Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker

I have friends and family who suffer from OCD, and I've seen firsthand how debilitating it can be. I have immense empathy for the courage it takes to open up to a therapist. Give yourself self-compassion and grace as you navigate this process. How we choose to respond to our hardships can greatly affect our quality of life. We will go on this journey together. Beyond OCD, I focus on treating anxiety, depression, PTSD/trauma, LGBTQIA+-related issues, perfectionism, and life transitions. I'm passionate about decreasing the stigma surrounding mental illness.

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Amara Caimitte

Amara Caimitte

Licensed Therapist, MS

I am patient and structured with my approach to therapy, always looking to learn and expand with you. Outside of work, I very much enjoy hiking, museums, Japanese language and culture, and a great bowl of ramen.

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Mandy Travis

Mandy Travis

Licensed Therapist, MA

In treating OCD, I want to get to know you and what brings you to seek therapy. I like to know what goals you'd like to work toward. Knowing how I can best help you helps me to collaborate on goals using ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention), which has a high success rate. I want to see people get better, and I love to guide them in that process. I also specialize in trauma, depression, anxiety, grief and loss, suicidality, and LGBTQIA+ issues.

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Brianne Birtic

Brianne Birtic

Licensed Therapist, MSW

We are all human, with struggles that made us the people we are today. I have personal experience with anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and substance use, and I want to assist others who are struggling. My approach to treating OCD includes collaboration, family involvement, compassion, empathy, and a sense of humor. I get to know my members on a personal, human level. My main areas of focus are mood and anxiety disorders, substance use, DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy), psychoeducation, and biopsychosocial assessments.

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Melissa Wright

Melissa Wright

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

As an OCD therapist, I have a non-judgemental and compassionate, yet direct approach. I'm here to be your guide through beating OCD. ERP isn't easy, but it works and it's worth it. I keep it real but I like to make things enjoyable. I have been licensed as a Marriage & Family Therapist in California since 2013. In addition to being an OCD Specialist, I treat postpartum anxiety/mood disorders, trauma (EMDR), and addiction.

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Leah Dronson

Leah Dronson

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

My approach to OCD therapy is warm, empathetic, and non-judgmental. We will go at your pace, and I will be there to guide you and make sure you feel seen and heard. I love being part of the incredible process of helping people move from feeling stuck and hopeless to empowered and confident. Outside of work, I love to bake and cook. I love reading cookbooks and finding new recipes. I also spend a lot of my time chasing around my very active toddler.

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Shaniece Robotham

Shaniece Robotham

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

My approach to treating OCD is collaborative, emphasizing the development of awareness regarding obsessions and compulsions while facilitating strategies for individuals to live with and manage them. Outside of my professional work, I enjoy reading and cherish spending quality time with my family, which allows me to recharge and maintain a balanced life.

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Daniel Papandrea

Daniel Papandrea

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD involves building a strong therapeutic relationship where we can work in collaboration and you feel comfortable and empowered. You know yourself best, and I will meet you where you're at. In my downtime, I enjoy practicing jujitsu (I've been doing it for over 25 years), hiking, traveling, spending time with my family, and marathon-watching my favorite shows and movies.

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Chris Shakalis

Chris Shakalis

Associate Therapist, MS

OCD therapy is a collaborative process. We will work together to achieve the objectives we've set. You must be committed and engaged in the process for results to be achieved. I will do my best to help you to help yourself. Outside of work, traveling with my family is at the top of the list of fun things to do. I’ve lived and worked in five countries and have visited 45.

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Mason Allred

Mason Allred

Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

My primary approach to treating OCD involves the use of exposure and response prevention (ERP), which is widely recognized as the gold standard treatment for OCD. ERP entails exposing individuals to their obsessive fears in a controlled and gradual manner while simultaneously preventing the compulsive behaviors that provide temporary relief. I approach therapy with warmth, compassion, and positive regard for those who are struggling. Before becoming a therapist I was a classical vocalist. I love music, concerts, and discovering new artists. I am an avid gym-goer and enjoy hiking with my partner. Any chance I get to start a new TV show, I do. You can find me bingeing something new most weeks.

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Simone Totoro

Simone Totoro

Licensed Therapist, MA

I've been working as a licensed professional counselor for many years, and I'm proud to say that I continue to learn every day from my members and colleagues. I wear many hats in this process, not only as your therapist but as a coach, motivator, and educator. During my leisure time, I enjoy watching the Phillies, playing golf, going to the beach, taking mindfulness walks with my Labradoodles Stevie and Sammie, and practicing pilates.

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Diana Matthiessen

Diana Matthiessen

Associate Therapist, LMSW

You've come to the right place. If you're checking out NOCD Therapy, you've already taken a huge step toward reclaiming the life you want. I approach OCD treatment with enthusiasm and compassion. I'm strengths-based and person-centered. We will collaborate to focus on what's meaningful to you. I'm here to provide support, encouragement, and knowledge as you choose how you want to live your life. This work can be challenging — and it will be worth it. My other areas of focus include anxiety and depression.

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Jenny  Starosta

Jenny Starosta

Licensed Therapist, PhD

I take a practical approach to treating OCD. I utilize Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), because it has been demonstrated to be the most effective method. ERP does take work, and it is uncomfortable, but it's like being sore after a hard workout — we have to train or practice to get better at any task. There is a truly positive outcome to OCD therapy. In addition to treating OCD, I specialize in maternal mental health and helping people understand and cope with neurodivergence.

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Cindy  Walker

Cindy Walker

Licensed Therapist, MA

I take a person-centered approach and utilize my creativity to help members find their strengths and empower them to use the skills taught. Outside of work, I love to read, practice yoga, and run around with my child.

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Marisa Cherry

Marisa Cherry

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach as a therapist is empathic and kind. I believe good rapport between therapist and member is a wonderful contributing factor to positive outcomes in treatment. In my free time, you can find me rollerblading at the beach, painting with acrylics, or driving with the windows down and listening to good music. I love animals and have a dog named Max.

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Natalie Spitz-Eshelman

Natalie Spitz-Eshelman

Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

I collaborate closely with my members, creating a safe and supportive space where they can explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. We work together to identify and challenge harmful thought patterns and behaviors, ultimately helping them regain control over their lives and reduce the impact of OCD on relationships and well-being. Outside of work, I love to travel and experience different cultures. I have two cats who also think they are therapists and have been known to meow during sessions. I can confidently quote most lines from the show Friends and Frasier.

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Deserae Quezada

Deserae Quezada

Licensed Therapist, MSW

OCD is treatable, and you can see positive changes with the right type of therapy. In my career as a therapist, I've focused on anxiety, depression, and chronic illnesses that impact mental health. I've found that OCD can lead to all of these conditions, and I'm here to help. Recovery looks different for each person, and change requires work. People’s resilience and ability to overcome something they've struggled with — sometimes for many years, before seeking help — is so gratifying for me to witness.

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Jessica Germaine

Jessica Germaine

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I've found that the greatest measure of success is the ability to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Becoming a therapist at NOCD has forced me to get out of my comfort zone and grow professionally. Outside of work, I love being in the natural environment, whether it’s gardening or hiking. I enjoy painting, pottery, and all things handmade. I find the creative process very therapeutic.

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Linda Naranjo

Linda Naranjo

Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker

In treating OCD, I am patient and kind while being effective at setting boundaries and keeping an individual accountable. I will do my very best to always give 100% focus and energy during every session. Outside of work, for self-care, I enjoy crocheting. I spend my time taking care of my 10-year-old dog, Franklin. I crochet him custom sweaters. You can often find us living our best lives on the couch singing karaoke.

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Charles Adrian Bewley

Charles Adrian Bewley

Licensed Therapist, MS

I approach treating OCD the way I approach any kind of treatment: collaboratively. This work is a team effort, and as such, it’s crucial that anyone working with me feels they have full autonomy and control over how they'll meet their goals. Together, we will develop a treatment plan, goals for therapy, and homework, as well as deciding what to work on in each and every session. Outside of work, I’m a music head and a tennis enthusiast (though I'm very far from a master). I’m also a playwright and a singer-songwriter. Since the pandemic began, baking has become my meditation.

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Amy Blum Cole

Amy Blum Cole

Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker

My first goal is to help you feel comfortable opening up about your concerns. We will then work together to come up with the best treatment plan to address them. Facing the fears beneath your OCD is a challenging process, but I will be here to offer encouragement and support throughout your journey. When I'm not working, I love to spend time in nature hiking or paddleboarding, hang out with my family, try new restaurants, or just curl up on the couch with my pup.

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Kelly Caleb

Kelly Caleb

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I have the compassion, empathy, and understanding to meet people where they are in their journey of recovery. My approach to treating OCD is a combination of mindfulness and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). Using the NOCD protocol, we will work together to face and overcome the things that are creating difficulty for you. I love seeing my members become more functional and proud of their accomplishments as they recover. I've treated many types of anxieties, phobias, compulsions, and addictions. Whatever you're experiencing, we can face it together.

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Brittany Flores

Brittany Flores

Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

What's on the other side of OCD therapy? Meaningful results that help you live a fulfilling life. I provide a gentle, accepting atmosphere for OCD treatment. You won't be judged here, and I welcome you to set the pace. My clinical background includes delivering substance use disorder treatment to adolescents, families, and adults. It's an honor to be able to work alongside others and witness their growth.

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Sonya Keith

Sonya Keith

Licensed Therapist, MSW

OCD has had a noticeable negative impact on people I care about, and I want to help prevent anyone else from suffering. My approach to OCD therapy is methodical and purposeful. I'm always curious about people and want to know as much about them as possible. Being trusted to help someone is an honor and a serious responsibility. Facing our fears and intrusive thoughts can feel scary, but you will not be alone. You can do this. My other areas of focus include homelessness and trauma.

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Terron Gaiter

Terron Gaiter

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to OCD aligns with NOCD’s approach to OCD. It’s a proven, evidence-based practice that is clinically proven to work. I love breaking barriers and building rapport with the people I'm working with. A fun fact about me: I’m a father of three … pups, that is. I love to shop for myself and for them. Yes, they wear clothes. They must match their father.

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Lauren Remsen

Lauren Remsen

Registered Clinical Social Worker Intern

Thank you for taking the first step toward healing. Although therapy can seem daunting, I promise you that it’s so worth the effort! I focus on helping my members learn to be OK with uncertainty. We can't be certain about most things in this life, and OCD often grabs onto the need for certainty. Through Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), I'll work with you to understand your core fears and how to conquer them. I'll teach you to have a different relationship with your intrusive thoughts, so they no longer take over your life.

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Michelle Shenk

Michelle Shenk

Licensed Therapist, MED

I have a warm, collaborative therapy style and bring that to every member I work with. As members with OCD learn to face the things they fear through ERP, I am there to support them and help them recognize their own strength and resilience. I seek to embrace people’s whole selves, recognizing that different aspects of their identities and lives impact the specific challenges that they are entering therapy to address. I work with people, not just a diagnosis. When I'm not at work, I am happiest outside, whether biking through city parks, hiking in the mountains, swimming at the beach, or just relaxing in a sunny spot. I also enjoy reading novels, sketching, and learning to play the piano (the last one is definitely a work in progress!).

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Sophia Koukoulis

Sophia Koukoulis

Licensed Therapist, MA

I specialize in OCD to advocate for people with OCD, and to help people understand the diagnosis and get help for their symptoms. In therapy, we will work together. I want to help you open up about things that feel uncomfortable to face, sit with, or even understand. It’s OK to be nervous, even scared, about therapy. But NOCD offers the most effective OCD treatment: Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). My other areas of professional focus include anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, grief, relationship/marriage issues, self-esteem, and ADHD.

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Vannia Duran

Vannia Duran

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I have OCD, and it's prevalent in my family. I know life doesn't stop when the symptoms start. I became a therapist to support others in navigating their symptoms and living a full life. I approach each session without judgment. I will learn more about you, provide information, and collaborate with you throughout treatment. I am 100% on your side. I have experience working with anxiety, depression, BFRBs (body-focused repetitive behaviors), autism, trauma, bipolar disorder and psychosis.

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Augusto Barbaran

Augusto Barbaran

Licensed Therapist, MS

I've seen how powerful therapy is in my members' lives and in my own life. OCD is a difficult disorder and not well understood by people who don't have experience with it. This is a safe and judgment-free space. I'm here to support and teach, to encourage risk-taking, and to support members in pushing through the discomfort while practicing ERP. Progress is made outside of your comfort zone; in therapy, we spend a lot of time outside the comfort zone. But I'm here every step of the way.

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Melanie Copeland

Melanie Copeland

Licensed Therapist, LCSW

You are more than your diagnosis. I care about who you are as a person as much as why you're here for therapy. My approach to treating OCD includes acceptance and building trust; I believe creating a safe space is the starting place of treatment. I will walk with you at your pace, and we'll find solutions together. You'll be supported through the entire journey. I’ve also worked with people who've struggled with depression, anxiety, adjustment disorder, ADHD, grief, and other persistent mental health disorders.

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Adrienne Boland

Adrienne Boland

Licensed Therapist, MA

First and foremost, it's important to me that you feel heard. Not only is feeling heard the cornerstone of building a trusting therapeutic relationship, I also believe that healing happens when a person feels like someone really 'gets it'. Outside of work, one of my favorite things to do is spend time with my dogs. They keep things interesting and fun (although chaotic at times). I believe the best life is life with a dog.

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Lucila de Mujica

Lucila de Mujica

Licensed Therapist, MS

I come to our sessions ready to meet you where you're at. I'll listen to and validate your struggles, then identify how we can overcome them. I will be part of your journey — I'll be there to support, encourage, and push you when you need it. We'll work together to face feared outcomes, to sit with uncertainty, and to tolerate the unknown. With time, you'll start to see small changes that become the big life changes you dream of. Beyond OCD, I have experience treating anxiety and other mood disorders.

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Danielle Wolman

Danielle Wolman

Licensed Therapist, MS

I have family members who've suffered significantly from OCD and anxiety. I've seen them at their worst, but I've also seen them thrive. I like to help free people from the prisons our minds can create. My approach is warm and down to earth. I will work diligently to understand your unique story and lived experience. I want you to feel like you can open up and just be yourself. Therapy can be hard work, but we'll have some fun along the way. I ascribe to the theory that people can get through things better with laughter.

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Nicole Gustafson

Nicole Gustafson

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is person-centered and evidence-based. I take time to learn about each of my members as the unique individuals they are. Seeking help is an admirable action, and it is my privilege to be working with you. This is your space to share what’s on your mind in an environment of mutual respect. In addition to OCD, I have experience treating affective and anxiety disorders, eating disorders, psychotic disorders, and substance use disorders. I've worked with all age groups in a variety of settings.

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Natalia Caronna

Natalia Caronna

Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

My approach to treating OCD aims to isolate your specific doubts/fears, then use doubt to fight doubt. OCD wants to be the center of your life by injecting doubt and fear into any facet of life it can. My approach helps you disarm doubt and fear through self-exploration, curiosity, and courageous exposure. Outside of work, I dance: ballet/pointe, jazz, contemporary, hip hop. Before working in mental health, I was a professional TV/film makeup artist. I’ve combined my love of makeup and therapy and created my own modality: “makeup therapy” incorporates talk therapy, art therapy, and personalized makeup education. It is the ultimate combination of my two passions.

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Kelly Schaffer

Kelly Schaffer

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I love seeing real change happen in people's lives. I take a supportive and sensitive approach to treating OCD. In sessions, we will use the number-one, evidence-based model used for OCD treatment. Living with OCD can be debilitating, but therapy can provide hope and relief from overwhelming symptoms. I also have experience working with individuals living with many diagnoses, including anxiety, mood disorders, dual diagnosis, schizophrenia, and neurological disorders. In addition, I'm passionate about advancing human rights.

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Melissa Jackson

Melissa Jackson

Licensed Therapist, MS

The most important aspect of any therapy is the therapeutic relationship. My approach will always start with establishing a trusting foundation. We will be in this together. Even though we'll hit the ground running—with education about OCD and exposures—we will start small and grow one step at a time. Outside of my work as a therapist, I enjoy spending time with my teenage son and our four dogs. I also love to read, watch movies and TV, go for walks, and meditate. I believe in the power of meditation/mindfulness and recently became a certified meditation teacher.

