Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD

Common Fears & OCD Subtypes

OCD subtypes can help people to find community with others who share similar experiences, and they can assist therapists in designing targeted treatment plans, but they don't tell the whole story. If you can't find your subtype, that doesn't mean you don't have OCD—everyone's experience is unique, and many people's OCD symptoms don't fit neatly into any specific theme.

Pure OCD

Pure obsessional obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a subtype of OCD that’s characterized by intrusive thoughts, images or urges without any visible physical compulsions. Pure OCD differs slightly from other types of OCD because its compulsions primarily take place in a person’s head rather than actions.

5 min read
What if I’m really a child predator?

If you’re experiencing recurrent intrusive thoughts involving a worry or fear that you could be a child predator, it may be a sign of OCD.

4 min read
“Pure O” OCD

“Pure O” OCD can be a way to describe OCD where an individual primarily exhibits mental rather than physical compulsions.

4 min read
Fear of ruminating

OCD rumination occurs when you have constant, repetitive thoughts about something; may involve repeated attempts to solve perceived problems.