Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD


We got the best info and made it easier to learn, from the start of symptom onset to the end of successful treatment


How It Feels To Have OCD? Why OCD Thoughts Feel Real?

Every day, from the time I wake up to the time I finally go to bed, I'm overwhelmed by disturbing thoughts that I don't want to have. They're usually about things that matter a lot to me, and I've started doing specific things (sometimes over and over) just to make sure the thoughts won't come true. I've also been avoiding situations that might bring the thoughts back. Why do I feel like this all the time?


What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? How It Works and What Are The Symptoms Of OCD?

Obsession: Repetitive and unwanted image, thought, or urge

Distress: You feel like the thoughts must be significant, and they bother you

Compulsion: Behavior that you repeatedly perform to reduce distress

Temporary Relief: The compulsions only make you feel better for a little while


How is OCD treated?

Without treatment, OCD can take over someone's life. But improvements in therapy and medication over the past few decades have made OCD a highly treatable condition. It's useful to understand what types of treatment have been most effective, so you can get back to living the life you want as soon as possible.

Treatment options

Exposure and response prevention (ERP) and CBT

Learning to face your obsessions without resorting to any compulsions


Antidepressant medications at higher doses, and lots of other options

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Identifying your values and learning to be more mindful


The most effective treatment for many people involves both therapy and meds


Common Types Of OCD

Sarah gets a lot of obsessive thoughts around kids, so she skips family events whenever her nephew will be there. Matt is so comfortable around kids that he works at a daycare center, but the idea of taking out the trash causes him so much anxiety that his wife always ends up doing it. Sarah avoids kids, and Matt avoids the trash. Do they have the same condition? Should they be treated similarly?