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Ashley  Guerrier

Ashley Guerrier

Licensed Therapist, MS

I'll work with you to break down obsessions and intrusive thoughts into their separate parts, such as thoughts, physical feelings, and actions. After validating your hardships and commending you on your bravery to make a change, I'll have you identify and rank situations that may elicit the desire to act on your compulsions. We'll work on sitting with the discomfort of these situations until the need to engage in compulsions is reduced and your anxiety is no longer overwhelming. Outside of work, I've always been a pretty dedicated foodie and have traveled to several cities to try new food. A consistent favorite of mine is Latin cuisine.

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Joy Mikles

Joy Mikles

Licensed Therapist, MA

You are not alone. Starting NOCD Therapy is a big, brave step, and I will be with you. I'll create a non-judgmental space where we can collaborate on facing triggers and delaying responses that keep people stuck in the OCD loop. OCD is a big bully that keeps people from living the lives they want. I love watching people overcome their fears and gain the lives they long to live. My other areas of professional focus include working with couples and families on communication and other issues.

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Max Croteau

Max Croteau

Licensed Therapist, MA

I approach OCD treatment with compassion and respect. You are not alone. You are not defective. OCD is not what is wrong with you. The focus is on what happened to you and finding the solution to what you're struggling with. There is hope. Therapy may not be easy, but it is worthwhile. I will keep you informed with honesty and directness. In addition to OCD, the areas I'm most passionate about are addiction, trauma, and families. Often, the three are interwoven.

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Donna Gupta

Donna Gupta

Resident in Counseling

Having personal and professional experience with anxiety, I use what I know to help people with OCD get the treatment they need. My approach to therapy is empathetic and open. Empathy is my biggest priority; it allows me to give every person the space to feel safe and understood. My goal is to guide and support you throughout treatment, giving you those pats on the back you deserve. I also have experience treating substance use, dual-diagnosis and trauma-related disorders, and personality, psychotic, and mood disorders.

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Jeffrey Lees

Jeffrey Lees

Licensed Therapist, MS

As your OCD therapist, I will meet you where you are. I'll push you through your comfort zone to create a new stable environment around your self-talk and behaviors. I'll help you leave unhealthy or dysfunctional strategies behind and move into a new and healthy lifestyle. Outside of work, I love sports, specifically soccer, where I have coached for more than 10 years. I enjoy games, puzzles, listening to music, and spending time with my family on trips. I'm the youngest of six in a blended family and have a blended family of my own. I also enjoy cooking and grilling year-round.

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Austin Daron

Austin Daron

Licensed Therapist, MA

I focus on OCD, neurodiversity-affirming and LGBTQIA+-affirming therapy. My partner, family, and many friends are neurodiverse and LGBTQIA+, so I'm passionate about helping others who are marginalized and need a therapist who's up-to-date and understanding. In therapy, we'll gradually face your fears together, taking it step by step. This might feel tough at first, but the anxiety will ease over time. You won't have to do this alone — we'll work together, and I'm here to support you. Progress isn't always smooth, but every step counts. You've got this!

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Jonathan Schwartz

Jonathan Schwartz

Associate Therapist

As a career-changer from New York who's had a variety of experiences, I like to think I've seen it all and nothing shocks me. I want to assure anyone who comes to me seeking help that I will accept them without judgment. I will listen and offer unconditional support in our work together and will help OCD sufferers begin to break free of the unwanted thoughts and compulsions that have dominated their lives. Outside of work, you can often find me playing with my mini-schnauzer in my local park (you may see him in sessions sometimes), or in the kitchen, trying out new recipes. A fun fact about me: I have a culinary degree and have worked as a trained chef and baker.

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Anastasia Pedersen

Anastasia Pedersen

Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern

I use a person-centered approach to OCD therapy. OCD doesn't define you. Together, we'll identify what it looks like in your day-to-day life, what triggers it, and how to tackle those triggers utilizing ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) therapy. You're not doing this alone. You have me and an entire community supporting you. I have experience treating people in medication-assisted treatment for substance abuse. I've also worked with the college population on career issues, anxiety, depression, identity, time management, and grief.

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Emily Couzins

Emily Couzins

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I’m passionate about providing evidence-based care that isn't one-size-fits-all. I pride myself on creating a judgment-free and safe space for my members. I know how challenging it is to manage intrusive thoughts. We'll take this process step-by-step, on your terms. I'll help you identify your values and develop exposures involving things that are important to you. You deserve to live a life that isn't dictated by OCD. Together we can work toward a brighter and more fulfilling future. Besides treating OCD, I have experience treating anxiety, depression, autism, and ADHD.

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Brittanie Scalora

Brittanie Scalora

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I'll work with you to clearly understand your OCD behavior and the fear behind it. We'll create a gradual plan with steps toward symptom reduction.

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Kiki  Tilton

Kiki Tilton

Licensed Therapist, MA

I love NOCD's treatment model. It gives you the ability to start treatment with increased frequency, which can make it intense. However, this is the best time to be focused and motivated and create the change you desire for yourself. As you learn how to tolerate discomfort, lean into those feelings, and make strides toward improvement, an "a-ha" moment occurs. You realize you are not your OCD—you are not your thoughts, and you can tolerate them. Some facts about me: My Christian faith is very important to me. I love working with people from all around the world; the diversity is such a joy to experience. I am bilingual and speak fluent Dutch and English. I was raised in the Netherlands (as a Dutch Navy brat) and have lived in the U.S. and the Netherlands for half my life. I am a cat lover to the core, and I appreciate sarcastic humor.

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Sean McNally

Sean McNally

Licensed Therapist, MMFC

My approach to treating OCD is to use exposure and response prevention techniques while holding an empathetic and non-judgmental posture. This gives us a clear roadmap to follow as we work to interrupt the OCD cycle. Together, we'll examine the obsessions and compulsions you're experiencing, identify your core fears, and create a hierarchy of exposures. I genuinely feel so hopeful about this work—it will empower you to create new neural pathways and break free from OCD. When I'm not doing therapy, I enjoy cycling, playing bass guitar, shooting film photography, and spending time in nature with my family.

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Amanda Forsythe

Amanda Forsythe

Pre Licensed Therapist

I know firsthand how debilitating OCD can be. I want to help you shed the suffocating hold this condition can have on your life. My approach is collaborative and affirming. I will meet you where you are. We'll collaborate to identify and capitalize on your unique strengths while addressing the specific aspects of OCD that may hinder your well-being. I also specialize in providing compassionate and effective therapy for individuals dealing with mood disorders.

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Eric Ballein

Eric Ballein

Licensed Professional Counselor

In OCD therapy, I believe it's important to emphasize collaboration, empathy, and compassion. I always try to strike a balance between the evidence-supported implementation of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and being an authentic human who's helping you along a difficult path. Changing what we do takes time and effort. But OCD symptoms can improve drastically with ERP treatment, and there's something so amazing about that. My other areas of professional focus include anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and personality disorders.

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Patt Somasri

Patt Somasri

Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern

My approach to treating OCD is a balance of respect and necessary challenge, ensuring I provide support without crossing boundaries. I aim to empower individuals with OCD, guiding them to become experts in managing their symptoms. Therapy will be a collaborative journey that fosters your sense of autonomy and self-efficacy, promoting a sustainable, empowered approach to navigating the challenges of OCD. I also specialize in working with individuals dealing with anxiety and depression, and I'm actively developing my expertise in trauma and eating disorders.

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Silvia Hazu

Silvia Hazu

Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker

Some amazing people in my life have OCD. I feel so passionate about helping people get treatment and support that's right for them. My approach is collaborative. It's my priority that you feel treatment is progressing at an agreeable pace, that you're being heard, and that I'm in tune with you. I may be the anxiety/OCD specialist, but you are the expert of your experience. I will guide you to gradually face your fears, with a lot of encouragement and support. You absolutely can do it.

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Tricia Morris

Tricia Morris

Licensed Therapist, MA

I am a compassionate and non-judgmental therapist. Your treatment will be personalized, based on your diagnosis and individual goals. We will go at your pace. You may have to do things that are “uncomfortable” as part of treatment, but never anything you don't agree with. I love to see members progress, returning to a healthy and satisfying lifestyle, enjoying things that once were anxiety-provoking or painful. Both personal and professional experience inform my therapy work. I have experience treating OCD, depression, bipolar, anxiety, ADHD, trauma, and addiction.

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Shannon Graepel

Shannon Graepel

Licensed Therapist, MA

People are not OCD—they have OCD. I tailor OCD treatment toward my members' individual experiences, rather than just the disorder itself. The road to success starts with taking action to reach the goal. I don’t believe in getting it right the first time, or that anything will ever go perfectly. I love the complexity we have as humans and what makes us unique. Outside of work, I have two pet bunnies, and I enjoy taking spontaneous small adventures like going to a unique coffee shop or doing a ropes course. I also play video games and enjoy creative projects such as painting or woodcarving.

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Anja Lazic

Anja Lazic

Licensed Therapist, MA

Your goals are my goals. We will create a plan that works for you. OCD therapy allows people to feel relief from debilitating symptoms and offers them hope for the future. I'm a firm believer that diagnoses are labels of symptoms. I treat the person, who often has a combination of struggles. I'm informed by my experiences as a refugee, immigrant, and member of the LGBTQI community. My other areas of focus include childhood trauma, adult trauma, ADHD, anxiety, attachment disorders, mood and behavioral disorders.

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Afua  Agyeman

Afua Agyeman

Licensed Therapist, MA

In treating OCD, I use evidence-based exposure response prevention to help people achieve real progress and measurable affective change. I enjoy seeing members find a sense of control over their minds and lives. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I love taking my chihuahua out for long walks, cooking, trying new restaurants and cuddling up in bed to watch documentaries.

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Kyla O'Neal

Kyla O'Neal

Licensed Therapist, MA

Every day, I am inspired by the resilience and strength people with OCD demonstrate in their journey toward managing and conquering their fears. I treat OCD with a case-by-case approach. Everyone's situation varies. I will tailor therapy to your specific needs, using evidence-based approaches such as Exposure Response Prevention (ERP), psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and mindfulness. My other areas of focus include anxiety disorders, depression and mood disorders, trauma and PTSD, relationship and couples counseling, and women's issues.

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Autumn Makamson

Autumn Makamson

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I use exposure and response therapy to encourage members to practice interventions that will reduce their anxiety, and help them feel comfortable with discomfort. I enjoy helping people connect with deeper aspects of their lived experience, helping them get to that 'a-ha' moment. Outside of work, I love to read, attend live theater, and travel. One fun fact about me is I love all things Shakespeare.

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Paola  Villa

Paola Villa

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to treating OCD is to challenge you at an appropriate level. We will work collaboratively to decide what exposures you feel most comfortable with. I will never put you in a situation I wouldn't be willing to be in myself. Some fun facts about me: I was born and raised in Arizona and miss the desert now and then (but nothing beats the beach!). I enjoy yoga and work at a yoga studio part-time, with the goal of being a yoga instructor in the near future.

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Natacha Zanzeluk

Natacha Zanzeluk

Mental Health Counselor

I take an empathetic, responsible, and concrete approach to treating OCD. I love to see members communicate and feel more connected with themselves and the world. The most gratifying part of my job is being given the honor to walk through someone's inner emotional forest, to witness courage and forgiveness being forged through intention and perseverance. At NOCD, you are in the right place. Here, we are all committed to your improvement. I also specialize in treating OCD and PTSD.

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Kahla  Santiago

Kahla Santiago

Registered Clinical Social Worker Intern

When you attend your first NOCD session, you're showing up for yourself, and it allows me to begin showing up for you, too! Therapy is a collaboration. I may be the expert in treating OCD, but you are the expert in your OCD experience. Treatment will be tailored to your needs. I may challenge you at times, but your boundaries and insight will always be respected. I also focus on treating anxiety and depressive disorders. I'm certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), whose aim is to challenge distortive thinking.

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Paris Bonbright

Paris Bonbright

Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

You are not alone in your journey to overcome OCD. Our therapy is evidence-based, and I'll provide you with the support and tools needed for progress. I approach all my members with empathy. I create a non-judgmental space where they can feel comfortable and conquer their OCD. I believe each school of therapy beautifully addresses a different piece of the larger puzzle, and I enjoy weaving together different modalities based on my members' unique needs. In addition to treating OCD, I've worked with adults struggling with suicidal ideation and children and families in underserved populations.

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Scarlet  Chieffallo

Scarlet Chieffallo

Licensed Therapist, MED

I'm an OCD therapist because I have family members and friends who suffer from OCD and other anxiety disorders. I want to ensure individuals with OCD can get the specialized care and support they need to manage this condition effectively. My approach to treating OCD is firmly grounded in evidence-based practices, specifically acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and exposure and response prevention (ERP). I also specialize in helping individuals dealing with depression.

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Leigh Anne Sellars

Leigh Anne Sellars

Registered Clinical Social Worker Intern

I'm here to offer you hope. Therapy can have life-changing effects; many people have benefited from their time with NOCD. I provide a therapeutic space that allows you to be authentically yourself. OCD treatment can be difficult, but I do my best to create an enjoyable environment where you can feel safe while you're working to feel better. I've previously worked with children living in the foster care system and individuals living with substance use disorders.

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KJ Foster

KJ Foster

Licensed Therapist, PhD

Having experienced my own issues with anxiety and trauma, I have true empathy for people affected by OCD. In therapy, I seek to build a collaborative relationship that's grounded in compassion and an understanding of your unique set of circumstances. I am your ally and advocate, and we will proceed at the pace you choose. I also specialize in treating anxiety, depression, substance use disorders, and trauma.

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Ana Maria Moyano

Ana Maria Moyano

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I take a personal and compassionate approach to therapy. This is a safe space where you're welcome as you are. Your thoughts, feelings, and struggles matter, and they're welcome here without any judgment. In our sessions, you will find validity, compassion, and encouragement to find your strengths and use them in your journey to heal from OCD. I also specialize in anxiety, depression, and trauma. I have experienced difficulties in these areas throughout my own life, and I learned to overcome them. This makes me passionate about supporting others in their healing journeys.

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Ebun Orimoloye

Ebun Orimoloye

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I understand firsthand how debilitating anxiety can be, and I'm passionate about helping people live with more peace. I'm a creative and supportive therapist who takes a culturally aware approach to treatment. I understand how identity impacts a person's experience. I have a passion for helping people understand themselves and the world, then experience both in ways that honor their mind, body, and spirit. Seeing people make meaningful progress quickly is the most gratifying part of my job. At NOCD, you are in the best hands when it comes to a treatment that is proven to work.

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Hannah Quackenbush

Hannah Quackenbush

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to treating OCD is empathetic and challenging. Remaining in the bubble you've created to appease OCD symptoms won't result in changes. We can work together to tackle obstacles. I come from a place of compassion, and I strive to be trauma-informed in all my therapeutic endeavors. Together, we will create a roadmap for recovery, so we'll both know what's next. My goal is to provide you with the tools you need to conquer your fears.

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Jessica Sowle

Jessica Sowle

Mental Health Counselor, CASAC

I take a non-judgmental and compassionate approach to therapy. I want to make sure you feel safe, supported, and most importantly, heard. I will always be supportive, but I can be firm when needed. If you're willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard. But if you're willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy. You're not alone during NOCD Therapy—you will have guidance and support. Let's do this! My other areas of specialty include substance use and personality, mood, anxiety, and psychotic disorders.

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Brooks Gale

Brooks Gale

Licensed Therapist, MSW

When I meet someone with OCD, I see more than a diagnosis. I treat the whole person. I believe a warm and welcoming environment is crucial for therapy. OCD and anxiety disorders can be debilitating. However, evidence shows treatment can be effective. This is a process that involves both you and your therapist. It will take time and effort to get the most from treatment. Most importantly: It is doable. Beyond OCD, I have training in treating depression and related disorders. I have a special interest in trauma-informed care.

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Kate Wamhoff

Kate Wamhoff

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I treat OCD with compassion and patience. It's important to communicate and work together to improve symptoms. I've always been interested in mental health and how the brain operates in response to certain triggers. The most gratifying part of my job is helping others become their best selves. In addition to treating OCD, I specialize in PTSD, anxiety, MDD, and personality disorders.

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Chelsea Morgan

Chelsea Morgan

Licensed Therapist, MS

As an OCD therapist, I'm curious, open, confident and supportive, yet firm. Therapy emphasizes the healing nature of positive relationships, and I find this to be an integral part of what makes us human. When I'm not doing therapy, I love cooking, being outside in nature, and exploring local spots in my city with loved ones on the weekends.

