At NOCD, we work with experts to develop the most effective self-help tools and push mental health science forward. Our Scientific Advisory Board gathers some of the world’s top experts on OCD and related disorders. Our advisors have spent decades conducting research and treating patients at the highest level, and now they’re bringing their expertise to our work every day.
Today we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve welcomed a new member to our Scientific Advisory Board: Dr. Patrick McGrath, an enthusiastic and dedicated clinician who has provided invaluable guidance to the NOCD team throughout the past few years. He brings genuine energy to our work, not to mention his nuanced understanding of what people with OCD might find helpful.
Dr. McGrath is Assistant Vice President of Residential Services for the AMITA Health Behavioral Medicine Institute, Executive Director of the Foglia Family Foundation Residential Treatment Center, and Clinical Director for the Center for Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders and the School Anxiety and School Refusal Programs at AMITA. He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the International OCD Foundation and President of OCD Midwest. Dr. McGrath is the author of The OCD Answer Book and Don’t Try Harder, Try Different.
In addition to treating countless patients with OCD, Dr. McGrath has trained clinicians around the world in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and its OCD-specific derivative, exposure and response prevention (ERP). In the words of Dr. McGrath, “Working with OCD patients is amazingly rewarding. I have gotten to see people get their lives back, start to smile and laugh again, and re-engage in their families and careers. That people trust me to guide them through this journey is humbling and continues to inspire me to help all of my patients challenge their fears and live a value-based life again.”
Welcome to the NOCD team, Dr. McGrath!

ERP is most effective when the therapist conducting the treatment has experience with OCD and training in ERP. At NOCD, all therapists specialize in OCD and receive ERP-specific training. Schedule a free call today and speak with the NOCD clinical team to learn more about how a licensed therapist can help.