Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD
OCD therapist Stephanie Parker, Licensed Therapist, MA, LMFT, Licensed OCD Therapist

Stephanie Parker


Licensed Therapist, MA, LMFT


Through personal experience, I understand the importance of creating a safe and supportive therapy environment. I approach all of my members with empathy and kindness, ensuring that the care that I provide is trauma-informed, gender-affirming, culturally sensitive, and evidence-based. I value meeting each person where they are and helping them reach their goals with encouragement, self-love, compassion, forgiveness, and healing. Some fun facts about me: Outside of work, my number one favorite thing to do is attend concerts. I have one booked pretty much all the time. I live less than a mile from the beach, so I love walking or riding my bike there. And I have a pet chameleon, who is kind of my baby.

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I'm glad you're here. The first step—coming to therapy—is the hardest, so that's already out of the way. We're going to do this together. Therapy will be very collaborative, and you will have a supportive partner to walk by your side throughout this process.

Get to know Stephanie Parker

My own experiences drew me to the field. I have family members who have struggled with mental health. I went into therapy, and on my own therapeutic journey, I found healing. I really understand the importance of creating a safe and supportive therapy environment. That's how I approach therapy with everyone I work with.

I have prior experience treating eating disorders and trauma, and through that work, I noticed how OCD was often behind certain thoughts and behaviors. I wanted to dive a bit deeper, be able to serve a bigger population, and help more of the people I work with. I would like to be able to help as much as I can.

Primarily eating disorders, trauma, and PTSD. I specialize in EMDR, which is my main trauma modality. I also have worked with substance abuse, mood disorders, and personality disorders.

First, I'm glad you're here, and that you've taken this step. The first step—coming to therapy—is the hardest. So that's already out of the way. You don't have to worry about doing this on your own. We're going to do this together. Therapy will be very collaborative, and you will have a supportive partner to walk by your side throughout this process.

Let's talk about that fear. What do you worry might happen if you share your thoughts with me? I will meet you where you are. If you aren't ready to share certain thoughts just yet, we will work on getting there, step by step. I will be here to walk through that with you.

NOCD therapists are trained by our world-renowned clinical leadership team.

Learn more about our training

Insurance Coverages

  • Magellan
  • Kaiser - Southern California Region
  • Kaiser - Northern California Region
  • Blue Shield of California
  • Independence Blue Cross (IBC)



What our members say about
Stephanie Parker


Jan 29, 2024

Stephanie is really kind, personable, and encourages me to challenge myself with exposures without being aggressive or cold about it. Even when I leave sessions feeling an appropriate amount of anxiety relative to ERP exercises, I also find myself feeling somehow more joyful and uplifted as well. I never feel that I am working with a therapist who is simply following a basic formula for how ERP therapy should be, but instead feel that I am working with one who is sensitive and empathetic while being equally as professional. I also feel particularly confident in the way my recent sessions have been navigated, and our plan for the weeks ahead, as I prepare to face some major blocks that have set me back over the years. While I am so anxious about them, it's the kind of anticipation that indicates more reasons for me to feel hopeful. Hopeful that I may actually be able feel fear and simultaneously work through it.


Dec 20, 2023

Stephanie is always willing to help. We appreciate her time and expertise.


Nov 28, 2023

I am one of Stephanie’s patient’s, she helps me a lot with my OCD. Without her I would be struggling a lot. I think she is the best OCD therapist in the world.


Nov 23, 2023

I feel like I've made wonderful progress with Stephanie and will continue to do so. I love how she is kind and nonjudgmental.


Nov 08, 2023

I am progressing in my OCD recovery journey and I know Stephanie and the NOCD resources will help get me to the other side.


Sep 30, 2023

Stephanie is amazing and makes me feel safe opening up to her.


Sep 23, 2023

I am confident Stephanie will help treat my OCD.


Sep 21, 2023

I really appreciate having Stephanie as my therapist. She is supportive, gentle yet direct and honest, personable yet so ethically professional, and I can tell that her priority in session is to work with me to find a solution on how best to support and enhance my progress with ERP therapy. After our session today I felt even more hopeful about the progress she can help me make this Autumn. I'm glad she is my ERP therapist.


Sep 07, 2023

I like the way Stephanie brings logic into my life in ways that my OCD never can.


Sep 05, 2023

I am confident that I win win the fight against OCD with Stephanie. She is nonjudgmental, kind, and helpful. I have made so much progress with her already. I highly recommend her.


Aug 23, 2023

Works well with my specific needs


Aug 17, 2023

I feel so comfortable opening up to Stephanie. I feel like I can tren vulnerable with her. I have already made so much progress. Thanks for changing my life Stephanie.


Aug 15, 2023

I was very pleasantly surprised with our session. I did not expect it to be as effective at first but it really helped me address and face the fear. She does an amazing job of pointing out the things I might not realize I am even doing. I look forward to more exercises


Aug 10, 2023

Stephanie is super knowledgeable when it comes to OCD. She knows all it’s tricks, will help you identify obsessions/compulsions, and create exposures for them. She is very straightforward and not judgemental.