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Christina Vocaturo

Christina Vocaturo

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I'm an empathetic and compassionate therapist. I'll work with you to identify your goals for OCD treatment, then use my skills to help you reach those goals. You can improve your quality of life, if you show up for yourself and accept support in taking consistent action. You may find this is less overwhelming than you might expect. Sometimes the first step is the most challenging one. Give yourself a chance! My other areas of professional focus include anxiety, depression, mood disorders, grief, complex trauma, co-occurring substance abuse, and LGBT issues.

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Wilda Rodriguez-Barnett

Wilda Rodriguez-Barnett

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I provide authentic, genuine care. I'll create a safe, non-judgmental space for you to be you. In our sessions, I'll listen to you closely. We'll target issues and areas to work on so you can function at your optimum level. In addition to treating OCD, I have experience with motivational interviewing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), trauma-based therapy, and applied behavior analysis.

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Kristen  Skrapits

Kristen Skrapits

Licensed Therapist, MS

We will take a collaborative approach to therapy. Together, we'll create a hierarchy of fears and work our way through. Eventually, we'll get to the top, where we'll combat some of your greatest challenges with OCD. I'll be with you through the whole process. The benefits of NOCD Therapy are immeasurable if you stick with it. In addition to OCD, I have experience working with people who have trauma and abuse histories, PTSD, major depressive disorder, anxiety, and family relationships and dysfunction.

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Echo Darlington

Echo Darlington

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach to treating OCD involves Exposure Response Prevention (ERP), which involves confronting your fears to enhance your ability to tolerate distress and reduce your susceptibility to triggers. Together, we will intentionally focus on your obsessions, anxieties, and fears that provoke anxiety. I will guide you in enduring this anxiety without engaging in any avoidance behaviors. I have treated many different conditions, including abuse, addictions, anxiety, depression, family conflict, personality disorders, PTSD, relationship issues, and more. A fun fact about me: I want to be a stand-up comedian. I've always relied heavily on humor, and I'm a big advocate of using humor in counseling.

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Tara Wight

Tara Wight

Limited Permit Mental Health Counselor

My approach is creative, collaborative, and person-centered. As a therapist, I like to be a curious observer, understanding how OCD shows up for you. Although ERP sessions are quite structured compared to typical talk therapy, the work will be tailored to your experience. The goals of therapy may sound lofty, but we take them one step at a time. We just focus on that next step. I have also treated anxiety, depression, trauma, and post-traumatic stress disorder. I’m interested in ideas around shame, social connection, grief, belonging, and acceptance of uncertainty.

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Kelly Sheets

Kelly Sheets

Licensed Therapist, MA

From my own experience, I know OCD can be incredibly isolating. Intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors often make us feel separate from others. My primary goals are to normalize the experience and help you learn to manage your symptoms. Therapy is your space. I'll strive to meet you where you're at with empathy and honesty. I have extensive knowledge about and experience in treating PTSD, trauma, and personality disorders. My background includes active duty military, veterans, and survivors of domestic violence and other traumatic events.

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Ivanna Naranjo

Ivanna Naranjo

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach to treating OCD is warm, empathetic, and direct. Therapy is a safe space without judgment. I have an interest in anxiety disorders, a commitment to evidence-based practices, and a desire to positively impact the lives of those dealing with OCD, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and self-harm. The most gratifying part of my job is seeing people improve and notice a positive change in their lives.

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Erika  Valek

Erika Valek

Licensed Therapist, MA

It is an honor to offer hope and change to individuals who, like me, face challenges with OCD. As your therapist, my role is to walk alongside you on your OCD journey. The work is collaborative. Together, we'll decide how to help you learn to tolerate your distress. You have a say in the work we do and the exposures we use. I'm originally from South America, and I am proud to be Hispanic. I am fluent in Spanish and love to offer individuals the opportunity to do our work in that language.

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Toni Spera

Toni Spera

Licensed Therapist, MS

I was raised by a social worker, and some of my earliest memories are of being at rallies, social justice movements, and community events. As I grew, I learned we have much more power over our experience of life than we typically recognize. In treating OCD, my hope is to help people reclaim their lives and find empowerment in that journey. In addition to OCD, my other areas of specialty include LGBTQIA+ work, trauma, and substance use. Remember: Courage is not the absence of fear; courage is not letting fear control your actions.

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Angie Stuchlik

Angie Stuchlik

Resident in Counseling

I come from a family of helping professionals. I've personally experienced anxiety throughout my lifetime and specialize in treating anxiety, depression, and trauma. If I can help someone live with anxiety, OCD, or anything else, I find it enormously rewarding. As a therapist, I bring understanding and compassion to our sessions. I will meet you where you are. Together, we'll take steps to progress. Know that the first step is always the hardest. The more we meet, the more comfortable you'll feel.

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Darlene Friend

Darlene Friend

Licensed Therapist, MSW

At NOCD, you're in a safe, non-judgmental space. Know that what you're experiencing is valid. I take a comprehensive and individualized approach to OCD treatment, using evidence-based therapeutic techniques such as Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). With compassion and collaboration, I'll develop exercises that help desensitize the triggers that provoke your anxiety. In addition to OCD, my areas of focus include anxiety disorders, depression, grief, and trauma-related conditions.

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Megan Croyle

Megan Croyle

Licensed Therapist, MA

I have personally experienced various mental health conditions, including OCD, and I am passionate about helping others find healing. I love to see people make progress and feel like themselves again. I believe education is fundamental for recovery. The more you understand about OCD, the easier it is to challenge the thoughts you fear and the compulsions that often follow. I'll make sure you understand OCD, its treatment, and expectations for session format and frequency. The pace and intensity of therapy is up to you, and I'll start wherever you're at.

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Susan Donges

Susan Donges

Licensed Therapist, MCS

Personal experience with OCD makes me an empathetic therapist. In our sessions, I will help you identify how OCD is impacting your life and holding you back. We can have some scary or weird thoughts, but they are just thoughts. They may be distressing because they're the opposite of your values and desires. We will design treatment goals that will make progress possible. The most gratifying part of my job is watching people grow, move forward in their lives, and reach their goals.

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Nathlie  Plummer

Nathlie Plummer

Licensed Therapist, LPC

You're about to start a journey that will be life-changing. Kudos to you! I encourage you to think about your life vision. What are your goals for your mental, emotional, and physical health; school or employment; finances; relationships; and hobbies? I take a collaborative approach to OCD therapy, which allows for your input on areas of focus. This is a safe space. Our time together will be free of judgment. My focus is supporting you. I also have experience treating anxiety, anger management, and depression.

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Michelle  Krummes

Michelle Krummes

Associate Clinical Social Worker

I am a warm and non-judgmental therapist. I strive to create a space where members can share openly and honestly. I believe in accountability for myself and my members; I expect us to approach therapy collaboratively, and I will work as hard as you're willing to work. When I'm not doing therapy, I enjoy reading, checking out antique markets and estate sales, and seeing live music as much as possible. I'm a California girl at heart, and I enjoy visiting our beautiful national parks and hiking trails, and exploring filming locations.

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Dominic Morales

Dominic Morales

Licensed Therapist, MA

I struggled with OCD in the past, and that motivates me to help others find freedom from its debilitating effects. As your OCD therapist, I'll work with you to establish a trusting relationship. We'll develop a treatment plan, establish goals, and work together on ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) to achieve them. OCD therapy will be a journey of discovery. It will take time. We will work together, learn together, and grow together to achieve the desired results. My other areas of focus include depression, anxiety, substance abuse and addiction, ADHD, and trauma.

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Chelsea Strand

Chelsea Strand

Licensed Therapist, MS

I have lived experience with OCD; I know how it can make daily life a struggle. I approach OCD like any other mental health disorder — these conditions are not who you are as a person. Our main goal is to work on making you feel better and able to manage your day-to-day life while living with OCD. My other areas of focus include depression and anxiety. I know many people struggle with those issues, most silently. It’s an everyday battle. I want to help you live life to the fullest.

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Jennifer Vick

Jennifer Vick

Licensed Therapist, MSW

OCD is so treatable. If you're struggling with OCD, you don't have to do it alone. Getting started is the hardest part. By leaning into the process, you can accomplish things you've only imagined. As a therapist, I'm collaborative: I’m here with you on the journey, but you are in control. I can offer warmth and support when needed, and I'll challenge you when necessary. I have extensive experience working with anxiety, depression, ADHD, complex trauma, and autism. I also have a special interest in working with veterans and their families.

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Julie Plutt

Julie Plutt

Licensed Therapist, MA

One of my favorite parts of OCD therapy is providing education and normalizing the OCD experience for people, who often have carried shame, believing something is wrong with them because of their intrusive thoughts. Getting the chance to tell someone they aren't their thoughts—this is OCD, a diagnosable and treatable disorder—is one of the most rewarding parts of my work. A few fun facts about me: I was born and raised in Minnesota and moved to California about five years ago. I have a cat named Liam, who likely will be an honorary third member of your treatment team. I love musical theater, reading, comedy, and spending time with loved ones.

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Pati Szafran

Pati Szafran

Associate Clinical Social Worker

I'm grateful every time someone lets me into their life and I can help them in a meaningful way. It's important to me to understand the full picture of how OCD affects you both historically and in the present. I will ensure your treatment is structured and personalized. My top priority is creating a supportive and nonjudgmental space. I'll enable you to confront compulsions, tackle avoidances, and build resilience to uncertainty, showing compassion and understanding toward your experiences. In addition to OCD, I specialize in anxiety, mood disorders, and family and relationship issues.

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Kristyn Donnelly

Kristyn Donnelly

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

I'm a person-centered therapist. I'll focus on your individual challenges and goals, using evidence-based treatment to help move you toward the life you want to live. Coming to NOCD is a great first step and shows that you are tremendously brave. We understand how complicated and debilitating OCD can be, and we are here to help. We'll provide you with a judgment-free, comfortable, and safe space to open up. In addition to treating OCD, I have experience working with neurodiverse populations, social skills, and anxiety.

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Dwayne Sturgill

Dwayne Sturgill

Licensed Therapist, MED

You came to NOCD for help. That means you're already making progress. Your thoughts are not reality. They're just thoughts. Once you realize that, you can work on becoming less bothered by them. You are in control of your actions, regardless of your thoughts. In addition to OCD, I specialize in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) for anxiety and depression. I'm a parent-child interaction therapy provider (behavior therapy) as well as a provider/supervisor for multisystemic therapy.

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Candace  Gillespie

Candace Gillespie

Licensed Therapist, ED

Someone close to me had OCD. It was very hard for him. I want to help others overcome their obsessions and compulsions and regain normalcy. In therapy, you can disclose your obsessions and compulsions, we'll put them in a hierarchy, then we'll work on them with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). I also have experience treating anxiety, depression, and PTSD. No matter what challenges you're facing, you'll find I'm empathic and caring, and I provide unconditional positive regard.

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Annie  Adams-Roselle

Annie Adams-Roselle

Licensed Therapist, MSSW

I use evidence-based therapy to treat OCD. I strive to understand your unique experience with OCD and any other conditions. We'll work together to help you face your fears, one step at a time. Outside of work, I enjoy doing creative things such as painting and crafting. I also like to spend time outside with my family and my dog, and travel whenever I get a chance. I'm originally from Austin, Texas, but I've lived in Northern California since 2014.

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Anne Hoerer

Anne Hoerer

Associate Therapist

I've seen people suffer from OCD firsthand; I know how it can limit a person's life. I love to support people while they work toward and obtain freedom from what's holding them back. OCD therapy is a joint approach—a collaboration between you and me. As a therapist, I'm gentle, safe, non-judgmental, and direct. I focus on treating OCD, trauma, and addiction. I'm proud of you for being strong enough to seek out help. Please remember you are not alone!

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Ernesto Hernandez

Ernesto Hernandez

Licensed Therapist, MS

I use humor, humanism, and the therapeutic alliance to treat OCD. I'm person-centered and provide a supportive, genuine, and collaborative therapeutic experience. In therapy, allow yourself room for self-compassion and accountability. Have patience and trust that you're capable and worthy of feeling better. Growing up, I saw family members grapple with mental health and substance abuse, so I've devoted my career to helping others with similar struggles. I also have experience working with complex trauma, PTSD, and various anxiety-based concerns.

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Kaila Robertson

Kaila Robertson

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I bring compassion and authenticity to therapy sessions. I believe therapy shouldn't be a mystery. I take time to explain symptoms and treatments, ensuring you understand why they'll help. In addition to OCD, I specialize in treating chronic illness (particularly long COVID) and anxiety. My background in physical illness helps me understand how debilitating and isolating OCD can be. But it is such a treatable condition. You have already done (or are about to do) the hardest part: Getting started. Know that you're on the path to feeling better.

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Uvoltta  Francis

Uvoltta Francis

Licensed Therapist, MS

I focus on holistic, non-judgmental healing. I bring a lighthearted, energetic personality to sessions. I look forward to working with you on your journey to wellness. A few fun facts about me: I'm a proud veteran of the armed forces and the wife of a federal law enforcement agent. I enjoy my two dogs, jeeping, camping, watching Netflix, and reading.

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Briana Soucy

Briana Soucy

Licensed Therapist, MED

Having knowledge in various aspects of mental health and issues that present in addition to OCD gives me a unique perspective and advantage in treating the whole person. My mission is to increase everyone’s access to care. Every moment I have outside of work, I spend with my adventurous, active boys, our two dogs, and my husband. Our family is always on the go, traveling, exploring, and getting outdoors. I also love anything that involves music or writing.

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Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas

Licensed Therapist, MS

I'm an experienced therapist who specializes in treating OCD, depression, anxiety, trauma, and grief. As your OCD therapist, I'll teach you how to regain control over repetitive behaviors by utilizing Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) techniques. I enjoy helping people overcome roadblocks that prevent them from moving forward. Together, we'll find ways to eliminate those obstacles and pursue what gives your life meaning. Help is available, and change is inevitable with focus and intention to move forward.

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Katie Hummel

Katie Hummel

Registered Clinical Social Worker Intern

I have OCD, and it's my goal to help others who are struggling. You're not alone in confronting this mental health bully that has overwhelmed you for so long. My goal is to ensure we work as a team. I'm passionate about helping people with anxiety disorders. I also specialize in phobias, depression, abandonment issues, low self-esteem, family conflict, and relationship issues. I believe everyone deserves peace of mind, body, and soul.

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Brooke Beatty

Brooke Beatty

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to OCD is one of commitment. Albert Einstein once said, "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know." I find incredible wisdom in that statement. Every day, I maintain curiosity and a commitment to learn as I pledge to better your growth and comfort. Whether you’re just beginning or are deep into NOCD Therapy, you're giving yourself a chance, and I couldn't be prouder of you. I consider the “a-ha moments” I share with members the utmost privilege. I truly believe your success is my success.

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Ashley Kasperski

Ashley Kasperski

Licensed Therapist, MA

As a therapist, I'm direct and solution-centered. I want to help others who don't feel safe with their thought processes and show there's hope. Therapy can feel intimidating in the beginning. The key thing to remember: The more you let down your walls and become vulnerable to the process, the more change you'll see within yourself. Trust the process and continue to show up, even when it's hard. I love working with individuals and seeing how far they've come.

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Gaby Tassielli

Gaby Tassielli

Licensed Therapist, MA

I want to help people become the best and happiest version of themselves. As your OCD therapist, I will always take a humanistic approach, providing a safe, non-judgmental, and supportive space to create and maintain a healthy therapeutic relationship. Be prepared to put in the work to progress into a healthy, happy, stable life. I've also treated depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation/self-harm, ADHD, autism, and substance use disorders, among other conditions.

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Chris Clark

Chris Clark

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach to OCD treatment is caring, methodical, and persistent. I strive to create a caring atmosphere and sense of ease. I want you to feel comfortable discussing even the most difficult aspects of your experiences. In creating your treatment plan, I will take a thorough approach, considering every relevant factor. If you experience difficulties or setbacks, I'll help you work through things; I won't let you become discouraged or lose hope in your ability to better your life. Besides OCD, my focus areas include anxiety, trauma, and gender dysphoria.

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Tina Odell

Tina Odell

Licensed Therapist, MA

Helping individuals and families heal is a passion for me. My approach to treating OCD is accepting you where you are. The next step is to help you identify your triggers and fears, then your values. That way, we can pinpoint what we want to change. I'll gradually introduce you to exposures of your fears, then help you sit in the discomfort. Once we release uncomfortable thoughts, we feel a great deal of healing. In addition to treating OCD, I've worked extensively with trauma, abuse, relationship issues, and domestic violence.

