Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Do I have OCD? A Free Online OCD Test for Screening OCD Symptoms

Mar 24, 20222 minute read

Online OCD Test

There are hundreds of OCD tests and “OCD quizzes” online. Some aim to help people self-diagnose; others turn obsessive-compulsive disorder into a joke. Either way, a vast majority of these are not helpful and probably create more problems than solutions.

Whenever we’re struggling, it’s natural to seek clarity.  And because OCD is a diagnosable condition, a lot of quizzes try to provide that clarity.

Does Online OCD Test Make Things Worse?

1) There’s a lot of bad information out there. Remember that even if someone’s website implies that they have real knowledge on OCD, that doesn’t mean it won’t lead you astray. Always be careful to find out the ultimate source of information about OCD or its symptoms– in other words, who wrote the actual content and what’s it based on? 

2) For many people with obsessive compulsive disorder, taking online tests can become a compulsion. The internet makes it really easy to keep finding more quizzes whenever and wherever.  If someone is repeatedly taking quizzes to gain a sense of safety (a reassurance-seeking behavior) it may be a sign that taking online tests has become a compulsion.

3) Results from an online quiz should not be taken as a diagnosis. Only a licensed mental health professional (psychologist, social worker, counselor, psychiatrist or other trained medical professional) with relevant experience and training can make this determination. Compared to an online quiz, their diagnostic process involves extended time, a comprehensive assessment, and detailed diagnostic tools that have been validated.  

Girl biting pencil in stress

Are there any free tests of OCD symptoms online that are helpful?

With all of this in mind, we know that it can be extremely hard to know where to start when you suspect you may have OCD. Leading OCD experts on the NOCD clinical team, Dr. Jamie Feusner and Dr. Stephanie Lonsway, created this brief OCD screener to help you determine if you have OCD symptoms. These results can be shared with your mental health providers to help you make informed decisions about your health:

If you or someone you know is struggling with OCD, you can schedule a free call today with the NOCD clinical team to learn more about how a licensed therapist can help. At NOCD, all therapists specialize in OCD and receive ERP-specific training. ERP is most effective when the therapist conducting the treatment has experience with OCD and training in ERP.

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