Aug 04, 2023

I trust Stephanie with my OCD treatment. She makes me feel comfortable sharing with her and she is nonjudgmental.


Jul 20, 2023

During the pandemic, I fell into a debilitating spiral of panic and depression. I had no idea that this was the result of 20 years of untreated OCD (I'm 27 now). It had been controlling me like a puppet, all coming to a head due to a traumatic experience that caused me to doubt my own sanity. I could hardly eat or drink, I couldn't drive, I could barely talk to others or leave my house. Every moment of every day for nearly 2 years crushed me with neverending doubt until I grew hopeless. I found NOCD through the IOCDF and was so desperate for a way to keep living that I knew I had to try. I'm so grateful that I did. The process into treatment was terrifying because it was new and uncertain, but the crew that assisted me was so kind and patient. My therapist has been equally wonderful, helping me deconstruct my lifelong patterns that have been perpetuating my OCD. ERP is absolutely daunting, but the more I committed myself to the process, the more I began to change externally through my actions, and then my internal landscape began to transform, too. I wasn't as afraid of feeling helpless, of being rejected, or of losing my sanity. As I opened myself up to possibility, I began to realize that just because my thoughts and feelings told me something didn't mean it was true or even worthwhile to engage with. Doubt is difficult, but as I let go of engagement with it/taking it so seriously, I found that I more room to decide what values I held or wanted to have (like athleticism, creativity, and family), how I could align them in my life, and how I could move forward toward peace and joy. It's been 8 months now and I'm not completely free of OCD, but I can accept that, and the process of practicing and learning to accept has actually transformed my life in so many positive, wonderful ways. I'm driving again, going to places on my own, enjoying authentic connections with loved ones and strangers. I'm kinder to myself and to others. I'm more present and accept depersonalization. I accept that OCD can come in and knock me over while I choose to focus on doing the things I enjoy, even when OCD causes me to doubt. I do things regardless of how I feel and always come out on the other end feeling stronger and more interested in these new experiences. I can accept intrusive thoughts/feelings of ideation and of harming others, of the possibilities that I might cause something devastating to happen. I can take life day by day if I need to, leaning back on so many tools and skills I've put the work into developing for the days that are hard and scary. I know that, no matter how long the storm lasts, I can find the thread back to living with gratitude and joy. If it wasn't for my therapist and the community I've built through NOCD, I'm not sure that I would have had the strength or courage to do this on my own. I think I would have kept running in circles with it, unknowingly causing my own suffering. I also don't think I would have made such peace with this part of me with such compassion for myself. Without NOCD, I honestly believe that my life would feel even more confusing and hopeless. Recovery is so possible and I don't have the words to express how worthwhile it is. NOCD honestly saved my life and helped me take back the power over my life. OCD will likely always be a part of me, but it's just a tenant in the building that is Nicole. It doesn't decide what I should do with my time, effort, and love. I DO.


Jul 14, 2023

Stephanie is a therapist who doesn't judge you and makes you feel safe and comfortable opening up to her. I trust her and feel confident in her abilities to help me overcome my OCD!


Jul 12, 2023

She was amazing. I felt very comfortable and safe to share what was going on with me. I am looking forward to more sessions.


Jun 30, 2023

I believe Stephanie knows how to properly treat OCD and I trust in her ability to help me!


Jun 12, 2023

I couldn’t do recovery without her.


Jun 04, 2023

Stephanie is good!


May 20, 2023

I am confident in Stephanie's ability to help me. She comes up with great exposures.


May 09, 2023

Stephanie does fantastic work and is really helping my daughter.


May 05, 2023

I feel like Stephanie knows how to treat OCD!


May 01, 2023

I didn't feel alone and I felt understood


Apr 25, 2023

Stephanie is very knowledgeable around the topics we need help with.


Apr 20, 2023

I feel that I can make great progress with Stephanie and she will help me recover fully from OCD!


Apr 19, 2023

I’m so thrilled with process and the progress!


Apr 05, 2023

Stephanie is great to work with, very knowledgeable and patient.


Apr 04, 2023

I felt very heard and no judgement.


Mar 30, 2023

I am confident about working with Stephanie! I feel safe with her. I believe we will accomplish big things!


Mar 17, 2023

Stephanie is amazing! Always caring and patient ❤️


Mar 09, 2023

Very happy with our session. Looking forward to our next one.


Feb 15, 2023

Great session, very applicable.


Feb 13, 2023

Stephanie is amazing and she always makes me feel heard. She is empathetic and provides me with feedback that is helpful to my concerns.


Jan 27, 2023

My therapist is wonderful.


Dec 28, 2022

Stephanie Parker was very patient and really took her time to ask questions and hear our response. My daughter and I are really excited to work with her.


Dec 28, 2022

i am thankful for Stephanie


Nov 30, 2022

I am grateful for Stephanie, I have hope again.

Badges and training


These designations signify the therapist's expertise in treating specific mental health conditions, ensuring you receive the personalized care you deserve.


Languages spoken

  • English

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