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Steven Hauck

Steven Hauck

Marriage and Family Therapy, Associate Counselor

Having friends and family with OCD has made the condition personal to me. My approach to therapy is person-centered. I believe treatment should be a judgment-free space where you feel listened to, supported, and able to be your 100% authentic self. I emphasize collaboration. Therapy should meet you where you are and gently challenge you to grow. You are the expert on yourself; together, we can develop the skills and knowledge to best help you conquer OCD. You've already shown tremendous strength. You are stronger than your OCD.

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Danielle Miller

Danielle Miller

Licensed Therapist, MSW

One of the biggest revelations I've had in my own life is that I am not my thoughts and feelings, and I can learn to manage them. I specialize in OCD because I’d like to help others learn to do the same. Let’s work together on techniques to achieve your goals. I'll help you overcome and manage your triggers. It might be hard, but it will be worth it. In addition to OCD, I focus on integrative nutrition, women’s health, and trauma-reduction therapy. My practice emphasizes a whole-body approach to mental health.

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Owen Konecnik

Owen Konecnik

Licensed Therapist, MSW

As someone with OCD, I understand the struggle to feel better and find help. I approach everyone with empathy, a non-judgmental attitude, and encouragement. I believe therapy is based on trust. I work hard to give my members safety through compassion, affirmation, and my genuine desire to help them believe in their ability to heal. Approaching life by seeing humor in situations (where appropriate) can be a healthy way to facilitate healing. I specialize in trauma-informed care and relational PTSD, depression, anxiety, and working with LGBTQA+ individuals.

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Melissa Kelly

Melissa Kelly

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach to treating OCD is holistic, open, and non-judgmental. It is based in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), using logic and rational thinking. I encourage members to practice mindfulness techniques and engage in exposure, not avoidance. You can find relief from OCD if you're ready and willing to do the work. I'm also experienced in treating anxiety, depression, disordered eating, couples and family therapy, mood disorders, and PTSD. So many people are dealing with these issues; I want to help them achieve a greater sense of peace and optimal mental health.

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Dominique  Sampson

Dominique Sampson

Licensed Therapist, MS

I center OCD treatment on understanding and empathy, and I'll bring calm confidence and firm guidance to help you reach your goals. You can expect consistent praise and encouragement, with a focus on overcoming your fears. Together we'll navigate the process of comparing anticipated fears to actual outcomes, fostering resilience and progress tailored to your individual experience. Although this journey may bring challenges, remember that you have the strength to overcome them. My other areas of focus include supporting individuals and couples in navigating relationship challenges and addressing trauma-related issues.

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Ashley George

Ashley George

Licensed Therapist, MS

Because I have OCD, I understand and deeply empathize with the frustrating compulsions and intense anxiety it brings. My approach to therapy is warm, education-forward, and highly collaborative. You'll know what you're dealing with at every point, and you'll become more and more able to manage symptoms yourself. Therapy may feel overwhelming at first, but you will get it! You are always in control of what happens in our sessions. I also specialize in grief support, anxiety disorders, and ADHD.

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Skye Walker

Skye Walker

Licensed Certified Social Worker

My approach to treating OCD is non-judgmental, but challenging, helping members gain the tools to face their fears and learn to be more comfortable with the uncomfortable. Outside of work, I spend most of my time doing partner acrobatics and other circus skills, as well as playing many hours of boardgames! I also love to travel, read, watch movies and shows.

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Shannon France

Shannon France

Licensed Therapist, MS

My hope is to provide star-quality care and compassion to people who struggle with OCD. I view people holistically: I see them for who they are, what they value, and their hopes and dreams. I aim to form meaningful connections with the individuals I support in therapy. My goal is to help people regain power and autonomy in their lives. I'm also passionate about providing support for transitional life stages, LGBTQIA+ issues, personal empowerment, and women's issues. I also love working with college-aged individuals and first-generation students.

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Cassie Samuelson

Cassie Samuelson

Licensed Therapist, MS

I have a passion for working with people who've lived lives like mine, which includes OCD and neurodivergence. First, I care about establishing a therapeutic bond that is safe, shameless, and lasting. That relationship is the most change-inducing part of therapy. I utilize Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) to treat OCD. We'll work to confront and sit with those obsessions, tolerate the distress they bring, and resist any compulsive behaviors that follow. Remember: OCD goes against who we are. I'm here to help you stay grounded in yourself and your values. I love celebrating you!

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Ruthie Hagin

Ruthie Hagin

Licensed Therapist, MA

As a therapist, I bring perspective, understanding, compassion, and the ability to collaborate with individuals wherever they are in their journey. A fun fact about me: There are five love languages, based on Gary Chapman's book; however, I've discovered a sixth one for me—excessive use of emojis. 🤣😂🤣. For whatever reason, it just seems to make me smile and brings a lot of joy!

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Audrey Rivera

Audrey Rivera

Licensed Therapist, MA

OCD runs in my family, and I have traits of OCD myself. I know how distressing unwanted thoughts can be. I also know the joy and empowerment that comes when you gain control of them. I'll help you take small, consistent steps that lead to massive sustainable progress through ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). I'm passionate about what I do, and I help individuals regain control of their lives while honoring who they are. In addition to treating OCD, I've worked with a variety of conditions, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and bipolar.

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Stacey Laughlin

Stacey Laughlin

Mental Health Counselor Associate

I’m a firm believer in treating the individual and customizing my therapeutic approach to my members. There is no one-size-fits-all version of therapy, and I think it’s important to integrate what I like to call the Three C’s: creative, collaborative, and consistent. Outside of work, I enjoy reading fiction, watching horror movies, and my favorite TV show of all time is Survivor. I'm learning more about writing my own fiction, because I’m a pretty imaginative person.

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Hollie Spinn

Hollie Spinn

Licensed Therapist, MSW

As someone with OCD, I know that ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) is truly the gold standard for OCD treatment. I approach treating OCD by creating an environment of encouragement, trust, and collaboration. If it's your jam, I’m a huge fan of using humor in sessions when appropriate. Sessions with me are an absolute judgment-free zone. Therapy is a safe space for healing. In addition to OCD, I work with individuals who have major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders.

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Juliana Carter

Juliana Carter

Licensed Therapist, MED

I have lived experience with OCD, which makes me an empathetic therapist. In sessions, I have a friendly and calm presence. I like to use an appropriate amount of humor so the process is more enjoyable. NOCD Therapy is a collaborative approach. We go at a pace that is comfortable yet challenging for you. You'll be glad you made the decision. I also focus on anxiety, stress management, depression, ADHD, LGBTQ+ issues, and relationship issues.

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Sam Kenney

Sam Kenney

Registered Clinical Social Worker Intern

I live with OCD. So do several of my loved ones. This personal experience means I can truly empathize with my members and their struggles. Trust, understanding, and empathy are my core treatment values. Seeking mental health help doesn't have to be scary; I want you to feel safe at all times. My hope is that every individual can enjoy their life and focus on thriving, rather than surviving. Changes may not happen overnight, and that's OK. With consistency and commitment, success is just around the corner.

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Toli Van Buskirk

Toli Van Buskirk

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I approach therapy with compassion, empathy, and validation. My goal is to provide a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental space. I'll meet you where you are, and we'll take things at your pace. Acknowledging your OCD and committing to ERP is hard work. I'll invite you to sit with anxiety and challenge yourself to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. I'll gently encourage you and remind you about your courage. My other areas of professional focus include depression and anxiety disorders, ADHD, perinatal mental health, grief, loss, and relationship issues.

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Qiqi  Liang

Qiqi Liang

Licensed Therapist, MA

As someone who struggled with depression and anxiety, I understand what it's like to experience mental health issues and how effective therapy can be. My approach to treating OCD is warm, inquisitive, and open-minded. I seek to understand people where they are, and I connect with them authentically and empathically. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy is effective when we put it into action. Even when you feel afraid, positive changes will come. In addition to OCD, I specialize in parenting education, relationship issues, communication issues, healthy boundaries, and attachment/childhood trauma.

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Catherine Collins

Catherine Collins

Independent Clinical Social Worker Associate

In OCD therapy, we're a team. You're the expert in how OCD affects your life. Utilizing strength perspective and mindfulness in each session to engage and champion each member is essential to my role as a therapist. Outside of work, in classic Pacific Northwest style, I love to hike, camp, and bask in a great view. I also love to cuddle up inside and enjoy a Lord of the Rings marathon or play a little Dungeons and Dragons. I'm a huge trivia nerd and would happily play trivia or watch Jeopardy! Every day for the rest of my life. Fun fact: I used to live in Germany and absolutely loved it.

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Pamela Morris

Pamela Morris

Licensed Therapist, MS

I take a behavioral approach to treating OCD. I love to see people gain insight into themselves, and why they think and behave the way they do. NOCD specializes in OCD treatment and is one of the premier agencies to treat this condition. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy has been shown to be particularly effective for those suffering with OCD. In addition to treating OCD, I specialize in depression, anxiety, marital issues, stress, family relational issues, and LGBTQ+ issues.

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Victoria Kubal

Victoria Kubal

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach to treating OCD is based on behavioral principles and individualizing treatment so it's specific to your experiences. To do this, I'll help you research the internal and external antecedents to your obsessions. Next, I'll ask you to rate the intensity of emotions in different situations. I'll help you learn about the function of your behavior, which includes actions as well as thoughts. After I provide psychoeducation about ERP, we'll start with the least threatening anxiety-provoking situation. I'll ask you to conduct certain ERP behavioral experiments on your own, and we'll review the findings together in our next session. Through these experiences, you'll learn to tolerate uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and situations in a supportive environment. When I'm not doing therapy, I enjoy listening to live music, dancing, drawing, and painting.

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Casey-Lyn Knight

Casey-Lyn Knight

Licensed Therapist, MSW

Becoming a therapist was a gift I gave myself—to help myself and others like me who struggle with mental health. In OCD therapy, you're always in charge. I'm here to support and empower you, guide you through possibilities, and support you through challenges, using data-driven insight. There is a prognosis for a better life and more ease in existence. Aside from OCD, I specialize in trauma, LGBTQIA+, personality disorders, substance use, dissociative identity disorder, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, bipolar disorder, and insomnia.

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Kimberly Torres

Kimberly Torres

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I personally struggled with OCD, and I want to help people find relief, knowledge, and empowerment like I did. I take a person-centered, empowering, and encouraging approach to OCD therapy. Individuals struggling with OCD need education on how OCD works and need to feel heard and seen. My other areas of professional focus include anxiety and trauma. I'm glad you're here, and I'm excited to work together with you. We got this!

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Jennifer Reagan

Jennifer Reagan

Licensed Therapist, MS

As your OCD therapist, I'll make sure you understand what OCD is— intrusive and reoccurring thoughts are obsessions and the repetitive behaviors that follow are compulsions. We'll work through your thoughts, feelings, and knowing your triggers. We'll break down the fears into separate parts to understand them and begin treating them with ERP. When I'm not doing therapy, I'm also an adjunct professor in psychology at a local university. I love working with students and helping them understand how important the human service field is in all aspects. A fun fact about me: I love to go on cruises. I've been to several countries, and I strive to try at least one new adventure at each port.

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Katherine Paris

Katherine Paris

Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern

You are not alone in this fight. We are here to help you feel heard and understood. First, my job is to help you understand OCD symptoms and why ERP is an effective treatment. I believe in taking a collaborative approach to therapy; I'll be your coach and supporter throughout. At times, my role will be to challenge you, keeping in mind you're always in the driver's seat. You are much more powerful than your OCD. My other focus areas include anxiety disorders, body-focused repetitive behaviors, depressive disorders, and PTSD.

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Kara  Keicher

Kara Keicher

Licensed Therapist, MSW

OCD runs in my family and has impacted many people in my life. As an OCD therapist, I combine my own experience and perspective with the proven treatment method of ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention), allowing for creativity, authenticity, and empathy to guide a collaborative experience. I'll customize a treatment plan for your unique obsessions, compulsions, and desired outcomes. Then I'll encourage you to stretch beyond your comfort zone, but we'll take each step at your pace. This is your therapy, and you always have the final say on what you do here.

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Rachel Kern

Rachel Kern

Licensed Social Worker

My approach to treating OCD is to ensure you are well-educated regarding the treatment modality, exposure and response prevention therapy. I want to meet you where you're at, but I also want you to grow through the discomfort that comes with this hard work. The therapeutic process is self-paced, but I will be there to guide and encourage you. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time volunteering or with my loved ones, especially my dog. I also like listening to new music, watching documentaries, going to local craft fairs, and getting my nails done.

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Elise  Alvarez

Elise Alvarez

Licensed Therapist, MA

I'm an unflappable therapist. I've worked with a variety of populations over the years, which has helped me gain perspective and experience with many different types of people. The OCD therapy process will be one of collaboration. I will never tell you what is or isn't right for you or push you past your limits. Our goal is manageable discomfort. It's wonderful to watch OCD therapy work its magic and pull people out of the depths. The changes I've witnessed are incredible and make the hard work worth it.

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Lindsay Savage

Lindsay Savage

Licensed Therapist, MSW

With OCD, you’re dealing with intrusive thoughts, compulsions, or intense fears. It can be hard to admit this is what you’re experiencing, and that’s OK. Treating OCD is like a ladder. Together, we'll work to build your skills each week, so you'll learn how to handle whatever you’re struggling with. NOCD truly has your back. Consider each session a stepping stone to becoming a better-functioning you. As a therapist, I've worked primarily with children and adolescents, focusing on anxiety, depression, and ADHD. I've also worked often with families and cases of trauma.

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Donna Simons

Donna Simons

Licensed Therapist, MSW

With support, understanding, and even humor, I teach people to understand the dynamics of OCD. Together, we develop a plan for therapy to support the process of recognizing and reframing troubling thoughts and changing problem behaviors. Outside of work, I adore my adult daughters and love spending time with them. I love messy things like swimming with my dogs, doing yard work, refinishing furniture, and home decorating. Road trips to anywhere are awesome, especially when I’m traveling alone. Sometimes I enter poetry contests, and I just love being in natural surroundings.

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Joann Crants

Joann Crants

Licensed Therapist, MSW

It takes courage to seek help, then take the first tentative steps toward change. If you're ready to tell your story, I'm here to listen and support you in your journey toward a new life. In therapy, I will tailor our dialogue and treatment plan to meet your unique and specific needs. My approach combines cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, psychodynamic, and rational-emotive techniques. In addition to treating OCD, I specialize in anxiety, anger management, trauma, and EMDR.

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Shea Sechman

Shea Sechman

Licensed Therapist, MSW

In OCD therapy, there is no judgment. I promise you're not alone in how you’re feeling. I'll create an environment where you can feel comfortable sharing your obsessions, triggers, and compulsions. We'll discuss how much distress they cause you and practice resisting compulsions when uncomfortable thoughts arise. This will help you regain control over your life. My other areas of focus include anxiety, depression, and grief.

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Cornelia Golden

Cornelia Golden

Licensed Therapist, MA

My counseling philosophy is based on the therapist being the facilitator of processes that support you in finding solutions to your problems and empowering you to take responsibility for your own outcomes and solutions. Outside of work, I love traveling, swimming in the ocean, visiting places I’ve never seen before, walking the streets and meeting new people in lands foreign to me. My goal is to travel outside of the U.S. at least twice a year, and increase my confidence to travel greater distances each year.

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Ana Mendez

Ana Mendez

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to OCD therapy is warm, kind, inviting, non-judgmental, and creative. I'm a patient practitioner and understand how to go at your pace. The goal of OCD therapy is a happier, healthier you. You won't navigate these changes alone, and I will collaborate with you as you meet your goals. All the hard work will pay off. A little bit about me: I'm Latina, bilingual, and a native Spanish speaker. I believe we all deserve to live happier lives. That drives me as a therapist.

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Brittany Viskoc

Brittany Viskoc

Licensed Therapist, PSYD

I focus on understanding each person's experience of OCD and their needs. Those look different for everyone. I prioritize bringing awareness to all the thoughts and behaviors that stem from OCD, helping you systematically confront and overcome your fears. Confronting fears related to OCD is scary, but you've shown courage by even thinking about therapy. There is an entire team of people at NOCD who will ensure you're not dealing with OCD alone! In addition to treating OCD, I specialize in anxiety disorders, processing grief and trauma, and couples therapy.

