Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Big Announcement: We’re Launching the NOCD Network!

By Phoebe Kranefuss

Oct 02, 20184 minute read

If you have OCD, you probably already know how persistent and debilitating obsessions and compulsions can be. From disturbing intrusive thoughts and time-consuming rituals, to common misconceptions about what the disorder actually entails, living with OCD can be overwhelming and exhausting.  

OCD is considered chronic, meaning there’s isn’t a cure, but there are effective ways to manage the disorder and experience relief, typically with a combination of first-line medications like SSRIs and exposure response prevention therapy. Unfortunately, many people don’t receive treatment, either because therapy is too expensive, or because they don’t have access to therapists in their area who know how to diagnose and treat OCD. Others might not seek out treatment at all, due to the shame that often accompanies disturbing thoughts or embarrassing rituals. Still others receive incorrect diagnoses from primary care physicians or therapists unfamiliar with the disorder, which might further extend the amount of time it takes for them to access proper care.

At NOCD, our goal has always been to change the way OCD treatment works: where OCD can be isolating, we’ve created an in-app community for people to share their struggles and accomplishments with others who understand their journey. Where traditional treatment has been expensive, infrequent and scarce, we’ve made customizable ERP available to all people with our mobile app, which is also designed to work as an addendum to traditional therapy.

We also know that each person is different. If in-app ERP and a sense of community works well for one OCD sufferer, that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be effective for someone else. Some people will need more intensive interventions in order to feel better, like existing or emerging medications, residential or partial hospitalization, or a combination of therapies tailored to their individual needs.

That’s why NOCD is expanding to partner with all kinds of leaders in the field of OCD research and treatment. We’ve spent a whole lot of time meeting with researchers, like Dr. Rodriguez at Stanford, who’s studying a glutamate modulating agent for OCD treatment that makes us feel hopeful. We’re consistently impressed by the dedication and hard work so many intelligent people we’re working with put into finding effective treatments for OCD, and we’re excited to share these resources with the NOCD community.

OCD treatment has always been a bit of a maze. We know, because many of us at NOCD struggled to navigate OCD treatment for years prior to finding great therapists and effective treatments. That’s why we’re officially launching the NOCD network to help people access the best and most effective treatment, and to help treatment resources find and help more people who are suffering. You can expect information on a range of studies, organizations, and doctors we’ve decided to partner with, some of which may seem like great options for you (or for a family member or friend), and others that probably won’t make sense for you (feel free to ignore them!). You’ll see this information in upcoming posts on our blog, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @treatmyocd, and on our website. On average, it takes 11 years for people who experience OCD symptoms to receive treatment. This is one more step to change that, and help people with OCD feel better.

One final note: if you or someone you know is struggling with OCD, schedule a free call today with the NOCD clinical team to learn more about how a licensed therapist can help. ERP is most effective when the therapist conducting the treatment has experience with OCD and training in ERP. At NOCD, all therapists specialize in OCD and receive ERP-specific training.

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