Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD
Lee Weir

Lee Weir


Licensed Therapist, MA, LMHC, LPC

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My approach to OCD therapy is compassionate, structured, gradual, and evidence-based. We're in this together. In session, you'll find acceptance, perspective, perseverance, and belief that things can get better, easier, and safer. I'm a brown-bodied, non-conforming, '80s kid with an immigrant father. I want counseling to be a safe space where you know your individuality and collective history are welcomed. Together we can witness growth and healing. Beyond OCD, trauma work is my passion, including family of origin and intergenerational trauma.


Takes Aetna, Ascension SmartHealth, Banner Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Cross Blue Shield - Texas, Cigna, EMI health, Forest County Potawatomi, HCSC, Healthcare Management Administrators, Horizon BCBS, Imagine Health, Independence Blue Cross, Kaiser Permanente, Partners Direct Health, Regence Blue Cross, Regence Group Administrators, United Healthcare


Accepting members in Arizona, Louisiana, Texas, Washington



  • MA, Liberty University (2014)
  • NOCD Academy, OCD Training Program


OCD, Anxiety, Depression, Phobias, Skin picking, Hair pulling, Nail biting, Tics, Children and Adolescents

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