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Isabel McLaughlin

Isabel McLaughlin

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach to treating OCD is slow and steady, aiming for consistent, lasting progress. I like to meet people where they're at and focus on gradually increasing comfort. OCD therapy may feel hard sometimes. But if life were easy right now, you wouldn't be here. The most gratifying part of my job is seeing people achieve difficult goals. I also specialize in treating OCD, ADHD, anxiety, and depression, and I work well with people who are neurodivergent.

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Cristina Nicolau

Cristina Nicolau

Associate Counselor

OCD therapy is very effective. I hope to offer you relief from your symptoms. My approach to treating OCD is empathetic, curious, and supportive. I first seek to understand, then I'll offer tools and skills that are effective for treatment. I began my career as a teacher, then became a counselor; I have clinical experience working with a variety of age groups and diagnoses, including OCD, anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship concerns.

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Mary Beard-Curry

Mary Beard-Curry

Licensed Therapist, MS

You came to the right place. This is a big, courageous step you've taken, and we take it seriously. I take a holistic approach to treating OCD. I look at individuals as real people with real problems who need a real, relatable person as a therapist. I primarily utilize Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and psychoeducation while addressing co-occurring issues. The mind can be trained for freedom, and everyone deserves that. In addition to treating OCD, I specialize in anxiety, depression, relationships, grief, self-esteem, family violence, anger management, and stress management.

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Emily Kim

Emily Kim

Associate Clinical Social Worker

OCD therapy can be tough at times, but it doesn't have to be boring. We may even have some fun when brainstorming creative exposures. I love to include humor in sessions when appropriate and use metaphors that help you digest the material. I prioritize collaboration; I'll ensure you're included in creating exposures, always checking in to see where you are. You are the expert on your OCD. I'll be here to guide you with treatment strategies, as you inform me how I can help you. We're a team.

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Alex Arthur

Alex Arthur

Licensed Therapist, MA

OCD can make someone feel stuck, like they're being held down by their disorder. No one should feel stuck or defined by a condition. My approach to treating OCD is guided by your individual needs. Each individual is just that: an individual. These are your therapy sessions, and we'll take things at your own pace. The journey we take together may not be easy. But by working with me, you can do it! In addition to treating OCD, I support individuals who've undergone trauma on their healing journeys.

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Jillian Hughes

Jillian Hughes

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I have a deep understanding of mental health, and I enjoy seeing others feel safe and empowered to create the change they’ve been wanting. Wherever you are on your journey, you're right where you’re meant to be. Whatever brought you to NOCD will get you through it. Simply being here is a huge step in itself. My approach to treating OCD is one of structured curiosity. I grew up with trichotillomania and severe anxiety and depression, so OCD resonates with me. Many lives have been changed by therapy—including mine.

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Marie Connelly

Marie Connelly

Mental Health Counselor

My approach to OCD therapy, in one word: Collaborative! You are the expert in you, and I am the expert in ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). Together, we can make a world of difference. ERP isn't easy – we'll be challenging fears and engaging with OCD differently — but I know that if we work together, your life will change for the better. I practice ERP skills myself every day and have noticed how much of a difference it makes in my life. In addition to OCD, I specialize in neurodiversity, LGBTQIA+ issues, trauma, and IDD populations.

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Ashley Moffitt

Ashley Moffitt

Licensed Therapist, MA

Specializing in OCD allows me to combine my passion for helping others with my commitment to staying at the forefront of evidence-based practices. I aim to empower individuals to confront their fears and reclaim control over their lives. My approach to treating OCD is collaborative, evidence-based, and individualized. I'll be your supportive therapeutic ally, provide psychoeducation about OCD, and systematically address your obsessions and compulsions. I find immense satisfaction in helping individuals navigate the complexities of OCD. My therapeutic focus extends to trauma, depression, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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Becky Angeloff

Becky Angeloff

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I live with an anxiety disorder, so I love being part of NOCD's mission. I consider it a gift that you're allowing me on this very personal journey with you. My passion is encouraging others to push themselves to live their best lives. I love being with people while they overcome what they thought they never could. If you stick with OCD therapy, you will see results!

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Jacklyn Belenky

Jacklyn Belenky

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I've always loved helping people live more fulfilling and joyful lives. I believe a person with OCD is the expert on their life. I'll work collaboratively with you to create a space where safety, support, actionable steps, and rapport unite for the most effective treatment. The more continued effort we put into your individualized treatment plan, the bigger the progress can be. I also focus on mood and anxiety disorders, along with traumatic experiences including military service, childhood trauma, and sexual trauma.

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Samantha Brown

Samantha Brown

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is supportive yet assertive. You're here because you want change. I'm here because I want to help you achieve that change. I've seen firsthand the distress and struggles that individuals with OCD experience; it's an intricate disorder that can significantly impact people's lives. Despite its prevalence, OCD is often misunderstood or overlooked, and there is a crucial need for specialized expertise and tailored interventions. I aim to provide care and support tailored to the specific needs of individuals grappling with OCD symptoms.

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Keith Thomas

Keith Thomas

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is hands-on. I will incorporate different skills to help you reach your goals. OCD therapy will take patience and practice. Remember that any level of progress is still progress. My background includes working in foster care, and I also specialize in treating anxiety and depression.

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Freedom Ashihel

Freedom Ashihel

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I take a nonjudgmental and affirming approach to OCD therapy, and I thoroughly enjoy empowering people through healing. You can be yourself here. There's no right or wrong answer when you're in therapy. Self-compassion and empathy can go a long way. Try to remember that your thoughts are not your identity; they're a bodily reaction, similar to getting the hiccups. In addition to OCD therapy, I specialize in somatic and attachment healing.

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Ginny Dolores

Ginny Dolores

Associate Clinical Social Worker

Your journey toward overcoming OCD begins with taking this important step, and we're here to help you along the way. My approach to treating OCD is grounded in compassion, empathy, and respect, guided by a commitment to providing comprehensive and culturally competent care. I'll provide psychoeducation to help you understand OCD and how ERP works to disrupt its cycle. We'll go at your pace, never pressuring you into exposures before you're ready. In addition to OCD, my areas of focus include anxiety, depression, trauma, self-esteem, PTSD, gender-affirming care, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ mental health.

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Alison Gabel

Alison Gabel

Licensed Therapist, MA

Welcome to your wellness journey. It may not always be comfortable, but you can do this! Together, we will build an effective skills toolbox. I approach therapy with compassion and dogged determination. Having worked with folks who routinely feel othered and misunderstood, I can handle high-intensity situations and problem-solve with limited/alternative resources—a therapeutic MacGyver, if you will. No matter your situation, I will help you get to where you want to be. In addition to OCD, I specialize in LGBTQIA and transitioning issues, adult ADHD, kink community/non-traditional relationships, identity, trauma, and crisis intervention.

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Jerimee Smith

Jerimee Smith

Licensed Therapist, MA

Many of my family members and friends have OCD. I respect and admire you for taking the first step toward positive change. I'm here to help you each step of the way. I take this duty seriously. As a therapist, I'm supportive yet direct. I'll treat you as the primary decision-maker. You're in charge of your life and what direction you want to take. Change can be difficult. That's when I like to help people push harder to overcome avoidance, fear, and anxiety that can keep them stuck. I also specialize in depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, interpersonal conflict, and addiction.

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Darla Nave

Darla Nave

Licensed Therapist, LMFT

I have a passion for helping people through their emotional challenges and guiding them toward hope and a stronger sense of self. I believe in building healthy coping skills with a focus on self-acceptance and self-compassion. I specialize in treating OCD, depression, and anxiety. In OCD therapy, I'll help you realize your strengths and innate ability to overcome challenges. I'm here to help you defeat OCD, despite your fears and the unknowns.

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Kenya Foster

Kenya Foster

Licensed Therapist, MS

I'm a patient, empathetic, and structured therapist, and an effective listener. I approach therapy with genuine concern for your well-being. I unconditionally love people and enjoy seeing them at their best. Over the years, I've seen the challenges individuals face with OCD. Helping combat those challenges is rewarding. I love seeing the change, growth, excitement, and freedom individuals experience during the therapeutic process. Besides OCD, my professional areas of focus include substance abuse and working with children, families, and couples.

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Leigh Joiner

Leigh Joiner

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I am passionate about supporting people affected by life's curveballs, specifically chronic pain or illness. In therapy, I generate an open, attentive space where you can be authentically yourself. I've seen the box many people are placed in concerning a diagnosis of OCD; there are no boxes here. Supporting and amplifying the voices of individuals with complex needs will always be my priority. My other specialties include depression, anxiety, grief, life transitions, women's issues, ADHD, and trauma. I bring my neurodivergent, chronically ill, and PTSD identities to this work.

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Marissa Kartub

Marissa Kartub

Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

My approach to treating OCD is person-centered and evidence-based. I use tried-and-true modalities like ERP while creating a compassionate space for healing. You are the most important part of the therapy process, so your voice is vital. Please let me know if anything could make the therapy space feel safer for you—I love and need your feedback. Thank you for trusting in me. Beyond OCD, my areas of focus include perinatal mental health, therapy for ages 0-5, infertility, disability, family and couples, adolescents, group therapy, trauma, interpersonal violence, and parenting.

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Drew Sher

Drew Sher

Licensed Therapist, MED

People with OCD tend to feel stuck in their OCD cycle. I want to help people break out of that cycle. I provide plenty of psychoeducation about the therapy process, so you'll know what to expect in treatment. I will firmly and fairly guide you along your exposure hierarchy as we work to lessen the distress caused by your obsessions. I also implement mindfulness techniques to help you accept whatever happens in life. NOCD Therapy can be life-changing work. If you're ready to put in the work, you can reap the benefits.

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Ny'elle McMillon

Ny'elle McMillon

Licensed Social Worker

My close childhood friend's struggle with bipolar disorder inspired me to dedicate my life to becoming knowledgeable about the preventative and maintenance-based treatment of mental illness. I approach OCD therapy with patience and consistency, utilizing ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) and other training designed to overcome the challenges of OCD. You are not alone. We will work on this together. In addition to OCD, I specialize in childhood trauma, relationship issues, self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety, anger management, substance abuse, and family and relationship counseling.

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Roberto Cisneros

Roberto Cisneros

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I always start where my members are. We'll take things as slow or fast as you're comfortable with. OCD therapy is a process — let's focus on progress, not perfection. That process can be emotionally draining, but I'm here to guide you throughout. Therapy can actually be a lot of fun, and it's not like the therapy you see on TV. Beyond OCD, my areas of professional focus include CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), motivational interviewing, family therapy, and trauma-informed care.

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Kimberly Parra

Kimberly Parra

Licensed Therapist, MA

OCD can be tricky and sticky in thought. My hope is to provide a safe, supportive atmosphere where you feel open to sharing. I will focus on building a solid foundation of honesty, trust, and respect as we explore the experiences that bring you to therapy. I studied child psychology and education, then pursued a career in teaching before becoming a therapist. In addition to OCD, my areas of expertise include trauma, anxiety, depression, relational trauma, attachment disorders, and eating disorders.

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Michael Britt

Michael Britt

Licensed Therapist, MS

I have lived experience with anxiety and depression, which made me want to help others face their fears. My approach to OCD involves helping you understand you have power in your treatment. In my sessions, there is no judgment. I believe every emotion is important, no matter how small it may seem. Together, we are on a journey to address what's happening in your life. In addition to OCD, my professional areas of focus include trauma, depression, mood disorders, and personality disorders.

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Melissa Love

Melissa Love

Licensed Therapist, MA

Facing our fears isn't easy for anyone, but the rewards can be incredible. I love seeing people open themself up to new possibilities in life, and I love working with the treatment for OCD, because it's highly effective. My approach to treating OCD is meeting each member where they are. I will work alongside you, providing encouragement. In addition to OCD, I focus on depression, autism spectrum disorder, codependency, domestic violence, and substance use.

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Jonathan Hines

Jonathan Hines

Licensed Therapist, MC

People seem to struggle when they become stuck, and I enjoy helping them move forward again. As your OCD therapist, I'll focus on your specific concerns and environment. By recognizing the negative impact of thoughts, triggers, and compulsive behaviors, I can help you gradually work through them to improve your sense of well-being and safety. I will do everything possible to create an environment in which you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts. My other areas of professional focus include substance abuse, anxiety, depression, religion, and philosophical concerns.

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Giles  Sieburg

Giles Sieburg

Licensed Therapist, MA

As an OCD therapist, I am trauma-informed, compassionate, and focused on ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). I will work hard to instill knowledge and empathy while walking you through the process of addressing your OCD symptoms. If you have any level of hesitation, let me know. I will always take the time to validate it and help you take the steps to progress in treatment. I pride myself on being approachable and helping people feel safe. I'm experienced in providing therapy to children and adults, focusing on trauma-related disorders, dissociative disorders, and eating disorders.

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Nida Pirani

Nida Pirani

Licensed Therapist, MA

If you do the work, OCD therapy works! As your OCD therapist, I'll build rapport with you, learn as much as I can about your symptoms, and come up with a treatment plan. My goal is to make the therapeutic experience feel safe and welcoming while providing positive encouragement to reach your goals. My heart becomes full when my members report a decrease in their symptoms. My areas of expertise include mood disorders, relationship problems, trauma, grief and loss, substance abuse, self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.

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Russell MacKay

Russell MacKay

Licensed Therapist, MC

I want to make a difference in how OCD is diagnosed and treated. NOCD Therapy works! Even if you've found frustration in treatment before, NOCD focuses on you—on really helping you find relief. As your OCD therapist, I'll help you recognize and begin to face your rituals, work through them, and find peace on the other side. I'll encourage you and be present as you face hard moments. I also specialize in treating trauma, anxiety, and depression.

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Aaron Marks

Aaron Marks

Associate Professional Clinical Counselor

Early experiences with a loved one's bipolar disorder and OCD, and my own struggles with anxiety, influenced me to become a therapist and help others overcome mental health challenges. My approach to treating OCD is non-judgmental, empathetic, safe, and clinically informed. You are not alone in your struggles. We are here to help you find relief and lasting recovery. I have expertise in treating anxiety disorders, PTSD/trauma, addiction, and grief. I've also been a psychotherapist for veterans with PTSD and related mood disorders.

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Angelina  Argyle

Angelina Argyle

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I know you're suffering. You might even resist that suffering in body and mind, but what we resist persists. You and I will walk side by side to lessen resistance with kindness, understanding, and support. Therapy is most effective when it zooms out to the big picture and zooms back into the details. Together, we'll determine what you'd like to change. Without challenges, we can't reach our full potential. It reminds me of a quote: "Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop." I have experience working with OCD, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymia, eating disorders, geriatrics, and psychosis.

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Avarina London

Avarina London

Licensed Social Worker

As a therapist, I'm non-judgmental and empathic. I meet my members where they are. We will work together as collaborators to treat your OCD. I work from a natural-strengths approach—you are the expert on your OCD. You're helping me understand the barriers you've experienced and what you hope to accomplish in therapy. In NOCD Therapy, you'll discover that leaning into your own discomfort can bring peace. In addition to OCD, my therapeutic areas of focus include self-compassion, grief and loss, mindfulness, trauma, depression, and anxiety.

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Zach Hocanson

Zach Hocanson

Licensed Therapist, MC

I bring years of experience to a safe therapeutic space that allows people who are suffering to heal. I treat OCD through an evidence-based lens that has proven results. My aim is to help others become the best versions of themselves. The most gratifying part of my job is seeing people's drive and determination to reclaim control over their lives. Remember that working toward improvement requires bravery and the desire to make change — you don't always have to feel ready to take the next step. My specialties include PTSD, depression, anxiety, substance use, and stressful life transitions.

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Lisa Vespico-Mull

Lisa Vespico-Mull

Licensed Therapist, LPC

I take an empathetic and encouraging approach to therapy, with a good balance of being direct and cheering you on to reach the goals you've set. I'll challenge you, but I'll also acknowledge even the smallest steps achieved. Change can be difficult. But the rewards will be relief from depression, anxiety, and fears that have been holding you back. I'll help you live your life to the fullest, but I won't force you to do anything you're not ready for. In addition to treating OCD, I specialize in substance use disorder. I have experience working with couples, children, and adolescents.

