Obsessive compulsive disorder - OCD treatment and therapy from NOCD
OCD therapist Lindsay Prizer, Licensed Therapist, Ph.D., MSW, LCSW, RCSW, Licensed OCD Therapist

Lindsay Prizer


Licensed Therapist, Ph.D., MSW, LCSW, RCSW


I prefer to take a more holistic approach to treatment, which begins by getting to know who you are as a person. Understanding where you come from and how you approach things helps me to tailor treatment and ERP exercises to your specific needs. It’s tough to open up about intrusive thoughts, feelings, and urges it creates. That’s why I’ll create a safe, non-judgemental space to make you feel comfortable enough to share your OCD experiences. I’m currently working on different medical research projects that will help people live healthy lives. I want the same thing for you. As your therapist, I want you to get your life back from OCD, and that starts by creating a path of recovery in which you reach your goals and experience more joy in your life.

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I want to acknowledge how awesome it is that you have recognized the need to seek out treatment, and I am so excited to work with you and take these next steps.

NOCD therapists are trained by our world-renowned clinical leadership team.

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Insurance Coverages

  • Cigna
  • United Healthcare / Optum
  • Aetna
  • Independence Blue Cross (IBC)
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield - Rhode Island


British Columbia

What our members say about
Lindsay Prizer


Mar 22, 2024

Ever since I started my sessions with Dr. Prizer, I have had the best experience with genuine results and relief. I truly appreciate that she cares and listens - and she knows exactly what she’s talking about. Every session is productive and you will leave with the right tools and skills from the exposures to work on yourself. Thank you for all you do, Dr. Prizer! If anyone is doubting that you can’t find help, please give it a shot!


Jan 03, 2024

I started NOCD January 2023 and it has changed my life. The NOCD journey is not an easy one. It takes a lot of hard work and is not a quick fix, not in least but Lindsay made it all worth it. She has really taught me how to deal with my intrusive thoughts and themes in a healthy way. Exposure therapy is difficult- facing your deepest fears and engaging with the OCD monster but a great therapist paves the way and makes all the difficulty worth it. Lindsay is that great therapist. Shes changed my life. Things I love about Lindsay- she is very approachable and understanding. She has never made me feel bad or weird about my intrusive thoughts or themes. She is always there when I need her, supporting me and explaining how OCD works (which helps me fight it). She has worked with both myself and my husband and has helped him understand my OCD, how it works and how to best help and support me as my partner. I'd recommend her to anyone!!


Jul 29, 2023

Lindsay was great! I'm looking forward to working with her.


Jul 19, 2023

I’ve struggled with OCD my entire life. As a child it was a bit easier to manage since my symptoms were visible and obvious. As an adult, I lost sight on how to recognize and manage my OCD. It was wreaking havoc on my life and I felt completely out of control and helpless. I turned to NOCD at my lowest point in my adult life. The therapy I received at NOCD completely changed my life for the better. In just about a month, I was able to learn how to identify my OCD behaviors and tactics to help me manage it. I can truly say today I BARELY even notice I have OCD. I feel in control of my emotions and my life. I’ve never felt better. I want to clarify, what made my therapy SO successful was that I went in with an open mind, I practiced my therapy like it was school or work (strong dedication to getting better), and I was open and honest with my therapist. I learned to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. NOCD will help you get on the right track but it is up to YOU to do the work. You can do it :)… I was able to and so are you! Good luck to you and your journey and always remember… be gentle with yourself. <3


Jul 07, 2023

Lindsay is great! I feel understood, safe and hopeful. My rumination has decreased significantly which was my main compulsion.


Mar 11, 2023

Lindsay has helped me get a new lease on life! I’ve been working with her for over a month and I have already reached the goals I had for my mental health. It’s been years since I’ve felt this good. So excited to keep working with her and seeing myself continue to improve!


Feb 10, 2023

Today I had my first exposure therapy and it went SO well! My sessions with Lindsay continue to get better and better. She makes me feel confident in my ability to manage my OCD in a healthy manner. I’m feeling hopeful and excited to continue therapy and continue seeing these amazing results.


Jan 21, 2023

I had a really great experience today. Lindsay absolutely made me feel heard and she made me feel like she could really help me change my life and help me control the OCD that currently controls my life. I feel so fortunate for her and NOCD.


Jan 20, 2023

I’ve only had two sessions so far with Lindsay and we’ve already been able to accomplish more than I have in my many years of only doing talk therapy! I have a better understanding of my OCD, feel confident in the plan we have in place, and look forward to the results. Lindsay is taking an all inclusive approach to helping me with my mental health by using targeted therapy, which is exactly what I’ve always needed. I’m so glad I turned to NOCD.


Jan 16, 2023

Lindsay has very helpful in getting inside my OCD and challenging it! Had a bit of a breakthrough moment in the exposure we did together today.


Jan 12, 2023

Lindsay was incredible. She helped me feel heard, understood, and hopeful. Looking forward to our future sessions!


Jan 03, 2023

Lindsay has been so easy to work with! Finally feel like I’m learning skills and making progress with my OCD symptoms.


Jan 03, 2023

Another awesome session!


Dec 26, 2022

Lindsay seemed great. Very knowledgeable, understanding, capable, kind, and caring. Has a very clear idea as to how to approach treatment. Excited to start therapy with her and feel a lot of hope!


Nov 25, 2022

Lindsey is fucking awesome. Told my mom it’s the first time I’ve felt like I’ve really liked my therapist. She’s clearly knowledgeable beyond OCD and has a great plan of approach for how to handle this. I know I am not going to be an easy patient to treat but she seems beyond ready for the challenge. This is sincerely the first time I’ve felt hopeful about OCD and my other problems too.


Nov 13, 2022

Very professional, knowledgeable and caring


Oct 31, 2022

As usual, her ideas and feedback were very helpful to me in my journey of self-improvement.


Sep 16, 2022

Wow. Just wow. This was one of the best experiences, I’ve ever had with any therapist in my life. Not sure about the other therapists but Lindsay prizer, my therapist was so amazing, so qualified, so knowledgeable, and I am extremely impressed, and grateful to have actually done a session with her. I had been not sure before about the services offered by NOCD, but, I realize that they really do specialize in OCD. And how amazing the quality of the service that they offer is. Anyone who is skeptical of trying, like myself, I kept delaying my first session, must push themselves to try. My experience was out of this world, and I think anyone working with such talented professionals, will definitely succeed, and being able to overcome their OCD.


May 24, 2022

Had an epiphany today while working with my therapist. I feel much more optimistic about the future and getting better


May 23, 2022

I had a great first session with my OCD Therapist! I can’t wait to learn how to conquer my OCD with ERP. It will be hard but I’m so ready! 😊


May 05, 2022

Feeling very optimistic and hopeful!

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  • English

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