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Kellie Hayes

Kellie Hayes

Licensed Therapist, MS

I specialize in OCD, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety. I enjoy holding a safe space for people to share their innermost thoughts on their path to self-discovery and healing. My approach to OCD therapy involves looking at thoughts and behaviors, then focusing on changing behaviors and tolerating distress caused by thoughts. I also specialize in post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety. The aspect of my job I find most gratifying is when people have "lightbulb" moments when they realize they don't have to live in fear, anticipation, or shame forever.

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Morgan Byler

Morgan Byler

Licensed Therapist, MSW

As your OCD therapist, I'll get to know you before jumping into our actual work. It's important to understand your experience because OCD is subjective to each individual. Treatment will be collaborative every step of the way. Therapy will be challenging, because I'll ask you to face your fears. But living with OCD is more challenging than the therapy itself. Something you'll hear a lot is that "you have to behave your way through OCD." I also have experience treating trauma, substance use disorder, family therapy, and school-based services.

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Glenn Gray

Glenn Gray

Licensed Therapist, MS

I've seen OCD's impact firsthand in my family. I want to help others find hope and healing. My approach to treating OCD is supportive, non-judgmental, and hopeful. I'm here to create a space for you to feel seen and heard without shame. I believe wholeheartedly that anyone can reach a place where OCD, although still present, doesn't impact their life any longer. You are capable of far more than you may know. You're incredibly strong to have come this far. I also specialize in spiritual concerns, specifically institutionalized/religious trauma.

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Marjeta Kane

Marjeta Kane

Licensed Therapist, MSW

OCD runs in my family. Often, individuals who suffer from OCD have been misdiagnosed or their condition has gone untreated. I believe that with proper customized approaches, we can empower individuals to successfully manage OCD and live happy, highly productive lives. I take a gentle, empathetic, and direct approach to OCD therapy. I will create a safe place for you to feel comfortable, validated, and supported. I also specialize in treating conditions that may occur with OCD, such as depression, anxiety, phobias, and trauma.

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Jada Brown

Jada Brown

Licensed Therapist, MA

OCD therapy is part of my life's work: To help others overcome whatever holds them back. I'm a patient and nonjudgmental therapist. I've worked with people from all walks of life, in varying parts of their journey. My role is to walk with you, not define your path or force you to go a certain way. Although there may be some difficult times in therapy, you have the power to overcome them. I will support you. My areas of professional focus include substance use, trauma treatment, expressive therapy, and child and family therapy.

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Christina  Hauritz

Christina Hauritz

Licensed Therapist, LCMHC

As a therapist, my approach to treating OCD is rooted in empathy and evidence-based interventions. I strive to create a safe, supportive environment where you'll feel heard, understood, and empowered to confront your OCD symptoms and work toward recovery. Therapy is a collaborative process. Your comfort and well-being are my top priorities. As a seasoned mental health professional, I have a diverse range of expertise, enabling me to provide comprehensive support. I have treated trauma, eating disorders, substance use, anxiety, depression, and autism.

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Jordan Baylis-Morgan

Jordan Baylis-Morgan

Registered Psychotherapist

I'm here to help and support you in achieving your goals. OCD therapy is a collaborative process in which we work together, at your pace. First, it's essential to understand how OCD operates. Then we'll implement strategies to develop skills and reduce symptoms. I like to incorporate a blend of behavioral activation and cognitive psychoeducation. My other areas of professional focus include relationship issues, self-esteem, addiction/substance use, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and self-awareness/emotional regulation.

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Allie Boselli

Allie Boselli

Limited Permit Mental Health Counselor

You are not alone, and you have the ability to make positive changes in your life. My approach to OCD therapy is collaborative. I create personalized treatment plans tailored to each member’s unique needs, preferences, and goals. I'm committed to using evidence-based treatment approaches, specifically Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). I focus on empowering members to take an active role in treatment while providing ongoing support to help build resilience. I have experience treating OCD, generalized anxiety disorder, depression, adjustment disorders, illness anxiety, and social anxiety.

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Dominique Macias

Dominique Macias

Licensed Therapist, MS

I strive to approach anyone seeking my help with curiosity, empathy, and unconditional positive regard. You are the expert in your life. Taking time to understand my members puts me in the best position to provide effective support. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, watching scary movies and true crime documentaries, going to comedy shows, camping (stargazing is my favorite!), snuggling with my kitty, cooking all different kinds of cuisines, and being around any kind of body of water.

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Tiffani Smith

Tiffani Smith

Licensed Therapist, MA

I'm a results-driven person who takes an authentic, non-judgmental approach to OCD therapy. I first seek to understand, professionally and in my personal life. I always recommend authenticity. I've seen the positive results exposure therapy can have. Be prepared to put in the work, and know it's for your own well-being and will help you reach your goals. In addition to treating OCD, I've worked with adults and teenagers with addiction/substance use disorders, PTSD, anxiety disorders, ADHD, ODD, and depression.

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Dr. Kelly Maybin

Dr. Kelly Maybin

Licensed Therapist, DSW

I have lived experience with OCD, as do several of my family members. As your OCD therapist, I'll provide a safe and non-judgmental environment. I have empathy and compassion for your struggles, and I'll collaborate with you to create a treatment plan that will be most beneficial. I'm grounded in inclusive practices that will provide a space for you to be who you truly are. My other areas of focus include anxiety, depression, and personality disorders.

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Jeremiah Smith

Jeremiah Smith

Licensed Therapist, MA

As a therapist, I'm given the opportunity to help people and leave the world in a little better shape than it was this morning. My daily ambition is to do everything possible to help people achieve what they've set out to do that day. My approach to treating OCD involves ERP, an evidence-based practice that has proven effective in reducing symptoms. I'm an Army veteran. Witnessing my friends' experience with addiction and mental health issues motivated me to pursue mental health as a career. Besides OCD, I specialize in treating depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and marriage/family issues.

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Demetria Agharese

Demetria Agharese

Licensed Therapist, MA

I've witnessed the resilience and courage of those struggling with OCD. I want to support you in reclaiming control of your life. You're courageous for embarking on this journey. Be patient with yourself during the process and celebrate your wins. I'll work closely with you to identify your symptoms and triggers, then use Exposure and Response Prevention to help you reach your goals. Along the way, I'll provide ongoing support, monitor progress, and adjust your treatment plans to create a successful outcome. My areas of professional focus include anxiety, career-related issues, depression, relationship issues, and stress management.

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Pamela Andrews

Pamela Andrews

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I approach OCD from a collaborative standpoint. When I'm not working, I love going to the gym, particularly weightlifting. I also enjoy traveling to other countries every year.

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Tiffany Rice

Tiffany Rice

Licensed Therapist, MSW

We all have intrusive thoughts. We're here to help you deal with yours in a better way. We do that by putting them out there. I take a collaborative approach to treating OCD, in which we both apply our knowledge and experience to help you find symptom relief. In therapy, it may seem like things are getting harder before you notice them getting better, but if you stick with it, you'll see that it works. In addition to OCD, I specialize in treating OCD, LGBTQ+ issues, and women's issues.

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Allison Storm

Allison Storm

Licensed Therapist, MS

I am a collaborative and creative OCD therapist. For therapy to work, it has to work for you. I am here for you, every step of the way. OCD is often misunderstood and mistreated. When I learned that, on average, it takes 17 years for someone to be accurately diagnosed with OCD, I knew I was in the right place to utilize my clinical training and advocacy skills. In addition to treating OCD, I have extensive experience working with the neurodivergent community, children, and male perpetrators of domestic violence.

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Hanna Himmel

Hanna Himmel

Licensed Therapist, MA

I've learned through my own experiences how isolating mental health concerns can be, so I became a therapist to walk with others who are struggling. By starting therapy at NOCD, you will never be alone. The journey to mental health can be a challenging one. Think of it as an adventure; I'm here to act as your tour guide along the way. This is a safe space, and you will not be judged based on anything you tell me. My other areas of focus include depression, anxiety, PTSD, couples, families, adolescents, play therapy, mood disorders, schizophrenia, LGBTQIA+, and substance use disorders.

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Monique Blocker Jones

Monique Blocker Jones

Resident in Counseling

I'm passionate about de-stigmatizing mental health disorders like OCD and empowering people to overcome their struggles. In therapy, I strive to create a safe, nonjudgmental space where you'll feel validated, understood, and empowered to confront your fears and work toward your treatment goals. In addition to treating OCD, I also focus on intellectual disabilities and ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Therapy may involve challenging beliefs and engaging in behaviors that initially provoke anxiety. Having realistic expectations is important. This ensures you can celebrate progress.

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Felix Murad

Felix Murad

Licensed Therapist, MED

I am empathic and person-centered in my approach to treating OCD. I create a safe place where members feel comfortable, knowing they're not being judged or stigmatized. I ensure my members understand our approach to therapy and mutually agreed goals. By building a great rapport with your therapist and utilizing evidence-based treatment, you can overcome OCD and live a meaningful and fulfilling life. I also have experience helping people with PTSD, anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, substance abuse, work-related issues, and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

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Auslyn Thomas

Auslyn Thomas

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is person-centered. I believe what you need is inside of you, and it's my job to bring it out. I'll provide encouragement and support while exposing you to your compulsions. OCD therapy can be challenging, but we can have fun while meeting your goals. When you see the progress you've made, you'll see that it's all worth it. My other professional niches include trauma and play therapy. I'm a big kid, so the latter allows me to incorporate two things I love—play and therapy.

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Erin Paavola

Erin Paavola

Licensed Therapist, LMHC

My aim is to provide a non-judgmental space and time where you can share the thoughts and fears that affect you. Together, we will create a plan to change your relationship with anxiety and related behaviors. You'll face your fear, gradually get used to the fear response, and learn how to manage how it affects you. I typically work with children and those with neurodivergence, helping them greater understanding of their thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and family dynamics. I also work with adults regarding life-transition issues, depression, and anxiety.

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Shuntai Walker

Shuntai Walker

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is educational, patient, and challenging. I gradually expose you to the things that can trigger your OCD and help you manage your obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions. A fun fact about me: I was born on a leap year, so I have an official birthday every four years.

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Christa Zummo

Christa Zummo

Licensed Therapist, MS

I became a therapist because I believe in the power of connection, empathy, and understanding. I work closely with members to understand their specific obsessions and compulsions, using gradual exposure to feared situations while helping them resist compulsive behaviors. I also integrate mindfulness and acceptance strategies to foster self-awareness and compassion. My goal is to help you regain control of your life and reduce the interference of OCD, leading to improved well-being. My areas of focus include anxiety, depression, couples issues, and life transitions.

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Maya Haraseyko

Maya Haraseyko

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I genuinely care and love helping others. My approach to therapy is thorough, flexible, and supportive, utilizing the skills NOCD trains therapists with. I've treated conditions ranging from severe mood disorders to trauma, anxiety, and substance abuse. I've also worked with children and adolescents who have autism spectrum disorders and severe behavioral problems. I sincerely believe things can always improve with work and dedication. Any growth, change, or improvement can take time. Progress can include setbacks. It's important not to give up.

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Melissa  Torres

Melissa Torres

Licensed Therapist, MSW

Providing therapy runs in my family. My mom is a therapist, and I followed her path because of the passion for therapy I developed during my own mental health journey. I have real compassion for people who experience OCD. I've experienced my own anxieties, fears, and intrusive thoughts. I understand how anxiety can be a manipulative emotion. I know the value of what therapy can provide. I also know how hard it can be to be vulnerable with someone. My goal is to create a space where you feel safe sharing your thoughts without judgment.

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Gail Spinnato

Gail Spinnato

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I provide a non-judgmental environment where you'll feel supported as you conquer what's holding you back. I've always gravitated toward working with people who've been marginalized and under-represented; I specialize in OCD because I've seen the profound difference ERP (Exposure Response and Prevention Therapy) can make. (My other areas of focus include anxiety, addictions, behavioral health, developmental disabilities, and women's issues.) This will be a challenging journey, but we'll take it together. At times, it may be scary, but as our work progresses, you'll see that with challenge comes growth.

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Suzanna Anderson

Suzanna Anderson

Licensed Therapist, LPC

My approach to therapy is to do what works. ERP therapy has a great evidence-based track record, so I use it to help individuals improve functioning. Together, we'll create a treatment plan. Ultimately, you'll learn not to let OCD rule your life. Therapy isn't just what happens during our meetings. Practicing—and noticing what happens between therapy sessions—truly makes growth possible. My other areas of specialty include OCD, depression, anxiety, PTSD, autism spectrum disorder, medical trauma, and personality disorders.

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Brittany Johnson

Brittany Johnson

NCC/LPC Eligible

I help people with OCD by identifying their obsessions and compulsions. We work together to confront these obsessions through exposure. The process won't always be easy, but I'm here to provide support as you work through anxiety and learn to avoid compulsive actions. Committing to the program and following the steps will ensure success. In addition to treating OCD, I specialize in anxiety, panic disorder, and PTSD.

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Sam Sullivan

Sam Sullivan

Licensed Certified Social Worker

I have OCD but have not been symptomatic for several years. I hope to help others achieve that same accomplishment. As your therapist, I want to learn about you and your obsessions and compulsions. We will start slow. There's no pressure to get things right the first time; we can take things as far as you're willing to push yourself. If you commit to working through uncomfortable feelings, living life outside of your head is a beautiful thing. My other focus areas include anxiety, eating disorders, and trauma.

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Sydney Phipps

Sydney Phipps

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to treating OCD is, let's jump in! NOCD Therapy is a highly interactive treatment experience, with on-the-spot feedback and education to increase your understanding of OCD. This is not talk therapy as seen on TV. You will work in session and out, utilizing the skills we develop. As your therapist, I will offer high support to assist you through exposures. This is not a race; we can start slow and move forward as you develop trust in the process.

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Lauren Belcastro

Lauren Belcastro

Licensed Therapist, MSW

When I began having panic attacks in college, I did ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) therapy. The more I leaned into the discomfort of facing my greatest fears, the more freedom and confidence I gained. I started to feel in control of my life again. This showed me the efficacy of ERP, which is also effective for OCD. My brother has OCD, which continues to inform my understanding of the diagnosis. This fuels my passion to make effective treatments more accessible to those who need them. In addition to OCD, I specialize in treating grief, anxiety, trauma, and depression.

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Erica-Michele Burmeister-Jackson

Erica-Michele Burmeister-Jackson

Licensed Therapist, MS

I'm a solution-focused, empathetic therapist. In my own life, I've experienced difficult situations and limited resources. I've had to learn to help myself, so I'd like to help others learn to better help themselves. I've worked as a behavioral specialist and have treated trauma, anxiety, depression and mood disorders, ASD, ADHD, chronic pain, and illness. Although therapy may be challenging, remember that being ready for a change has taken you this far. I am here for you and what you're feeling. We will work through your feelings together to reach your goals.

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Natasha Posey

Natasha Posey

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I became a therapist because of my own journey. When I experienced personal healing, I wanted others to experience that as well. I want to see people with OCD find freedom and live a fulfilling life. I am on your side. With enough optimism for two, I approach OCD with biological, psychological, and physiological understanding. My other areas of focus include trauma, depression, and addiction.

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Joanna Krasnisky

Joanna Krasnisky

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I am a radically honest, empathetic, encouraging, gentle, and strong therapist. I initially became a therapist to understand and heal my own "stuff." It's such an honor and gift to accompany and guide others along their freedom journeys. OCD has been a challenge within my own life, family, and communities. I've benefited from the effectiveness of ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy) and am grateful to specialize in this treatment. My other areas of focus include trauma-focused CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), trauma-conscious yoga, mindfulness-based substance abuse treatment, and DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy).

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Ruthann Crawford

Ruthann Crawford

Licensed Therapist, MA

I provide a space safe to address concerns that may hamper your quality of life. Therapy is a journey, and our standard is to support you throughout. All you need to do is trust in the process and show up as your authentic self. We can put the pieces together along the way. Be prepared to watch yourself change in the most magnanimous way possible. My focus areas include personality disorders, anxiety and depression, mood disorders, trauma, and identity.

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Sarah Smith

Sarah Smith

Licensed Therapist, MS

I understand how difficult things might seem right now. But there is a way forward. As your OCD therapist, I will always be supportive and encouraging, creating a warm, safe environment where we can work together. I realize it can be difficult to share troubling thoughts. I'll listen to you without judgment. Your thoughts are not you. We all have intrusive thoughts from time to time; they don't indicate anything other than intrusive thoughts. My other areas of focus include depression, life transitions, self-esteem issues, and relationship issues. Therapy is not always easy. It can hurt at times. But in the long run, if you do the work, you'll get results.

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Chantelle  Estil

Chantelle Estil

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I'm passionate about understanding people's emotions and helping them navigate their unique struggles toward healing and resilience. I specialize in OCD because I find the complexity of the disorder fascinating, and I'm driven to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected. My approach to treating OCD is evidence-based and collaborative. I'll provide compassionate guidance as you face the challenges associated with OCD. I'll respect your pace and will never pressure you into attempting anything that doesn't feel comfortable or aligned with your readiness.

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Kevin  Dickes

Kevin Dickes

Licensed Therapist, MS

I'm driven to support individuals and to help them realize their potential, foster personal growth, build confidence, and form a deeper connection with who they are. Coming to therapy takes courage, trust, and often generates moments of distress and challenge. The fact that you're seeking support and considering meeting with a therapist means you're incredibly strong. I've worked with individuals who have trauma histories, general anxiety, depression, and substance use. The most gratifying part of my job is being witness to change, growth, relief, and increased confidence.

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Brittany Quinn

Brittany Quinn

Licensed Therapist, MS

I became a therapist because I’ve always wanted to provide a safe space for individuals to be their authentic selves. I'm honored to see people’s natural growth and be a part of their healing journey. I specialize in OCD because I can provide intensive, individualized treatment that allows people to feel hopeful again. Be ready to share your symptoms and concerns. And be proud of yourself for taking this step—therapy is a way of taking charge of your life. My other areas of focus include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, major life transitions, and relationship/family concerns.

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Cherie Dakota

Cherie Dakota

Licensed Therapist, MSW

Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Utilizing therapeutic tools to "retrain your brain" provides relief and gives you the power to understand and manage your mental health. I take a team approach to treating OCD. You're the expert on how OCD manifests in your life; I'm the catalyst to educate you about ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention therapy) and help you manage OCD symptoms. As we work together, you'll gain control over OCD, instead of OCD controlling you. I also specialize in managing anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, and crisis intervention.

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Briana Grant

Briana Grant

Licensed Therapist, PhD

OCD's obsessions and compulsions vary greatly, making everyone's experience profoundly personal. Sharing your thoughts is voluntary. Hearing them is a privilege therapists don't take for granted. I'm honored to walk with NOCD's members as they gradually, organically work through their distress to reduce OCD symptoms. Together, we'll focus on disrupting the negative feedback loop in which small sources of anxiety cause extreme responses, which reinforce obsessions and compulsions. You may feel nervous about opening up to a stranger, but think about the discomfort that may persist without treatment. Let’s make your discomfort productive.

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Kaira Yates

Kaira Yates

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I became a therapist to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by providing education and support to those who need it. My approach to treatment is open, mindful, and judgment-free. I see our therapeutic relationship as being teammates. I'll help you identify your treatment goals and guide you as you accomplish them. I have extensive experience supporting people with the management of mood, anxiety, adjustment, and psychosis symptoms. I thoroughly enjoy being able to connect with so many different individuals and support them through their journey.

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Rhonda  Johnson

Rhonda Johnson

Licensed Therapist, MS

My favorite part of being an OCD therapist is witnessing members meet their goals and improve their quality of life and daily functioning. At NOCD, we are trained and specialize in treating OCD issues by implementing ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). I will provide you with psychoeducation on OCD issues and why ERP is the best method of treatment. I'll build a therapeutic rapport with you at our initial session, and we'll work together as a team. My other areas of focus include depression and anxiety.

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Melanie  Amini-Hajibashi

Melanie Amini-Hajibashi

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach to treating OCD is friendly, supportive, knowledgeable, patient, and encouraging. My goal is to truly meet you where you are, while helping you embrace discomfort and believe in your ability to do hard things. We will celebrate all moments throughout the process, no matter how big or small. With OCD, little by little, a little becomes a lot. I chose to specialize in treating OCD because the treatments are effective, making OCD a highly manageable condition. My other areas of professional focus include PTSD and complex PTSD, depression, and eating disorders.

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Sophie Loewengart

Sophie Loewengart

Licensed Therapist, MA

OCD is very personal to me. It's something I experience in my own life. Therapy has gifted me with the ability to confront it and feel empowered. My approach to OCD is empathic, calm, and present. My training in ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and ERP (Exposure and Response Therapy) has been invaluable to my approach to OCD and most diagnoses. ACT and ERP help us learn how to be present with our worries and distinguish ourselves from them by exploring our values and how we want to behave despite our thoughts and feelings.

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Giovanni Trimble

Giovanni Trimble

Licensed Therapist, PhD

I deeply empathize with individuals navigating mental health challenges. These experiences can be dehumanizing and isolating. I aim to create a therapeutic space that feels warm and welcoming, where everyone feels a sense of belonging and connection. My approach is collaborative, and I will support you every step of the way through live sessions and messaging. ERP (exposure response prevention) is hard work, but it is some of the most meaningful and worthwhile work you can do. NOCD will give you access to a whole community of people who are just like you, living with OCD.

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Joanne Morreale

Joanne Morreale

Licensed Therapist, MA

I'm a nonjudgmental therapist who is willing to learn about you in order to help you. You are worthy of help, and we are here to support you. The most gratifying part of my job is seeing the people I serve make positive progress. In addition to treating OCD, my professional experience includes helping DCFS youth and juvenile offenders; this work has made me more understanding and compassionate about others' struggles.

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Clyde King

Clyde King

Licensed Therapist, MS

I became a therapist to help others manage distress and find meaning. I decided to specialize in OCD because its multiple subtypes are so interesting; this motivated me to gain more clinical knowledge and skills. I take an eclectic approach to therapy that allows me to help many people with diverse diagnoses. I know OCD can bring up some scary, even taboo thoughts that might be difficult to share, especially someone you've just met. Please know that my sessions are a non-judgmental environment and a safe space.

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MaryBeth Cuffari

MaryBeth Cuffari

Licensed Social Worker

As a child and teenager, I struggled with significant medical issues. I've always remembered the kindness and support of all of the professionals who helped me, and I love providing that support to others. I truly understand what it's like to live with fear, sadness, and pain. Although you may feel lost and alone, we can work together to help you find your way back. I'm warm and kind, and I have a fantastic sense of humor. (Although I love to laugh, I'll be direct with you if needed.) OCD does not define you, and we'll make sure to let it know that.

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Kimberly Gruver

Kimberly Gruver

Licensed Therapist, MS

I believe it's best to seek out solutions so you can achieve a fulfilling life physically, mentally and emotionally. By doing so, you can develop self-control, comfort, and confidence. My role as your OCD therapist is to support and guide you, but I'll let you be the decision maker. Direct communication, trust, and openness make the therapeutic relationship worthwhile. My other areas of focus include severe and persistent mental illness, including PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, generalized depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

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Wisdom Zio

Wisdom Zio

Licensed Therapist, MS

I have personal experience with anxiety and have a close family friend with OCD. This drives my deep empathy and commitment to helping others with similar experiences. I am fascinated by the psychological and biological basis of OCD and specialize in it to help people manage their symptoms. My other areas of professional specialty include substance use disorder, family and couples therapy, sexual dysfunctions, and paraphilic disorders. I love to help people develop tools to manage symptoms independently. Together, we’ll customize your treatment plan to address your unique challenges and needs.

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Francesca  Dorvilas

Francesca Dorvilas

Licensed Therapist, MSW

As a therapist, my purpose is to support my members and equip them with the knowledge and skills to grow into the best version of themselves. I'll help you live your life more optimally in each dimension of your well-being—mentally, emotionally, occupationally, in relationships, and more. There is no judgment zone here. Therapy is your space and time to be yourself, so you can get the support you need. It is possible to live beyond what's holding you back. Come with an open mind, and the rest will follow.

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Hope Graven

Hope Graven

Licensed Therapist, MA

I understand what it's like to struggle with anxiety. It can make you think you can't take risks or that the worst-case scenario will happen to you. OCD can make us think we can't handle stress or discomfort. But you can. I always come from a place of care and compassion, because I've been where you are. You are not your diagnosis. Your experience is unique to you. I will listen to you, understand you and your values, and make our therapy sessions a truly collaborative experience.

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Jennifer Gardner

Jennifer Gardner

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I struggled with OCD in college and know firsthand how debilitating it can be. I went through treatment, and it was life-changing. Today, I love to help other people who struggle with OCD and see them get better. NOCD Therapy will be challenging, but OCD is probably much more difficult. By doing the work, over time things will become easier. You can get your life back, one that's not dominated by OCD. I will be here to support you every step of the way. I've worked with children, adolescents, and adults with diagnoses including depression, anxiety, ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder.

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Michael Thomson

Michael Thomson

Licensed Therapist, MA

I am a person-centered therapist, first and foremost. Our sessions are a 100% safe space and judgment-free. I have a great deal of experience working with dual-diagnosis populations, the LGBTQIA+ community, and people who have or have had medical issues. The most gratifying part of my job is seeing tangible changes in the people I'm serving. If you have any concerns about OCD therapy, ask me any and all questions so I can help facilitate your progress. There are no wrong questions.

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Tim Long

Tim Long

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to treating OCD is based on forming a partnership with members, common understanding and mutual choice of the pace and intensity of treatment. I have a strong admiration for people who take the brave step to confront challenges despite hesitations or worry. OCD therapy offers the opportunity to achieve what may seem impossible. The gains made in treatment can have substantial, long-lasting effects that greatly improve the quality of your life. My other areas of clinical experience include the treatment of depression, anxiety, and navigating the challenges of co-parenting or foster parenting.

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Kristen  Francisco

Kristen Francisco

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I specialize in OCD because it's often misunderstood, requiring specific training and expertise to diagnose and treat. When you stop fighting your obsessions and anxiety, your symptoms will naturally decrease. The question isn't whether you can or can’t, but how you do it. I became a therapist because I have a knack for guiding people through difficult times. Asking for help can be difficult, and you may feel alone, but I’m here to help you. I too have fought my own mental health battles, not always with ease but with hope and determination. Let’s do the same, together.

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Elizabeth Sanchez

Elizabeth Sanchez

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I became a therapist after witnessing the mental health struggles of my family members and experiencing loss and emotional distress in my own life. I decided to specialize in OCD because several of my family and friends suffer from OCD symptoms, and I've seen how ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention therapy) has helped them gain the skills to face and overcome their obsessive thoughts. I approach OCD therapy with curiosity and understanding. I have extensive experience treating depression and working with the Latinx community, as well as conducting psychotherapy in Spanish; I am fully bilingual.

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Aly Cerbone

Aly Cerbone

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is collaborative and person-centered. NOCD Therapy looks and feels much different from traditional talk therapy. However, we're on this journey together, I will support and encourage you every step of the way. I hope to provide a safe, supportive space for you to share your thoughts without judgment, even if that might feel difficult and uncomfortable at first. My previous experience has involved working with individuals living with severe and persistent mental illness in a variety of settings, including intensive outpatient treatment and community-based programs.

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Matt Baker

Matt Baker

Licensed Therapist, MSW

OCD therapy is challenging but doable. We are in this together. I love learning about different ways other humans experience life and hold different perspectives about existing. Connecting with other people is joy! It is incredible to see people use their innate strengths and resilience to overcome challenges. My career prior to NOCD has involved high-risk populations, including homeless services and treating trauma in children in the foster care system.

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Angela Conforti

Angela Conforti

Licensed Therapist, MSW

As someone who has OCD, I know how hard it is to find the right treatment from someone who truly understands. Being a therapist allows me to provide that care and support. I believe no one should have to struggle alone. I provide OCD therapy with a non-judgmental and supportive lens; my other areas of focus include anxiety, depression, and adjustment disorders. I love to watch my members progress. It's amazing to see how resilient people are, and how hard they're willing to work to make healthy changes.

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Amanda Tarpley

Amanda Tarpley

Licensed Therapist, MA

My approach to treating OCD is, first and foremost, person-centered and collaborative. There will be times of discomfort, but I will be there to guide you through them. This is a safe space, and there is no judgment. I specialize in OCD because it is highly misunderstood and so many people are suffering from it. My other professional specialties include treating PTSD, depression, anxiety, ADHD, ODD, and alcohol use disorder.

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Olga Secgin-Valentine

Olga Secgin-Valentine

Licensed Therapist, MA

I decided to specialize in OCD because I've worked with several people who have OCD; I wanted to gain the skills and knowledge to help people move forward. I really take my time to get to know my members and understand their concerns. I believe it's essential to understand your story and what you're experiencing, from your point of view. I've worked with a variety of diagnoses, including depression, anxiety, trauma, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and much more. OCD therapy may be challenging, but we will work together to reach your health goals.

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Barbara Atshaves

Barbara Atshaves

Licensed Therapist, MA

Even though I haven't been diagnosed with OCD, I know how much anxiety can disrupt a life. Anxiety is a key part of OCD, and I want to help those with OCD reclaim control of their lives. In my years as a therapist, I've treated those with generalized anxiety disorder, substance use dependence, depression, borderline personality disorder, and schizophrenia, among other mental health issues. Therapy is a process that takes time, effort, and motivation, even if it's sometimes uncomfortable. The end result will be worth it.

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Cheree  Alejandro

Cheree Alejandro

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach to treating OCD is non-judgmental, with a lot of empathy and understanding. I'll ride by your side through this journey and challenge you when needed so you can achieve your goals. I provide as much education about OCD as I can throughout the process. You will have autonomy in our sessions, and you'll be given the time and opportunity to make your own decisions every step of the way. In addition to OCD, my other areas of professional focus include substance abuse, anxiety and depression.

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Lisa Gilbert

Lisa Gilbert


OCD and other anxiety conditions can cause significant stress. I understand this personally, having struggled with OCD myself. I can attest that treatment is effective. As a therapist, I want to help others regain control over their lives, as I did through treatment years ago. Reaching out for help is the first step toward living a happier and more productive life. You are not alone — I'm here to support and guide you on your journey. In addition to treating OCD, I also focus on helping people with depression and anxiety.

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Mike Racki

Mike Racki

Licensed Therapist, MA

By coming to NOCD, you've made one of the most important decisions in your life. Here, you'll be provided the tools and support to move forward. My approach to OCD treatment is person-centered and informed by ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention). My goal is to create a safe and nonjudgmental space for members with OCD and related disorders, the kind of place that encourages connection and growth. I enjoy observing positive change and helping people rebuild their lives. My other areas of professional focus include anxiety disorders and depression.

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Chelsea Reid

Chelsea Reid

Licensed Therapist, MA

I bring a depth of insight to therapy that encompasses more than just OCD. I see people in their wholeness. I know and respect the complexities of being human, and you can feel that when you work with me. I find humans wonderfully weird, and I think OCD is a particularly fascinating way the human brain has evolved to deal with life in our current era. I'm interested in helping people heal at the core of their being, so I strive to find the root cause of their suffering. I am loving, supportive, and encouraging.

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Josue Diaz

Josue Diaz

Licensed Therapist, MSW

As a first-generation Mexican American, I believe in de-stigmatizing mental health and removing barriers to care. My approach to therapy is person-centered and positive, incorporating Cognitive Behavioral and Interpersonal techniques. I'll help you achieve a healthier present that includes higher self-esteem and less worry or fear. NOCD Therapy is designed to be purposeful, realistic, attainable, collaborative, and meaningful, aiding in behavioral change. I'm excited to be part of a treatment team that's focused on helping you reach your goals.

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Irmgard Aidoo

Irmgard Aidoo

Licensed Therapist, MSW

You're in the right place to get OCD treatment. I'm a versatile clinician who will meet you where you're at, highlight your strengths, and utilize ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) to improve your functioning. The most gratifying part of my job is when a member is able to improve their daily experience and take steps toward living a meaningful life, according to their values. My other areas of professional focus include ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression, and parenting support.

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Kelly Klastava

Kelly Klastava

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I became a therapist because I love helping people change an unwanted area of their lives for the better. OCD can show up in so many ways; I will meet you where you're at and help you with your biggest dilemma at the moment. In therapy, there will be hard times, and times you want to give up, but if you keep persevering, things will get better. In addition to OCD, I focus on marriage and family therapy. A partnership is the hardest job you'll have, and it's hard to keep it healthy. I love to help relationships flourish despite challenges.

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Tara Edwards

Tara Edwards

Licensed Therapist, MA

I specialize in treating OCD because I want to work in a community I truly understand. I was diagnosed with OCD in my twenties after struggling with intrusive thoughts. I also have experience treating ADHD and substance use disorder, and I have real empathy for people affected by those conditions. I am the parent of an ADHD child and originally worked with the substance use population because of my family history. The most gratifying part of my job is watching people come in at their heaviest emotional points and leaving with a sense of freedom.

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Alkanease Garrett

Alkanease Garrett

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to OCD is to be as empathetic as possible. During the treatment process, we will start with psychoeducation, so you'll be aware of all aspects of treatment and the primary treatment modality: Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). It isn't an easy process, but it's well worth the journey. OCD is highly treatable, and ERP can lead to a marked reduction in symptoms. I've also treated major depressive disorder (MDD) and anxiety for more than 20 years. I've seen people make significant progress when a collaborative approach is used.

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Rebecca Newel

Rebecca Newel

Licensed Therapist, MA

I have several loved ones who have struggled with OCD their entire lives and found talk therapy to not be as effective as they would like. As a therapist who has worked with children and adolescents, I found my clients struggling to find interventions that were helpful. My approach to OCD therapy is collaborative, non-judgmental and supportive. NOCD has a highly effective program, and I am here to support you as much as possible on this journey. My other areas of professional focus include depression, anxiety, ADHD, ODD, PTSD, and learning disabilities.

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Ishan Berry

Ishan Berry

Licensed Therapist, MS

I want to help you evaluate and change your negative thoughts and action patterns. My diverse experience as a therapist helps me analyze people's personalities, experiences, and cultural backgrounds to develop a therapy plan uniquely customized to them. In session, I'll work with you to create an open, safe environment, where thoughts and feelings can be shared without fear of judgment. In addition to OCD, my other areas of focus include depression, anxiety, self-esteem and body-image issues, and stress resulting from life changes.

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Elida Stewart

Elida Stewart

Licensed Therapist, MS

As a Latina, I know there is a strong stigma associated with seeking mental health in my community. I want to change that. Therapy is a valid means of healing; mental health is just as important as physical health. You don't have to experience a lifetime of suffering—OCD is treatable. My other areas of focus include anxiety, depression, and ADHD; I treat OCD in conjunction with other symptomatology. Let's experience breakthroughs you may not think are possible.

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Paul Song

Paul Song

Mental Health Counselor

Through my firsthand experience of recovering from a severe spinal cord injury, I realized mental health recovery is just as important as physical recovery, and I wanted to treat anxiety and depression. OCD has a high chance of comorbidity with anxiety. At NOCD, we create optimized treatment plans for each member. Therapy is a mutual process, and I deeply appreciate your engagement. ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) has proven to be very effective for OCD symptoms.

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Kristen Stirling

Kristen Stirling

Licensed Therapist, MED

My approach to OCD therapy is a collaborative one. I want you to have a voice in your treatment; I'll provide a safe place for you to use it. I believe being heard is one of the most important things I can give anyone I work with. I also have training in anxiety, mood disorders and trauma. Working with a diversity of disorders has broadened my perspective of mental health treatment. It has kept me open-minded and compassionate—two important qualities for treating OCD.

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Courtney Heaney

Courtney Heaney

Mental Health Counselor

I have OCD. I understand how disruptive it can be to everyday life. I also know ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) therapy works for OCD, because I have received it. I strive to practice with empathy, understanding, and kindness. I lean into a strengths-based and person-centered approach. (I'm also passionate about art therapy.) I believe you know yourself best. You have all the tools you need; therapy will help you identify and highlight those strengths. I hope to empower you to manage your symptoms and live a happy, fulfilled life.

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Brittany Pavao

Brittany Pavao

Mental Health Counselor

My approach to therapy involves creating a safe, non-judgmental space where individuals feel comfortable sharing their experiences. In part to that, collaboration is key; I work closely with members to develop personalized strategies that empower them to manage their symptoms effectively. I am an advocate for the deaf and hard of hearing community. Additionally, my focus on gender-affirming care, alongside areas such as anxiety, depression, autism, and PTSD, stems from a deep commitment to supporting marginalized communities and addressing diverse mental health needs.

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Patricia  Blecich

Patricia Blecich

Licensed Therapist, MS

Decades ago, I was treated for postpartum OCD by a therapist who was ahead of her time. Her ability to forge an accepting, caring, informed and unconditional therapeutic connection was remarkable, and I wanted to pay forward the gift of healing. I would love to help you find yours! I am so grateful to have the background, knowledge and skills to help people on their journey of recovery from OCD. This includes extensive experience in treating anxiety and addiction. Anxiety is a big part of OCD. Similarly, addiction treatment involves dealing with compulsive behaviors.

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Lesley DaPonte

Lesley DaPonte

Mental Health Clinician

My experience surviving a brain aneurysm and stroke at age 12 motivated me to be a support for others, because I received wonderful support during my recovery. I spent many years working with individuals whose OCD was misdiagnosed as anxiety and ADHD. As a NOCD therapist, I help treat OCD symptoms with the best approach — nonjudgmental and evidence-based. My other areas of focus include anxiety, depression, ADHD, spectrum disorders, reactive attachment disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorders.

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Janet Guthrie

Janet Guthrie

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to treating OCD is, first, to establish that this is a collaborative effort. You and I will form a therapeutic alliance while identifying triggers and compulsions. My goal is to be supportive, firm, and behavior-focused. I want to empower you to take control of your life by teaching you skills and providing support and encouragement. At NOCD, we provide a safe, judgment-free space that helps people start living how they truly want to live. My other areas of professional expertise include depression, anxiety, and addiction.

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Kristin Watson

Kristin Watson

Licensed Therapist, MA

Seeing the mental health struggles of loved ones inspires me to help others. My father was a Vietnam veteran, and I saw firsthand how his PTSD impacted his life. I treat OCD with sensitivity and the understanding that everyone experiences symptoms that are similar yet unique. I enter the therapeutic relationship with an open mind and a desire to hear how OCD is impacting you. My goal is to meet you where you are in your mental health journey. I will work collaboratively and strive to truly hear you.

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Christine Lewis

Christine Lewis

Licensed Therapist, MA

OCD does not define a person. We can compassionately teach our brains that sitting in fear does not destroy us; we can overcome it and emerge on the other side feeling empowered and hopeful. At NOCD, you'll be paired with a well-trained clinician who will meet you every step of the way with love, support and unconditional positive regard. You will breathe a breath of fresh air and see results quickly—as long as you're willing to fight the battle alongside your clinician. In addition to OCD, my areas of expertise include substance use, depressive disorders, trauma, and severe and persistent mental health disorders.

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Rachel  Cashman

Rachel Cashman

Licensed Therapist, MED

I started experiencing OCD symptoms as an adolescent but didn't receive proper treatment until I was 31. Today, I specialize in OCD because I don't want anyone to suffer in silence like I did. I'm a relaxed and compassionate therapist. I show up authentically so others feel safe to do the same. I know what it's like to have intrusive thoughts that go against your values; I'll hold a nonjudgmental space for you to share your deepest, darkest thoughts and fears. I've dealt with almost every single OCD subtype. I also specialize in anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, religious trauma, and borderline personality disorder.

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Abby Ensmenger

Abby Ensmenger

Licensed Therapist, MSW

OCD can isolate you and prevent you from living the life you love. I want to help restore what has been lost and cultivate a sense of hope. I practice a person-centered, collaborative approach that builds on your strengths. Although OCD may be part of your experience, it is not your identity. My experience provides a broad perspective that recognizes and honors the complexity of your life. My additional areas of focus include anxiety, depression, loss and grief, life transitions, end-of-life, terminal and chronic illness, adolescence, and adult and geriatric issues.

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Marcy Kirkland

Marcy Kirkland

Licensed Therapist, MSW

As a therapist, I'm dedicated to ensuring you feel supported in a safe, non-judgmental, and confidential space throughout the treatment process. Everyone has unique stories, experiences, strengths, and challenges. I'll listen to you so I can thoroughly understand how OCD has adversely impacted your life. No feeling, thought, behavior, or concern is off-limits in our sessions. Beyond OCD, I have extensive experience providing services to children and adults with neurological and mental health conditions such as ADHD, autism, depression, and anxiety.

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Wade  Caldwell

Wade Caldwell

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I take a direct, non-judgmental, and personable approach to working with others on OCD. Know that you are not alone. Although these symptoms can make you feel isolated, they are extremely normal and treatable. OCD and anxiety are fueled by irrational fear that is often poorly treated by short-term solutions; NOCD Therapy offers long-term relief. My other areas of focus include depression, phobias, and generalized anxiety. I find it gratifying to help people understand how to effectively navigate these challenges.

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Karin Lopez Reyna

Karin Lopez Reyna

Licensed Therapist, MS

Imagine how your life could look if you had the tools to manage or even vanish your symptoms. That life is attainable, and you are about to take the first step toward it. I create an environment of trust where you can feel comfortable, informed, and free to ask questions. I prioritize making you feel supported and understood from the very start. I have full faith in my members and their ability to accomplish their goals, and I work collaboratively to develop effective, individualized treatment plans. The process will be challenging, but the effort and practice will pay off. You are stronger than you think.

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Krista Mooney

Krista Mooney

Licensed Therapist, MA

Having overcome my own challenges with OCD, I'm deeply passionate about helping others facing similar struggles. I don't want anyone to continue suffering when there's an effective treatment option like Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). ERP is life-changing, and it works. I create a supportive and empathetic therapy environment. I'll empower you to face your challenges with confidence and resilience. My goal is to equip you with the tools you need to manage your symptoms and lead a fulfilling life. I also specialize in treating depression, anxiety and addiction.

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Pepper Martin

Pepper Martin

Licensed Therapist, MS

As your OCD therapist, I'm on your support team. Although I'll sometimes help guide you, I'm never the boss. This is always a collaborative journey where you are ultimately in charge. We'll work together to improve your daily life. As a human being, not just a therapist, I want to know at the end of the day that I've done what I can to help someone else live a better life. My primary experience includes working with people diagnosed with PTSD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and substance use disorder.

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Wynante Sewell

Wynante Sewell

Licensed Therapist, MS

My specialization in OCD aims to empower people to live fearlessly, with the courage to face each day. I believe establishing trust between Member and Therapist is crucial. I aim to create a judgment-free zone and will treat everything you share with respect. I will be mindful of your comfort level, yet challenge you to take the next step in your development. I enjoy working with different people of all cultures and backgrounds; another focus area for me is couples and family therapy.

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Jason Pierce

Jason Pierce

Licensed Therapist, MA

As your therapist, I am your ally. I will offer support and guidance. I became an OCD therapist because I worked with many people who tried to manage their anxiety but typical interventions weren't helpful; I wanted to learn different ways of helping people manage their stressors. I have worked with people that have personality disorders, anxiety, and depression. Sometimes in OCD therapy, things can seem more difficult before they get better. Breathe in, breathe out, and take it step by step. This can be a life changer.

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Anna  Coppola

Anna Coppola

Licensed Therapist, MSW

OCD is incredibly misunderstood. I know this after supporting my brother through his own struggle with obsessive and compulsive symptoms. OCD treatment requires specific therapy, and I want to offer that distinct, effective help to those who need it. I approach OCD treatment with curiosity and compassion. You can come to our sessions and tell me whatever is on your mind without feeling shame or discomfort. My other areas of focus include post-traumatic stress disorder and relationship issues; I have also worked with veterans for several years.

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Taylor Knight

Taylor Knight

Resident in Counseling

Some of my close family members have struggled with OCD. I've seen how difficult and detrimental these symptoms can be if left untreated. I want my sessions to be comforting, and I'd like us to develop a strong rapport. You are the expert on your own symptoms, but I will do my absolute best to understand everything from your perspective. I have experience treating anxiety, depression, and trauma-related disorders, working with members of the LGBTQ+ community, adolescents, and individuals of all religious backgrounds.

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Karlyn  Markaity

Karlyn Markaity

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I am a creative therapist who hopes to help people reach whatever fulfillment looks like for them. My goal is to help you free yourself from the captivity of your thoughts and compulsions. Our sessions will be safe, nonjudgmental spaces for you to learn, grow, and heal. I love to help people feel empowered and capable of being their own therapist. My areas of professional focus include Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), complex PTSD, anxiety, depression, grief, substance use, and children and adolescents.

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Kelly  Stever

Kelly Stever

Licensed Therapist, MA

I am committed to your success. You can count on me to listen without judgment, be open and honest with you, and do my very best to see you take back your life from OCD. The work will be challenging but rewarding, and I believe in you! You can change your relationship with your fears. I'm honored I get to help facilitate that life-changing shift. I have extensive experience working with trauma, addiction, and relational concerns. I also love helping families and partners improve their communication and security.

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Emily  Frichtl

Emily Frichtl

Licensed Therapist, MSW

I became a therapist after experiencing trauma in my own life. I know how valuable therapy can be in helping you navigate difficult situations. My approach to treating OCD is one of compassion and understanding. I hope to make specialized OCD treatment more accessible. I have experience treating trauma, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and substance use, which I believe makes me more sensitive to people with OCD; these conditions can occur together. The most gratifying part of my job is helping members rediscover joy.

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Michelle Enenbach

Michelle Enenbach

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My family has been affected by OCD, and I became a therapist because I wanted to understand them better. I served 13 years in the United States Marine Corps. As a counselor, I've worked with families and individuals from many different countries, cultures, and socioeconomic statuses. I know that mental illness does not discriminate. In therapy, I create a non-judgmental environment where you can feel safe. I will meet you where you're at, but at times, I'll challenge you to break free of old, faulty thinking. The only thing I want is your individual success.

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Laura Robinson

Laura Robinson

Licensed Therapist, MA

I grew up with OCD and anxiety in my household and was able to naturally provide assistance, even at a young age. Now that I've been able to professionally support others, it's so rewarding to see the relief I saw in my family. After therapy, you will get to focus on your passions and goals, not your OCD. In sessions, we'll concentrate on reducing self-judgments and working hands-on at reducing OCD symptoms. I have experience treating other forms of anxiety, eating disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, and ADHD.

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Mirissa Jackson

Mirissa Jackson

Licensed Therapist, MSW

My approach to treating OCD is comprehensive and person-centered, combining evidence-based therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). I'll focus on understanding your unique experiences and tailoring treatment to your specific needs while addressing any underlying trauma that may contribute to your OCD symptoms. By creating a supportive and empathetic environment, I'll empower you to manage your symptoms effectively and achieve lasting improvement in your mental health. In addition to OCD, I specialize in all forms of trauma, providing comprehensive support for people dealing with various traumatic experiences.

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Danielle Taylor

Danielle Taylor

Licensed Therapist, MSW

Your strengths and skills have helped you surpass previous challenges, and they have prepared you for OCD therapy. As your therapist, I'll help you call on those strengths and build new skills. I'll trust you, so you can trust yourself. Change takes work, but we are so much better on the other side. I love hearing about members being able to do things they haven't done in a long time or stretching themselves toward a new opportunity because of the work they're doing in therapy. Beyond OCD, I also treat trauma, adjustment difficulty, depression, and neurodivergence such as ADHD.

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Alelia Higgenbottom

Alelia Higgenbottom

Licensed Therapist, MS

My approach to treating OCD is gentle yet challenging. My aim is to increase your sense of autonomy and self-empowerment. There may be challenging moments in OCD therapy, but you are not alone on this journey. I'm here to provide support and guidance, with no judgment. I also specialize in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The symptoms and effects of OCD may relate to a traumatic event; they may also mirror anxiety or depression. Let me help you experience a more peaceful way of living.

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Kim Summerhays

Kim Summerhays

Licensed Therapist, MA

An effective partnership is the key to any therapeutic relationship. You can and will get better if you work on your personal situation with a trained therapist. The more honest you can be, the better your improvement. I will be at your side, developing trust and empathizing with your experience. Tell me if something isn't working or you're afraid. All I want from our relationship is to help you feel heard and change how you feel. My other areas of focus include PTSD, trauma-informed treatment, somatic complaints, and integrated medical care.

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Alexandria Deas

Alexandria Deas

Licensed Therapist, MA

I became a therapist because I deeply believe we can change ourselves and our lives. I have seen the impact of OCD firsthand. With the right information and support, massive positive change is possible. You're in good hands at NOCD; we'll partner to help you progress toward the results that you're seeking. Things can be better for you. I've worked primarily with professional women of color who are dealing with perfectionism, imposter syndrome, major life transitions, feelings of isolation, and racial and gender-based discrimination. These women tend to seek treatment for anxiety-related issues.

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